Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 737? More Important Information

Chapter 737 More Important Information
Yunzi Takeuchi and Mieko Sakai exclaimed when they saw the little wooden fish: "This is!..."

Sanwei Yufeng held up the small wooden fish and asked, "Yunzi, Mieko! Do you know this?"

"This is the mark of the jellyfish assassination group Muyu!" Sakai and Takeuchi said in unison.
Sanwei Yufeng carefully looked at the shape of the little wooden fish, and asked, "The jellyfish and the herd fish?"

"Yes! It's him. Every time he takes action, he will leave behind such a little wooden fish." Yunzi Zhuuchi rushed to say,

"Sure enough, it's the jellyfish assassination team and the god-killing action team! I, Yufeng Sanwei, will definitely catch you!" After speaking, Yufeng Sanwei put the little wooden fish in his pocket to show his respect.

The Iwai mansion was violently attacked, and everyone in the mansion was killed, leaving no one alive. The deputy consul general Hideo Iwai committed seppuku to avoid being humiliated. The news soon appeared in major newspapers.

Mio Yutoyo wanted to report the specific situation to Nishio Hiszo by phone, but he didn't expect that the commander of the dispatched army had been replaced by Hata Shunroku. He didn't know this news in advance. Rushed to Shanghai to deal with the matter of Iwai Mansion.

Here Harem Jun also made a serious and responsible investigation, and finally returned to the Nanjing Dispatch Army Headquarters with Mitsuo Yutoyo.

After listening to the report, Hata Shunroku said: "General Mitsuo Yutoyo! Anyway, you have an unshirkable responsibility this time!"

"Hayi! I am willing to accept any punishment."

"General Three Tails! You are responsible this time, but you can't blame it all. I know you always insisted that the special operations team protect General Iwai, but he refused."

"I don't blame General Iwai, it's because Qi Rui is too cunning. Chongqing, Changsha, and Shanghai all cooperated with him to act for us. In addition, I made sure that Xu Baichuan was in Dingshan Lake before personally leading the team to wipe out it. I didn't expect that this was what they set up trap." Mio Yutoyo said regretfully,

"General Sanwei, do you now know how cunning your opponent is?" Hata Junroku asked,
"Yes! I've totally learned it!"

"So what's your plan next?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, the general strategy against Qi Rui is useless, so I have to come up with a complete strategy."

"Sanwei, after discussing with the harem and General Dohashi, I decided not to deal with you this time, and we will wait for you to make up for it!"


As soon as Mitsuo Yutoyo left, Hata Shunroku received the news that all the agents of the Iwai Mansion had lost contact, and it is now confirmed that they have all been secretly arrested.

"Baga, it seems that the fire in the dark room was not set by Eiichi Iwai, it was probably set by Qi Rui! They found the dark room in Iwai's mansion and took away all the most important secret agent archives! Iwai's efforts were wasted! "Hata Toshiroku is still very familiar with the affairs of the dispatched army.

"Commander, it seems that Xu Yuanzheng's death exposed the Iwai mansion."

"No matter how powerful Qi Rui is, it's impossible for him to be so familiar with the Iwai mansion. Someone must have sneaked in. Iwai's subordinates were all trained and trained by him, so there should be no problem!"

"Commander, are you saying that General Three Tails' subordinates have problems?"

"It's not impossible. I've read the information. He didn't recruit any of his subordinates, especially those from the special operations team."

"Commander, I heard that he recruited some Chinese people recently." said Dohashi Yuichi,
"Don't worry about this. None of these Chinese people have ever entered the Iwai Mansion. Many people can attest to this. Mio is still very cautious in this regard."

"The commander knows the situation here as soon as he comes here!" Harem Chun said in surprise,
"These are all instructions from General Xiwei before he left, how dare I take them lightly."

"But we have no reason to doubt our own people. The people in the special operations team are basically the best soldiers and warriors of the empire carefully selected."

"I'm afraid there are our fake Japanese in it, just like Qi Rui's fake Kuike Shunsuke before."

"What the commander said makes sense, then I'll tell Mio to check it out."

"No, I will send someone to secretly investigate this matter, let General Three Tails think about how to deal with Qi Rui, this killing god is really a headache!"

Qi Rui didn't know what Tian Junliu was thinking, but he wasn't afraid of the investigation at all, because this time Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin followed him all the time, and Su Wenqian also stood up to the investigation, but on the surface he had no contact with anything Above all, any behavior is to act on orders.

Now more important things are in front of Qi Rui. The new commander of the dispatched army is Hata Shunroku, and the commander of the No.11 army is also replaced by the mediocre Sonobe Kaichiro by Anan Yui.

This reminded Qi Rui immediately of the second Changsha battle, so he immediately sorted out the information and asked Yu Manli to inform the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian of the place and time to meet in Shanghai. It is now August, and the devils will launch the second battle in mid-September In the Battle of Changsha, if he hadn't seen Junliu Hata, Qi Rui would have forgotten about it.

Zheng Yao first knew that Xiao Jiu must have something important to look for, so he immediately rushed from Nanjing to Shanghai to meet him.

Qi Rui gave Zheng Yaoxian the time of the second Changsha battle, the strength of the devils, and the attack route, and said, "Sixth brother, this is the latest battle plan of the Japanese army that I have obtained. It must be handed over to the boss as soon as possible."

"Can I know what kind of battle plan this is?"

"Of course, the new commander of the No.11 Army, Anan Weiji, was ordered to launch the second Changsha battle, which should start in mid-September, so we must quickly notify our army to prepare."

Zheng Yao first counted the time and said urgently: "Xiao Jiu! Don't worry, I will personally send this information back."

"You send it back in person, what about Nanjing?"

"The boss asked me to go back to Nanjing to report on my work. I will rush back immediately after the work is done. I don't feel relieved to hand over such important information to others."

"I'll send someone to escort you back."

"Xiao Jiu! Your Sixth Brother and I are not useless, don't worry, we have our own secret safe passage, and what's more, we just need to send this information to Chen Cheng and General Xue Yue in the Ninth War Zone."

"That's good. There is another important piece of information to tell the boss. Now that Germany and the Soviet Union are at war, the Japanese army will soon compete with the Americans for control of the Pacific region."

"Do you mean that the United States and Japan are going to war?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"The Yankees have now cut off the supply of materials to Japan. Today's little devils are short of resources, especially without oil. All their tanks and planes have to lie down. The devils have not found oil fields in our country, so they will definitely turn their attention to In Southeast Asia, it will be a matter of time before we start a war with the United States and Britain.”

"This is a good thing! We finally don't have to face the little devil alone."

"It is indeed a good thing. The Americans have now begun to realize the importance of our country and have begun to assist our country in setting up a flying team. The Japanese have also received the news. They may send killers to Kunming. You remind the boss, don't let them The devil succeeded."

(End of this chapter)

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