Chapter 748

Chennault also really wanted to test the strength of the God-killing Action Team, and said: "No, if they are taught by Chinese women, they will increase their respect for your people, because in their eyes, your Chinese army's combat effectiveness is very poor."

"The poor combat effectiveness of our Chinese army is due to poor weapons and equipment!" Long Yun argued,

"I know this very well, but these people don't know, so please teach them a lesson and let them know the real Chinese."

Hearing Chennault's words, Long Yun couldn't help being a little excited, he walked quickly to the yard and shouted loudly: "Miss Ling! Miss Chen, all the Asians in the airport have been sent out, you can teach them a lesson. "

Fu Yingxue's beautiful buttocks have already been taken lightly by two big hands. Hearing this, she shouted coquettishly: "Then I won't be polite!"

Fu Yingxue's martial strength was not very strong at first, but she is Qi Rui's daughter-in-law, and she trained with her whenever she had time, so now Fu Yingxue's martial strength is not much worse than Song Jian and Tang Rui's.

Fu Yingxue used all of her martial arts skills, more than 20 Yankees were knocked down by Fu Yingxue without knowing what happened.

Fu Yingxue's body movements are ethereal like snakes and cunning rabbits. These Americans can't even touch her if they want to take advantage of her. Whenever there is physical contact, they will be thrown away inexplicably. Still being thrown by Fu Yingxue, his eyes will turn black and he will not be able to get up.

Seeing that more than 20 Americans were thrown down and could not get up, Fu Yingxue clapped her hands and said, "Just because you want to bully our Chinese girl! Find a fight!"

At this moment, Chennault came out and clapped his hands and said, "This Miss Lingxue is very good at fighting, it seems that she is really a member of the God-killing Operation Team."

"A girl with such strong force, can the rest of the God-killing Action Team imagine?" Long Yun asked,

Fu Yingxue shook her head and said, "Miss Chen and I are not really good at force. She is good at trace science and telecommunications. Besides, she is a doctor of medicine, and I am good at marksmanship. Does any of you want to try?"

Fu Yingxue was holding an M1935 Browning pistol at some point while she was speaking. She raised her hand and shot down the American flag hanging on the airport playground.

Fu Yingxue was right. She is indeed very strong now, but under Qi Rui's guidance, her marksmanship is definitely no worse than that of Su Wenqian and Chi Tiecheng. It can be said that within the effective range, there is no target she cannot hit.

Now that this group of people knew that this beauty was far superior to them both in terms of force and marksmanship, Chennault said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, Miss Ling, Miss Chen, go and do your work, I promise they won't harass you any more. "

No one dared to harass them. These Yankees have never seen such a powerful beauty. In their eyes, this girl is simply supernatural power, because even a big man who is nearly two meters tall can easily throw him out.

These Yankees don't know what it means to use strength to fight with strength. They all think that the beauty in front of them has special functions and superpowers.

Sure enough, Fu Yingxue and Chen Jiaying were never harassed again. These Yankees all watched them wandering around from a distance.

"Mr. Chennault, do you trust these two women so much?" the ace pilot Viard asked,

"I'm very relieved, because the two of them are members of the most famous God-killing action group in China! You just saw how powerful that young girl is, and more than 20 of you can't beat one of them."

"We all thought she had special abilities." Viard said,

"You are right, otherwise how could you beat more than 20 of you, so don't underestimate the Chinese, I have dealt with them for so long, remember, the Chinese nation is a very resilient and brave nation , knowing that they have been facing the Japanese alone for many years."

"Could it be that Japanese killers are after us?"

"They came all the way from Shanghai, I don't think they need to travel so far to joke with us, so I believe what they said is true, besides, didn't we also get relevant information, and we have already made arrangements, Furthermore, from these two women, it can be seen that they are the main members of the God-killing Action Team, so it can be seen that the Japanese must have a hard-to-handle killer, otherwise they would not be so nervous." Chennault said,

"But our real main force has been transferred to Guilin! Since they are allies we can trust, why didn't we tell them?" Viard asked,
"Aren't they experts in trace science? I think they can find out by themselves."

Chen Jiaying and Fu Yingxue wandered around the airport, because Chennault didn't defend them two, so they could enter anywhere.

Not to mention Chen Jiaying, Fu Yingxue quickly discovered that there was something wrong with the airport, and said, "Sister Jiaying, why do I feel something is wrong!"

"You found it too?"

"Yes, there don't seem to be many fighters that are often launched here. The other fighters are all in the hangar or covered by tarpaulins. I have seen those tarpaulins, and it seems that they have not been lifted for many days. Don't these fighters need maintenance? .”

"Xue'er, indeed, there are only more than 20 planes flying at this airport, and the others are all covered up."

"I heard that there are more than 200 fighters here, but I haven't seen so many pilots." Fu Yingxue said,

"Xue'er, we were tricked by Chennault!"

"Sister Jiaying, what did you find?"

"This is not a real flying base at all!" Chen Jiaying said with certainty,
"Could this be used to confuse the Japanese?"

"For the outside world, even we thought that the flying team formed by General Chennault was in Kunming, and the devil's intelligence personnel also confirmed this. I couldn't figure it out before. With the style of the Japanese, why didn't they send bombers to directly attack? Secret, but since it has infiltrated the devil's intelligence personnel, the location of this airport should have been exposed long ago."

"Yeah, the Japanese didn't come to bomb."

"So the devil has been suspicious of confirming this airport, but because Chennault is here, the devil also thinks that the flight base is here, so he sent an action team."

"This means that the devil has been tricked, but General Chennault is not very dangerous."

"Have you noticed that the army guarding the airport is all outside the airport, and there is no national army in the airport at all." Chen Jiaying said, picking up a piece of broken glass the size of a palm on the ground and looking carefully.

Fu Yingxue also saw these glasses and asked, "Sister Jiaying, is there anything wrong with these glasses?"

"If it is in the air, do you think the pilot can see the reflection of these glass?" Chen Jiaying asked,
(End of this chapter)

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