Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 745 Trace Expert Chen Jiaying

Chapter 745 Trace Expert Chen Jiaying

Sakai Kurihan sent someone to the Kunming Military Command Station to send the news that the people in the Killing God Action Group were controlled. On the surface, it seems very shrewd, but in fact it is really stupid, because even if someone goes there, it can prove anything, and whoever gets it Such anonymous letters will be read.

"He probably wanted to catch Qi Rui, the God of Killing, so he sent someone to send a letter to the Juntong Station in Kunming, telling the Juntong about Gu Yue Changzhi being brought under control. They went to the address, only to find the note left by Sakai Kurihan to save people, asking Qi Rui to come in person."

"and then?"

"Then Shen Zui should have reported this situation to Chongqing, but Dai didn't pay any attention to it at all, and asked Shen Zui to ignore it, saying that this was simply impossible, because the Killing God Action Team is not in Kunming at all."

"The purpose of Sakai Lifan is to see the reaction of the God-killing Action Team, because if Gu Yue Changzhi and the others are part of the God-killing Action Team, they will definitely send someone to follow them."

"However, it has been three days, and the God-killing Action Team seems to have no reaction at all, because no one has asked about this matter at all, and the station master of Kunming Station, Shen Zui, doesn't care much about it." Harem Chun said,

"Not necessarily, Sakai Kurihan just left a note, he didn't leave anyone where they were taken, even if the Killing God Action Team wanted to save them, they couldn't find them!"

"Qi Rui is an expert on traces, if he is in Kunming, he should be able to find Gu Yue Changzhi."

"But there has been no movement for so many days."

"Could it be that we really wronged Gu Yue Changzhi and the others?"

"Commander, don't worry, if they are really members of the God-killing Action Team, Qi Rui will definitely react."

"Then tell Lieutenant Sakai Kurihan, as long as you control them, don't hurt them in advance."

"Don't worry, Commander, they will be given injections every three days."

"Well, how are they preparing the action plan?"

"Come on! It will be fully ready in a few days."

"Let them hurry up!"

After receiving Fu Yingxue's telegram, Chen Jiaying immediately discussed with Li Xiaonan. Knowing that Miss Jiaying and Yu Xiaowan's force was not good enough, Li Xiaonan selected the most powerful members of the regiment to escort them to Kunming, Yunnan.

Zhang Li also accompanied Yu Xiaowan on this trip, and the other entourage included Duan Cheng, Zhu Xing, Sang Yunlan, Qin Jian, Hua Wenmao, Dong Sheng, Feng Dali, these powerful people.

Among them, Zhu Xing and Feng Dali are machine gunners, Duan Zun and Sang Yunlan are snipers, Qin Jian and Dong Sheng are assaulters, they are both civil and military, and they are one of Qi Rui's key training commanders. This time Li Xiaonan To let him follow is to hope that he can make suggestions.

On Fu Yingxue's side are Xue Min, Leng Yue, and Ouyang Lan. It has been half a month since they arrived in Yunnan, and the two teams arrived a day apart.

"Sister-in-law Nine! You guys are here!" Gao Han received someone at the station.

"Gao Han, how is the situation now?"

"Without any news about Song Jian and the devil's spies, they seem to have disappeared suddenly."

"Has the place that Shen Zui took people to protect before?"

"It's protected! No one has been allowed in again."

"Good! Are the rest of us here?"

"Chen Jiaying and the others arrived yesterday."

"Take us to them immediately."

When they came to Chen Jiaying's residence, several people saw that they were sisters-in-law, and they all came forward to say hello. Chen Jiaying came over and asked, "Xue'er, what happened?"

"Song Jian, Tang Rui and Tan Lin are under the control of devil's spies, we must find them now!"

"where are they?"

"Sister Jiaying, you are an expert on traces, come with me to a place to have a look."

"Is it where Song Jian and the others stayed last?"


Fu Yingxue asked Xue Min, Leng Yue, and Ouyang Lan to rest. Duan Yi, Hua Wenmao, Sang Yunlan, and Dong Sheng followed Fu Yingxue and Chen Jiaying to the target location with Gao Han.

"Sister Jiaying, if Song Jian and the others are controlled, they will try their best to leave a code. This time, I'm counting on you!"

Chen Jiaying is an expert on traces. She asked everyone to wait outside, and entered the courtyard alone. After careful inspection for more than two hours, she came out.

"Sister Jiaying, did you find anything?"

"The Sakai advance team is here! Song Jian and the others were conspired to lose the ability to resist!"

"It turns out that Sakai Lifan is here. It seems that Brother Jiu guessed right, the biochemical team infected Song Jian and the others with a virus!"


"Yes, Song Jian said that there are three teams in Kunming, but now it seems that there are four. The main action team is the Sakai Advance Team. In addition, the Yoshikawa Explosive Team, the Hashimoto Biochemical Team, and the Sakai Asaka team can be regarded as the sniper team. "

"I found needles, syringes and medicine bottles in this yard, Xue Er, I need a laboratory!" Chen Jiaying said,

"Sister Gao Han!"

"Ninth sister-in-law!"

"Take us to see Sister Ouyang and Sixth Brother."

"Come with me!"

Seeing that Ouyang Jianping and Zheng Yaoxian were still intoxicated, Fu Yingxue told Chen Jiaying's request and asked, "Help us find a laboratory immediately."

"There are laboratories, but I am worried that there are no related instruments and equipment."

"Find it first and take me to see it."

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away!" After Shen Zui finished speaking, he immediately sent someone to get in touch.

"Xue'er, I heard that you went directly to the place where Song Jian was detained, did you find anything?"

"The devil may have given Song Jian and the others drugs, so they were controlled."

"It's been so many days, people will be okay?"

"Probably not, because the medicine bottle should contain the antidote."

"Is there anything we need to do?" Ouyang Jianping asked,

"Xue'er, this is the code found there, do you recognize it?" Chen Jiaying drew a five-pointed star on the ground, but one of the stars was very prominent, like a dart.

"We have never used such a code! This is definitely not left by Song Jian, because we have our own specific code."

"That's what the Japanese spies stayed on purpose, just to let us find Song Jian." Chen Jiaying said,

"Xue'er, does Xiaojiu have any plans?" Zheng Yaoxian asked,

"The three identities of Gu Yue Changzhi, Nobufu Kotaro and Qianshou Takeshi can disappear!"

"But we don't know how many devils there are now."

"It's been almost a month and a half, and they haven't taken any action?"

"It's strange, there is no movement at all."

"It's not that there was no movement, it's because we didn't notice it." Fu Yingxue said,

"The Sakai advance team should be a relatively strong special force in the Japanese army. I don't know what kind of operations they are doing. I am really worried!" Ouyang Jianping said,
(End of this chapter)

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