Chapter 738

With the covert support of the Roosevelt administration, Chennault formed the famous Flying Tigers in July. More than 200 American pilots and mechanics came to China as civilians to participate in the war of resistance.

"Xiao Jiu! You really deserve to be an ace agent, and you have made another miracle! You will be around the little devil for a few days!" Zheng Yaoxian also admired Xiao Jiu's ability to collect information, and just took away the Iwai mansion The secret agents lurking in various places now have the devil's second battle plan for Changsha, as well as information about the Flying Tigers, which Chongqing is most concerned about.

"Sixth brother, don't be too optimistic. Although the Yankees are strong, the little devils are not weak, especially they have the oriental spirit of sacrifice that the Yankees don't have. Even if the war starts, it will last for a few years. We will at least have a few years of hard fighting. "

"I didn't expect to end this war in a few days or months, Xiao Jiu, I just hope that this day will come sooner."

"Brother Six! We will definitely see this day!"

Zheng Yaoxian didn't dare to delay, and rushed directly from Shanghai to Changsha, while Qi Rui, in order to divert the attention of the dispatched army headquarters, telegraphed Li Xiaonan to let the troops harass the surrounding devil strongholds, and only allow victorious guerrillas without failure.

During this period of time, Yutoyo Mio was mainly on garrison missions. As for the elimination of Killing God Qi Rui and his task force, Hata Shunroku did not urge him anymore. Maybe he also knew that Killing God and his group were haunted and haunted, so it was difficult to eliminate them.

On August 29, Yutoyo Mio listened to reports and assigned tasks to his subordinates at the garrison headquarters as usual.


"Come in!"

"General! Section Chief Sakai and Asaka Sakai said they have something important to see you."

"Bring them in."

Mieko Sakai and Asaka Sakai entered Mio Yutoyo's office with gifts.

Mio Yutoyo saw that they were asking for something, and asked, "Mieko, Asaka, what are you doing?"

"General Three Tails! We are here to ask for your help."

"If you have anything to say, just say it, why are you so polite?"

"This time, we are here to borrow someone."

"Borrow someone?"

"Yes, we have received a secret mission to go to Yunnan."

Hearing her talk about going to Yunnan, Qi Rui's heart skipped a beat, what's there in Yunnan?Could it be that the Flying Tigers in Kunming are going to assassinate Chennault?Asked: "What to do in Yunnan?"

Sakai Mieko replied: "Asaka was ordered to carry out a secret mission, but I don't trust her to do so, and I don't trust her partner, so can I ask General Mio to borrow some members of the special operations team?"

Sanwei Yufeng thought for a while reluctantly and said: "It's not impossible to give you people, but I need to know what kind of mission you are performing, so that I can also arrange suitable people for you."

Sakai Asaka said quickly: "General Mio, I need a sniper."

"Snipers? I have met Sakai Kurifan and Sakai Eiko, they are all very good snipers, why do you still want someone from me?"

"General Mio, Sakai Kurifan, Eiko and the others have now encountered a formidable enemy, and they cannot get away at all."

"Encountered a strong enemy! Is the God-killing Task Force?"

"That's not true. They are two very powerful snipers from the Sun Facheng Regiment of the New Fourth Army. I heard from them that one is called Zhang Xiang and the other is called Li Xinghua. They have already suffered a lot from them."

"There are still such powerful people in the Sun Facheng regiment?"

"Yes, so they can't get away at all, and we can only ask the general for help, because what I need this time is a master."

"If you go to Yunnan to perform a mission, then you must be able to speak Chinese, right? Do you have someone to choose?"

"General Sanwei is wise. We do have candidates. Gu Yue Changzhi, Nobuo Kotaro and Senshou Takeshi are all excellent and experienced. As long as the general lends me these three people."

Because during this period of time, the performance of these three is very eye-catching, and their military skills are so strong that they have already been reused by Yufeng Mio.

"It seems that you are going to carry out an assassination mission, and I probably know who your target is, no problem, just wait a moment." After speaking, Yufeng Mio called three people to come to the office.

While waiting for them, Mio Yutoyo asked: "Asaka, are you sure three people are enough?"

"There are others in the team. They have already set off. I am worried that they will not be able to complete the task at all. That's why I came to the general to borrow someone. Thank you general!"

"Then I won't ask any more questions!"

Song Jian, Tang Rui, and Tan Lin came to the office, and Qi Rui said to them: "Everyone can see your abilities. This time, Miss Chaoxiang asks you to help me, and you all have to work hard!"

"Hayi! General! Where are you going, and how many days?"

"I don't know how many days, no matter where you go, you must obey Sakai Asaka's order, and you can do whatever you are told, do you understand?"


"Chaoxiang, when do you plan to leave?"

"Leave early tomorrow morning!"

"Then I'll let them find you tomorrow morning!"

"Thank you General!"

"Chaoxiang, you can bring me back safely!"

"I promise!"

After Mieko Sakai and Asaka Sakai left, Qi Rui called the three of them to him and said in a low voice, "They should be going to Yunnan to assassinate General Chennault of the Flying Tigers and the pilots of the Flying Tigers."

"Brother, shall we kill them all?"

"You follow first, I will send someone to follow you, remember the contact code I taught you, if there is no accident, I will let the No. who."

"Isn't the captain Asaka Sakai?"

"Probably not. According to the Japanese style, the captain must be a man and an experienced killer. What you have to do is to adapt to the situation and stop all their assassination and sabotage actions."


"Call me Wensu, and then go prepare and bring some money."

After Su Wenqian came in, he still bowed and shouted: "Hello, General!"

"Wen Sang! Come in!"

"Hayi!" Su Wenqian bowed like a chicken eating rice, and came to Sanwei Yufeng's desk,
There was no one else in the office. Sanwei Yufeng was the highest officer of the garrison, and no one dared to install a bug in his office. He whispered to Su Wenqian: "Wen Sang, go and do something for me."

"Hayi!" Qi Rui handed him two letters, one of which was his, and the other was for Ouyang Jianping No. [-] special agent team.

Su Wenqian left the garrison headquarters with the two letters in his arms, found a place where there was no one else, and read the letter from Brother Nine first, then he immediately called a rickshaw and rushed to the French Concession.

Qi Rui's apprentices were very vigilant. Su Wenqian made sure that no one was following along the way, and then came to the residence of the No. [-] special agent team.

"Wen Qian, did Brother Jiu send you here?" Seeing Su Wenqian's head sweating, Gao Han asked,
"Yes, is eldest sister there?"

"Here, come with me."

(End of this chapter)

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