Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 747? Don't blame them

Chapter 747 Don't blame them

Following Long Yun to the airport, Fu Yingxue and Chen Jiaying were both wearing military uniforms of the national army, which fully revealed the curves of women. These two were both top-notch beauties, which made some American pilots in the airport excited and whistling.

Fu Yingxue and Chen Jiaying ignored them, but followed Long Yun to see General Chennault. Chen Jiaying knew English, so there was no problem communicating with Chennault.

Long Yun knew that this was the man who killed Qi Rui and came to protect Chennault, and Dai had already called to inform him personally, so he must do what he should do, and he is not willing to have accidents in his own territory.

Chennault stayed at the airport for more than 20 days because he was cautious and didn't dare to go. When he saw Long Yun, he said: "I have heard from your people that there are Japanese killers coming. I haven't seen them for so many days. Can you tell me what to do with me?" Shall I explain?"

"Mr. Chennault, this time the Japanese are preparing a big attack plan. Their target is not only you, the general, but also these pilots and fighters. Therefore, we guess that they are most likely to use bombing methods, so we have to secretly check. Let’s go to the airport, if possible, I hope to take your fighter plane to take a look in the sky.” Long Yun said according to Zheng Yaoxian’s instructions,

Chennault looked up and down the two outstanding girls and asked, "So the two beauties are going to stay at the airport for a while?"

"Does General Chennault not trust us?" Chen Jiaying asked in English,

"How come, you are the people brought by Chairman Long, I will trust you as much as I trust him, I hope you can find something, because I don't want to come up with anything."

"General Chennault, there are devils and spies lurking in this airport, so you just need to know about this matter, we will act secretly." Chen Jiaying continued to say according to Fu Yingxue's intention,

"No problem, but I want to remind you two beauties that my pilots are hired by your government with a lot of money. I can guarantee that they will face the Japanese bravely, but I can't guarantee that they will treat them like gentlemen. Women, so you must beware of their harassment." Chennault said,

Long Yun knew that the people in the God-killing Action Group were not easy to mess with, and if the two sides were in a stalemate, it would be difficult for him to be in the middle, so he hurriedly said: "Miss Chen, Miss Ling, Americans are more open, we can't offend them too much, So you have to..."

"We understand what you two said, we will take care of ourselves, but we have to make one thing clear, if they go too far, I will help General Chennault educate them!" Fu Yingxue said without paying attention to these foreign devils ,

"As long as you can do it, I guarantee that you will not be held responsible, but if you are bullied by them, I will not be held responsible either." Chennault's pilots were all recruited from civilians, so he really didn't dare Guaranteed what would happen to these people facing such two beautiful foreign beauties, but he knew well that these people would definitely take action.

Fu Yingxue snorted coldly: "Sure enough, it's exactly what Brother Nine said, Yankees are like this everywhere. Sister Jiaying, please don't separate me."

"Will they really go too far?" Chen Jiaying had seen those sloppy pilots just now, and they looked at themselves as if they were wearing nothing. Now that I think about it, I'm really afraid, because even if I was bullied by them , Chongqing must not even dare to fart.

"I will read that they are friendly soldiers. If they are too rude, I will teach them a lesson and let them know that we Chinese women are not so easy to bully."

Fu Yingxue and Chen Jiaying didn't want to waste time, so they started surveying as soon as they came out. This work was mainly done by Chen Jiaying. Although Fu Yingxue had also learned it, she was far behind her.

Unexpectedly, less than 2 minutes after the two beauties arrived at the airport yard, more than a dozen Americans surrounded them.

"These two Chinese women are much more beautiful than the ones I've seen before, and they have such a good figure! Did they know that we are lonely and sent them here for our entertainment? The Chinese are really sensible!" A middle-aged man with yellow hair looked Smilingly said,
"It's the first time I've seen an oriental woman with such a perky butt, hahaha..." A bearded man stretched out his hand to Chen Jiaying's butt,

Chen Jiaying was wary of these Yankees, but before she could dodge, Fu Yingxue raised her hand and opened his hand.

Chen Jiaying asked angrily: "Please respect yourself! We are soldiers!"

"Hahaha, we know you are soldiers, and you look very good in military uniforms, we just want to see if you look so good in military uniforms!"

"Hahaha..." All the other Americans laughed wantonly.

Chen Jiaying translated everything they said to Fu Yingxue. Fu Yingxue must be very angry, but the ghost spies are probably hiding in secret. If he beats these Yankees to the ground by himself, then he will definitely suspect that he is a member of the God-killing Action Group .

That is likely to make the devil change the action plan and cannot produce such a result, because it will only make the devil more cautious about the action plan.

So Fu Yingxue wanted to drag Chen Jiaying away from these Yankees quickly, but she didn't want them to let them leave at all, but at this time a few more people came to join in the fun.

Seeing this scene from the window, Long Yun said to Chennault: "General Chennault, this is not very good. If this is spread, it will not benefit the Flying Tigers at all."

"Chairman Long, didn't you say before that they are members of the God-killing Action Team? If they are true, I don't believe that even these people can't be dealt with. You must know that God-killing is also a legendary existence in our United States."

"you do this delibrately?"

"I just want to see how powerful the people in the God-killing Action Team are."

"But they are women after all, maybe it's not force at all!"

"Chairman Long, don't worry, I told them not to go too far."

"General Chennault, the Japanese spies are at the airport. If they see this, it will expose the God-killing Operation Team!"

"Don't worry about this, I sent all the Asians out today, including those pilots and mechanics."

"Is there one?"

"Yes, I know that the people from the Killing God Action Team will come and will definitely go around, so just in case, I specially sent them all out, and they won't be back until at least three days later, so I let them perform whatever they want. The Japanese won't know."

"But what if these people are broken?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you don't beat the disabled or kill them, you can teach them whatever you want, because they really should take care of them, otherwise they will go outside to bully the local women."

"Then don't blame them then."

(End of this chapter)

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