Chapter 731

Only Qi Rui and Song Jian were left in Iwai Eiichi's bedroom, and he didn't act in a hurry. Instead, he waited until after twelve o'clock. Qi Rui checked the darkroom carefully to make sure there was no alarm installed before turning on it.

Qi Rui was as meticulous as a hair, and he found some marks that were almost invisible to the naked eye arranged by Eiichi Iwai one by one. After recording all the information in the dark room in his mind, he restored everything to its original state, and checked repeatedly to confirm that there were no mistakes.

Because he is facing a veteran spy, any clues may make him suspicious, Qi Rui is quite cautious about this.

"Brother, this old devil is such a thief. It's a good thing that you are here. If I would have been discovered!" Song Jian said,
"He is an experienced old spy. Such a secret signal is also expected. These are some commonly used insurance methods. I am so careful that I am worried that there are still others I don't know about."

"and also!?"

"Don't worry, there won't be any!" Qi Rui checked the inside and outside of the front and back to make sure that nothing was missed.

After dawn, Eiichi Iwai ran over anxiously, and saw Yufeng Sanwei leaning back on the chair and fell asleep with his shirt off his back. Gu Yue Changzhi was still staring outside with a sniper rifle seriously. Three marks, five centimeters of hair caught in the gap, a thin thread tied to the secret door, and a little incense ash placed at the back of the push-pull secret door.

As long as the secret door is moved, the hair will fall to the ground, the thin thread connecting the two doors will be torn, and the pushing and pulling secret door will drive the incense ash to leave a trace.

Iwai Hideichi saw that the hair was still in its original place, the thin thread was not broken, and the incense ash under the secret door under his feet was also intact, so he shouted reassuringly: "General Three Tails!"

Mio Yutoyo, who was woken up, rubbed his red eyes, looked at his watch first and said, "General Iwai, the weather is really sweltering, are you sleeping well?"

"How could it be possible to sleep soundly, General Three Tails has worked hard, I have sent someone to make breakfast, hurry up and take your people to eat."

"Why do General Iwai come here in person, you must be careful now, and remember not to go near the window." Mio Yutoyo urged again,

"Now you can't see the situation in the room from the outside, don't worry."

"Okay, General Iwai, I still have something to do today, and I will go back to the headquarters later. If you have anything to do, remember to call me. If I am not in Shanghai, you can find Komatsu Sohito and Kuuchi Reio."

"General Sanwei hurry up, don't delay the business because of me."

"General Iwai, protecting you is my business, but I may go to Nanjing in the next two days. The intelligence department and the dispatched army headquarters have some things to deal with. I have already explained it here. General Iwai, don't worry. .”

After eating something, Qi Rui asked Gu Yue Changzhi and Nobuo Xiaotaro to drive him back to the headquarters, and asked them to inform Fu Yingxue of his next move. After arriving, he immediately prepared some materials and took the train to Nanjing to leave Shanghai for Nanjing. , because the information just obtained must be given to the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian as soon as possible, and there are still very important things to discuss with him.

Song Jian and Tang Rui notified Fu Yingxue and immediately returned to the Iwai mansion. It was clear that what they were doing was running errands, and Komatsu Cangren and Jiunei Liyang were the captains who had to lead the team.

"The general went to Nanjing again?" Komatsu Cangren asked,

"Yes, Captain Komatsu, the general asked me to tell you that he will be back soon. You are fully responsible for all the actions in Shanghai. Let us all obey your orders!"

When Gu Yue spoke straight, he was very respectful, making Xiaosong Cangren feel extremely comfortable inside and out, he nodded with a sullen expression on his face and said, "Gu Yue, you are a sniper, you still have to judge in advance The opponent's sniper point! Don't give them another chance to shoot, can you do it?"

"Hayi! I'll take someone to investigate immediately!"

"Go, I will send someone to cooperate with you."


After Qi Rui arrived in Nanjing, he immediately found Zheng Yaoxian, picked up a pen and paper without saying a word, and wrote the list and latent information of all the secret agents in the Iwai Mansion. It took a full hour to write, including all the information about the tasks and progress of these secret agents. .

While Qi Rui was writing, Zheng Yaoxian read it. After finishing writing, Zheng Yaoxian said, "Xiao Jiu, if you give these materials to Boss Dai, you will be exposed."

"Sixth Brother, you must use some methods and designs to catch these spies, otherwise Song Jian and I were in Iwai Eiichi's bedroom last night, and the top-secret information was leaked, Song Jian and I were the first people he suspected." Qi Rui said,
"So what are your plans?"

Qi Rui had already thought about what to do next along the way, and said: "If I want to get rid of these hidden spies without being suspected or in danger, then I must really kill Eiichi Iwai, so our people must be the ones who killed them." Enter the Iwai mansion, because they must discover the dark room in the mansion, but they cannot let the devils know that we have discovered the secret room in advance. After all these spies are eliminated, I will lead people to discover the messy dark room that was tossed, proving that the killer not only Killed Eiichi Iwai and took all the information."

"Your method is good, but it's too dangerous. Leave this operation to me and your fourth brother. I will go to Shanghai to plan this operation myself." Zheng Yaoxian said,
"I'll feel more at ease when Brother Six goes, I'll let Xue'er lead someone to help you!"

"Iwai Mansion is now so tightly guarded, you are the main person in charge over there, so you should come up with the plan."

"Eiichi Iwai is a very confident person. He won't be able to stand us in a few days, and we can't stay in the mansion all the time. In a few days, I will remove people one after another, and let the boss cooperate with us. Here, let the devil know that Qi Rui, the God of Killing, is in Chongqing, and the jellyfish assassination team is performing missions in other places, so that Eiichi Iwai will definitely replace him with his own cronies, and then we will act again."

"Okay, I'll send someone to send this information to Chongqing, and tell the boss your plan, when will these spies be mobilized and let him wait for our news."

"Brother Six, if you need help, just tell Xueer."

When Qi Rui went to the dispatched army headquarters, he first reported to Hisao Nishio, then went to the intelligence department to check and arrange the work, and returned to Shanghai tirelessly after the busy work.

As soon as he returned to Shanghai, Qi Rui heard good news. The German Gestapo Bazel and his accomplices died in the International Settlement. They were stabbed to death in the street.

"Yunzi! Do you have any clues?" Qi Rui asked Yunzi Zhuuchi,

"According to eyewitnesses, two women and one man killed them. These three men were all masters. The five Germans were all killed by their sharp knives in less than a minute. By the time the police arrived, the killer had long since disappeared. .”

(End of this chapter)

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