Chapter 732

The Germans were killed by Fu Yingxue. Regardless of the fact that Bazel and the others are Gestapo secret police, killing them is really much easier than killing the Japanese, because they are too defiant. Just rely on their force, let alone Fu Yingxue personally. Xue Min and Leng Yue can easily settle the matter.

A few Germans were killed, but Shanghai suddenly became quieter. The Japanese published newspapers and condemned this behavior. This was also done for the Germans. Other countries are now busy analyzing who did it, but no matter what None of them thought that the Chinese killed them.

Yutoyo Mio continued to ask Yunko Takeuchi: "Was it done by the Chinese or people from other countries?"

"They all covered their heads and faces with turbans, and they couldn't see their faces at all. However, both women are over 1.6 meters five, and the man looks about 1.8 meters, so we judge that they should be spies from a certain country."

"Which country do you think is a spy?"

"Soviet Union! Because Bazel is so arrogant these days, he is probably a professional female killer specially sent by the Soviets."

That's right, Qi Rui didn't want Dai to know that he sent someone to do it, and said: "I agree with you, Yunzi, the meaning of this case is fine, anyway, people were not killed in our occupied area, let The Germans should go to the United Kingdom and the United States to negotiate, our first task now is to verify whether the God-killing Action Group has come to Shanghai."

"General, the last time you led an army to clear Huangshan Mountain, what were the casualties of the God-killing Task Force?" Yunzi Takeuchi asked.

"At that time, we had already surrounded them, but we didn't want the Chinese army to send at least five divisions to rescue them. In addition, Qi Rui's firepower completely suppressed the imperial army. We did our best but did not cause much damage to them. Why do you ask this?"

"I guess that Qi Rui must have been in the mountains at that time, otherwise the Chinese army would not be able to fight so hard to save the God Task Force regardless of life and death." Takeuchi Yunzi said,
Qi Rui pretended to have a sudden understanding: "Yunzi, you mean to say that Qi Rui can come and go freely in Shanghai, and we didn't trap them in Shanghai at all during the last lockdown?"

"Yes, General, Qi Rui and the others are very good at makeup, and they can even make up anyone, so we really can't stop them from leaving Shanghai. Similarly, we can't find out when they enter Shanghai."

"So you are now sure that the God-killing Action Team is in Shanghai."

"That's right, it's just that I don't understand that their style this time is completely different from the previous ones. Before, they were all one-hit kills. Why are they always testing this time?"

"Yunzi, this is also what I'm wondering about, so I feel that the God-killing Action Team hasn't really participated in it yet. The current actions are basically done by the Beast Action Team Mieko mentioned, because they couldn't assassinate General Iwai, Only then did they constantly harass and try to find out the defense loopholes of the mansion."

"This explanation is indeed a lot more reasonable, so I am very conflicted now. I want Qi Rui to come, and I am worried that we will not be able to deal with him if he does come, because as long as they come, to be honest, Deputy Consul General Hideo Iwai is really in danger. "

"Yunzi, it seems that Qi Rui, the God of Killing, casts quite a shadow on you!"

"General Sanwei, Qi Rui is the former Shunsuke Kuike. He has worked with us for so long, and I even lived in his house for a long time. At that time, I really regarded him as a relative! I still can't I believe he is the god of death."

"If you say that, this Qi Rui is really scary, and you mean that even if Qi Rui is standing in front of you now, you might not be able to raise your gun at him?"

"General Sanwei, don't say that I might not have a chance to draw my gun in front of him. If Qi Rui wanted to kill me and Mieko, we would have died a long time ago." Yunzi Takeuchi said with confidence in this point,
"He seems to have developed feelings for you, Yunzi, does he like beautiful women, or does he not kill women?" Mio Yufeng asked,

"Aoyama Masami is very beautiful, and Zhuang Xiaoman is also a beautiful woman, but he doesn't seem to be interested in me and Mieko at all, maybe it's because we are enemies, and I'm sure he won't show mercy to women, because There are also many women who died in his schemes, so I know that he didn't want to kill me at all, and I don't know exactly why."

"Yunzi, your weakness is not like our Great Japanese Imperial Army at all, you should be more sober."

"General Three Tails, I'm telling you this because I want you to teach me what to do."

"Yunzi, Qi Rui is our enemy. Even if he is nostalgic and unwilling to kill you, when we face him, we must put the interests of our Great Japanese Empire first! We must take action when it is time to do so, even if it is against him. He died together!"

"Hay! Thank you General! I know what to do!"

Sanwei Yufeng returned to the garrison headquarters, and Su Wenqian, who was disguised as a traitor translator, bowed to greet him flatteringly: "General Sanwei, you are back."

"Did you find anything here?"

"We found that Bernard has been out for activities in the past two days. He often goes to the Moulin Rouge Cafe and coffee, and there is nothing else."

"I still have something to do, so you follow me and report to me carefully on the way."


Sanwei Yufeng brought the "dog traitor" Wensu to the Iwai mansion, and he was not allowed to enter the gate at all, but let him stand and wait at the door. This was not Qi Rui's intention, but that the Iwai mansion did not allow Chinese people to enter.

Su Wenqian stood at the door with a big smile on his face, and would bow and salute even if he saw a devil's leader, looking really servile.

Song Jian, Tang Rui, and Tan Linke are all here, and it really hurts to see the famous sniper Mu Yu like this.

"Let me tell you, big brother is really willing to let the dignified sniper god Muyu pretend to be a traitor!" Tang Rui said,
"It's not the same for us. A man can bend and stretch, especially in our line of work. My elder brother once said that we must be like super actors. We must act like gods, tigers and dogs, and we must enter the role in seconds. It seems that the Wensu translator is better than the actor. We are strong." Song Jian's mind is flexible and calm, and it would be difficult for him to behave like this.
"I just look at our super killer Mu Yu so distressed." Tan Lin said,
"If these devils know that this is Mu Yu, the super killer of the famous jellyfish assassination team, they will probably be scared to pee immediately, and I will admire him more and more!"

At this time, two members of the special operations team shamelessly asked Su Wenqian to keep away from the door, and pushed him without listening to the explanation.

"Damn it, there are little devils bullying him!"

"Come on, let's go cooperate with him."

"How do you cooperate?"

"Of course, say a few words for him, to save these little devils from bullying him in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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