Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 746 We are going to the airport

Chapter 746 We are going to the airport
Shen Zui and Zheng Yaoxian were more worried than Ouyang Jianping, but Fu Yingxue asked more calmly than anyone else: "Where is the airport?"

"It's in the mountains south of Kunming. We went to see it. The camouflage is very good. If there is no sign on the ground, you can't find this airport from the air." Zheng Yaoxian said.

"Brother Six, you mean the devils won't attack the airport by bombing?"

"I dare not say this. If there are devils doing some small tricks, such as placing some small mirrors at the airport, using flashlights or bonfires if it is dark, or surprise attacks when there are flight training missions, it is not impossible."

"The devil should know the location of the airport, right?"

"I know, but the defense over there is very tight, and even a fly can't get close."

"But Yu Guizi's spies sneaked into the airport."

"We didn't dare to investigate this, because once we investigate, the devils may find out, and Song Jian and the others will be in danger."

"Is there flight training at the airport every day?"

"Yes! There is training every day, and there are now more than 300 pilots at the airport base."

"How many fighter planes?"

"There are more than 200 fighter planes, many of which have just arrived."

"Brother Six, take me to the airport." Fu Yingxue asked,
Zheng Yaoxian was not very familiar with the affairs in Kunming, Shen Zui said: "Shen Zui, you have to find a way."

"I will personally speak to Chairman Long about it."

Seeing that Fu Yingxue didn't rest for a moment, Chen Jiaying said distressedly: "Xue'er, you're exhausted from the journey, go take a bath quickly, eat something and have a good rest later."

Fu Yingxue nodded and said to Zheng Yaoxian: "Sixth brother, later our people will follow the code to find the address left by the devil first."

"Okay! I'll take it with me personally. If we find a place, what should we do if Song Jian and the others are inside?" Zheng Yaoxian still respects this comrade, he is Xiao Jiu's most capable assistant, and he is very capable.

Fu Yingxue said without any hesitation: "Just rescue people directly. Ninth Brother has always cared about human life the most. No matter what, we must rescue people first. As for what to do in the future, we will figure out a way."

Zheng Yao hesitated for a while, but did not object, and said, "Then do as you said."

Zheng Yao first followed Chen Jiaying to find Song Jian, Duan Yu, Qin Jian, Zhu Xing, and Zhang Li followed, and finally stopped at a farmhouse in the suburbs. Chen Jiaying let the others hide first, and wandered around the farmhouse by herself. lap.

"Miss Chen, did you find anything?"

"There should only be three people in this farmhouse, one of whom has limited mobility and the other two are taking care of the person's diet."

"Only three! How did you find out?"

"I didn't see it, it was Song Jian and the others who sent out the signal."

"There were only three of us and we went in to save people."

"No, Song Jian won't let him be rescued!"

"Not to be rescued! Why?"

"I don't know, this is a signal from him."

"Doctor Chen, why haven't we learned the signal from Song Jian?"

"This is the code word Qi Rui taught them, similar to Morse code, but much simpler."

"Miss Chen, let's go back and ask Xueer what to do." Zheng Yaoxian is still very unfamiliar with the God-killing Operation Team, and Qi Rui is the only person he is familiar with, so he dare not command casually.

Chen Jiaying left Duan Zhe and Zhu Xing to stare at the farmhouse, and then took the others back to meet Fu Yingxue.

"Sister Jiaying, are you sure it's Song Jian in the farmhouse?"

Chen Jiaying tapped lightly on the table, Fu Yingxue nodded after listening: "It's really Song Jian, he must have a way to prevent us from rescuing, we listen to him."

Fu Yingxue didn't know what was going on with Song Jian and the devil, so she couldn't act blindly. Song Jian and the others knew the situation better than anyone present, so the best way now was to listen to him.

Song Jian has basically understood Sakai Kurifan's plan these days. He just wanted to prove that the three people belonged to the God-killing Action Group. According to the intelligence of the group, it is not a normal thing to strengthen the work of epidemic prevention and disease prevention.

So what can prove them now is that Nine Brothers really sent someone to save them. That would mean that they would not recruit themselves. Song Jian has always been the one with a more flexible mind around Qi Rui. Li Fan didn't dare to let himself die, they would give themselves an antidote every three days to control the virus.

What worries Song Jian now is that he still doesn't know anything about the plan of the Devil Action Team, so in the code, he still hopes that the comers will focus on protecting the airport.

Fu Yingxue came to the farmhouse in person again, and Song Jian kept banging his head on the wall to send out signals. Fu Yingxue knew that he had been doing this for more than ten days.

Can Fu Yingxue tell Song Jian the information? There must be. There are many secret codes for the God-killing Action Team, such as cats meowing, dogs barking, insects singing, and birds singing can all be used as code words.

Now it's autumn, and it's the happiest time for the chirping of autumn insects. Fu Yingxue learned to ask Song Jian about his situation, and Song Jian continued to bang his head against the wall to answer.

Song Jian knew that his eldest brother Qi Rui would not be able to come, and he was completely relieved when he learned from his sister-in-law that his eldest brother was safe, because as long as his eldest brother Qi Rui was safe, he would not have any concerns even if he died.

Zheng Yaoxian is also a master of information. When he first saw insects singing to transmit information, he asked on the way back, "Xue'er, how is Song Jian doing now?"

"He was given the virus by the devil, but the devil would give him an injection every three days. He told us not to save them, but to focus on the airport first. He can be sure that the devil's target is General Chennault and the pilot. There is still a fighter, but Song Jian doesn't know how to use it."

"In addition, he also said that our opponents are Sakai Advance Team, Yoshikawa Explosive Team, Hashimoto Biochemical Team, and at least four snipers including Sakai Kurihan."

"So we have to get into the airport right now?"

"When we enter the airport, the devils will know that it is not appropriate. We can only enter with a small number of people. It is best to let everything at the airport go as usual."

"you're right!"

"Sister-in-law Jiu, are you saying that Song Jian and the others are all right?"

"If we ignore Sakai Kurifan, he may have nothing to do. Torture and interrogation are useless to Song Jian and the others." Fu Yingxue said very trustingly,
"Are Brother Nine's brothers all so powerful?"

"You are not very powerful."

"No way! We've been living like idiots for so many days, doing nothing."

"You are worried about Song Jian's safety, I know that."

"Xue'er, Shen Zui called to say that Chairman Long agreed to take us there, but the number of people can't be too many, and they must be his guards."

"No problem, I'll go with Sister Jiaying."

(End of this chapter)

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