Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 736 Seeing the Little Wooden Fish Again

Chapter 736 Seeing the Little Wooden Fish Again

The ground is a mess, most of the data files have been burned, this scene makes Qi Rui completely relieved.

Takeuchi Yunko picked up the documents that had not been burned and looked at them and said: "From the situation at the scene, these were all burned by General Iwai himself, just to prevent these materials and information from falling into the hands of the enemy."

It would be bad if only half of it was burnt, because as an intelligence department, it is necessary to sort out these files. If there are secret agents here, it means that someone did not take them away. If these spies are still arrested and exposed, it can only prove that someone leaked them. these information.

So now that most of the data files have been burned, it has helped Qi Rui a lot, which has saved him a lot of trouble. I don’t have time to take away too much information, and I shouldn’t have time to read it, I hope that what they take away is of little value!”

What Qi Rui said has already laid an ambush. When all the secret agents of the Iwai mansion are arrested, it is because these attackers stole important materials, or the materials were originally set on fire.

"General Mio, there must be materials we need in here!" Mieko Sakai said,

Mio Yutoyo picked up the half-burnt broken pages from the ground, and said with a very sad expression: "No matter what material it is, take it back and sort it out. This is General Iwai's painstaking effort!"


Komatsu Soren also planned to help organize the files, Mio Yutoyo said to him: "Komatsu! Go and inform Captain Kawashima United to go out of the city and follow the escaped militants along the way!"

"Yunzi, Mieko, immediately go and identify the armed forces killed by our side, and find out who they are."

Yunzi Zhuuchi replied: "General! I just saw that there was a wounded man. I have already interrogated him. He said that he is a member of the Hurricane Action Team. Captain Tao Dachun brought them to support the Killing God Action Team."

"God Killing Action Group!? Eight Ga! Aren't they in Chongqing? Sure enough, we fell into their trap. The God Killing Action Group is really cunning!" Mio Yutoyo said very annoyed,
"General! It's not your fault at all. Consul Iwai has been tired of us for a few days. Your special operations team will leave sooner or later. It's basically a dead end."

"No wonder it is called the God of Killing." Qi Rui agreed and winked at Song Jian who came over.

Song Jian understood, walked over quickly and said: "General! I think this operation was carefully planned by Qi Rui, including the previous attacks, he was just trying to shake our vigilance, and finally attacked the rock well in such a direct and violent way In the mansion, it can be seen from the bodies of the staff in the mansion that they carried a large number of grenades and used at least five snipers."

"Gu Yue! Is this the conclusion you came to from your investigation?" This is a good opportunity to perform, and Qi Rui must make the three of them stand out as soon as possible.

"It's the result of my investigation with Nobuo Kotaro and Qianshou Wushi." Gu Yue said bluntly,
"What about the two of them?"

"I'm going to find the sniper spot, let me talk to the general first."

"Tell me what you all found?"

"General! They know the internal structure of the mansion and the location of the guards like the back of their hands. Some people were killed directly while they were hiding, and some were even killed by bullets passing through the bunker. If they didn't know in advance, how could they do it."

Sanwei Yufeng nodded and said: "I have also seen this. No one else noticed when they died, which means that no one heard the sniper's gunshots."

"Yes, general. That's why we judge that the Iwai Mansion has been under their surveillance all the time, and it's not just a day or two. Every time they tried to force out the hidden person, they recorded it."

"No wonder their speed is so fast, from the gate to the mansion, and then up to the third floor to the bedroom, they were blocked by the mansion staff, but in terms of time, they didn't delay at all, it seemed that they ran all the way to the third floor Yes." Mio Yutoyo said,
"In this attack, they used a lot of grenades, and they were covered by at least five snipers. In addition, the people who rushed into the mansion were also masters. Everyone who was shot and killed was only shot once. It can be seen that these people His marksmanship can hit every shot."

"I saw this too. The people who came here all used M1935 high-power pistols, and they had been modified to install mufflers. I didn't see any corpses left by these people in the mansion, and there was no extra blood, so They should not even have a single injured person, which shows the terrifying strength of these people." Mio Yufeng sighed,

Sakai Mieko also said with lingering fear: "General, it seems that Qi Rui really led the team, and there is also a jellyfish assassination team to assist."

Gu Yue continued straight: "General, I asked the patrol team that was pursuing them. They saw several women in this team, and some of them used rifles. Are there any women in the jellyfish assassination team?"

"There are women in the God-killing Operation Team, but it is not clear whether there are any women in the Jellyfish Assassination Team." Said Mieko Sakai.

"According to Qi Rui's strength, the God Killing Action Team must have the same snipers as the Jellyfish Assassination Team. With his skills, he has been secretly cultivated for so many years." Yunzi Takeuchi said,
"These are not important anymore. This is my jurisdiction. How can I explain to Commander Nishio that something like this happened unexpectedly!" Mitsuo Yutoyo said distressedly,
"General, we will write the report clearly from beginning to end. This is not your responsibility at all. We have persuaded Consul Iwai, but he insists on not using your special operations team. If he listens to you, Qi Rui will not It will succeed!" said Takeuchi Yunko,
"Commander Nishio will not listen to these excuses. The most important thing now is General Iwai Tamaki! I must be responsible."

"General, we will help you explain." Mieko Sakai said,

"Let's deal with the mansion first. This time there is no need to close the city. It is obvious that they have already left Shanghai."

"This is abominable! Our Great Japanese Empire has added another senior general who died at the hands of Qi Rui and the jellyfish assassination team!" Yunzi Takeuchi said sadly,

Gu Yue Changzhi returned with Nobuo Kotaro and Qianshou Takeshi at this time: "Report! General! Nobuo and Qianshou are back."

"Did you find anything?"

"General! It has been confirmed that they used a total of six snipers, and all of them were modified sniper rifles. We found this at the scene!" Nobuo Kotaro handed Miyu Yutoyo a small wooden fish.

(End of this chapter)

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