Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 739 With Brother Lu here, we are more at ease!

Chapter 739 With the sixth brother here, we are more at ease!
I heard that Mu Yu came to the door, Ma Yunfei, He Jian, Ouyang Jianping and Li Zhibo all came, there must be something important.

"Wen Qian, Xiao Jiu asked you to come?" Ouyang Jianping asked,
Su Wenqian took out the letter from his arms and handed it to Ouyang Jianping, saying, "Yes, elder sister, this is a letter from my ninth brother."

After reading the letter, Ouyang Jianping gave it to Li Zhibo, and asked Su Wenqian, "Did Brother Nine say anything else?"

"Just asking if you can go?"

"We must go to such an important matter, and we promise to complete the task."

"Sister, Brother Nine asked me to come here to tell you that Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin went with Asaka Sakai as three high-ranking devil operatives. When you arrive in Yunnan, you need to find a chance to contact them, because they are already The appearance has changed, so you will only look at the contact code and not the face."

It is impossible for Song Jian and the others to use the Japanese names they are using now when they go to Yunnan, and their appearance has changed a lot. They are worried that Ouyang Jianping and the others will dare not recognize them if they really see them.

Qi Rui is very mysterious, since the last time he appeared with his sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian, he has never seen him again. Now that Song Jian and Tang Rui have changed their appearance, everyone can basically guess that Qi Rui must be the same now, Gao Han asked: "Wen Qian, did Brother Jiu also change his appearance and infiltrate the devil?"

"Yes, but Brother Nine has a high position on the Devil's side, so he made you have to work hard. He also repeatedly reminded that this operation is very important, and we must stop the actions of the Devil's spies." Su Wenqian said,

Ma Yunfei asked puzzledly: "Why don't you just transfer people from Chongqing, besides, there are not unavailable people under Long Yunlong's senior officials."

"Ninth brother still doesn't know how many people the little devil has sent. What ninth brother means is that the targets of the devil's spies may not only be pilots, but also airports and fighter planes. What's more, ninth brother is worried that others will follow him. Another important reason why Song Jian and the others can't cooperate is that you are all familiar with Mieko Sakai and Asaka Sakai, aren't you?"

"Xiao Jiu asked us to pay attention to the Yunnan-Myanmar Highway in this letter. What does that mean?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

"Oh, Brother Nine also told me that because the Yunnan-Burma Highway is our only lifeline now, and most of the materials from abroad are transported back to China through this road, the devils have already paid attention to it, and sent a large number of spies and fighter planes to destroy it. and bombing, since you are going to Yunnan, you'd better pay attention to this lifeline."

"Understood! We are ready to go now."

It took Zheng Yaoxian ten days to arrive in Changsha. He immediately found Xue Yue and sent a telegram to Boss Dai. Hearing that Xiao Jiu had obtained the devil's battle plan again, Dai flew to Changsha by himself. Zheng Yaoxian first reported the devil's battle plan to him. , and then talked about the Flying Tigers.

Because of the information about the first battle in Changsha, this time Chen Cheng and Xue Yue saw the battle plan and immediately began to deploy it. Things here have not been done yet, and Dai has received new news from Xiaojiu. The devils have sent assassinations The team went to Yunnan for activities, and the specific action content asked him to send a reliable person to contact the No. [-] special agent team. Qi Rui demanded that no matter who it was, all actions must be under the command of the No. [-] special agent team.

The Flying Tigers can't do anything, it's about Chongqing's face, so Dai gave the battle plan to Chen Cheng and Xue Yue, and told them not to show it to the third person, and then took Zheng Yaoxian to fly directly to Kunming.

Now that he is intoxicated as the station master in Kunming, and Zheng Yaoxian has personally contacted the No. [-] special agent team, Dai believes that this time the little devil's actions will definitely be thwarted.

The boss and the sixth brother arrived suddenly, and Shen Zui knew that something serious must have happened. When he knew that the target of the little devil was probably Chennault, he also became nervous, because this American helped build a flying team, and the base was in Kunming.

If something happened to him and the pilot, then he probably wouldn't be able to keep his head, so he asked nervously, "Boss, how many devils are here?"

"Station Master Shen, don't be nervous. I asked Lao Liu to stay and help you. Besides, Xiao Jiu also sent people over. All you have to do is cooperate with them, and cooperate fully unconditionally. Don't slack off in the future!"

"Boss, have I seen the Xiaojiu you mentioned?" Shen Zui had also heard of Qi Rui, the God of Killing, in Kunming, and knew that he was Zheng Yaoxian's sworn brother. Everyone in his family called him Xiaojiu.

Zheng Yaoxian said with a smile: "Yes, you guys bullied him in the special training camp back then. That was the first time my ninth brother was injured. I remember having five stitches on his head."

"Brother Six, don't wrong me. I didn't bully Xiao Jiu. I stopped him at that time. It was Boss Xu who asked us to train him."

"Xiao Jiu didn't hold grudges against you, maybe he had forgotten you a long time ago, why are you so nervous, isn't he still worried that Xiao Jiu will come to seek revenge from you?" Zheng Yaoxian laughed,
"I have no enmity with Xiaojiu. We are both my brothers. It's too late for me to admire him."

"Don't worry, Xiao Jiu didn't come this time. Besides, he's so busy that he doesn't have the time to remember your grudges. Intoxicated, I'm here to give you a special warning, and you will follow your sixth brother's orders in everything." Dai urged,
"I didn't say that!"

Dai went to visit Long Yun in person again, told him about the situation, and told him to act as if he didn't know anything. If there was any need, Zheng Yaoxian and Shen Zui would come to him. Dai went to Long Yun to make him feel at ease. Number, don't make any misunderstandings when the time comes.

A few days later, the No. [-] special agent team arrived in Kunming. What they didn't expect was that the sixth brother Zheng Yaoxian was waiting for them here.

"Brother Six!? Why are you faster than us?"

"I flew over directly after I arrived in Changsha."

"It's more at ease with Sixth Brother here!" Ma Yunfei laughed,

"You're exhausted, everyone! Brothers, I'll help you clean up the dust today!" Seeing that these people are so familiar with Sixth Brother, Shen Zui must be no different from Xiao Jiu, maybe they are Xiao Jiu's people.

"This person should be the Station Master Shen Zui, right?" Although he has never met Shen Zui, this person is also a relatively important task in the military command, and he is also one of Dai's favorite generals.

"Shen Zui, this is Elder Sister Ouyang Jianping! This is Sister Gao Han, this is..." Zheng Yaoxian introduced,
"It's all our own people, we rely on Station Master Shen to take care of us in Kunming!" Ma Yunfei said with his arms crossed,

"That's what I should do."

Zheng Yao first saw that Ouyang Jianping had something to say to himself, and said with a smile: "Eldest sister, just say something, without the help of Shen Zui, we will definitely be unable to move forward."

"Brother Six, Xiao Jiu asked Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin to join the devil's action team. We need to contact them to find out what their mission is." Ouyang Jianping said,
"The three of them are in the devil team!?" Zheng Yaoxian asked in surprise,
(End of this chapter)

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