Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 781 A task that can only be completed by the God-killing Action Group

Chapter 781 A task that can only be completed by the God-killing Action Group

After Lin Nansheng went back, he immediately began to investigate, because Brother Nine had given him the direction, he first had to prove that it was Chen Moqun who Wang Shian had called to betray.

Through his relationship, he found out that the telephone operator on duty at the Gendarmerie Command that night was the former secretary of Wang Shian. Under threats, he said that it was Wang Shian who called, because his voice was absolutely unmistakable.

In the TV series, Lin Nansheng impulsively brought him back to the military command station, because the ninth brother Qi Rui had ordered him to conduct a secret investigation, so instead of taking him back, he asked his subordinate Zhao Jinglong to imprison him secretly, and he himself began to investigate other As for the matter, he can be sentenced to death now, and if he can get other evidence, he will not be afraid of his sophistry when the time comes.

Qi Rui trusted Lin Nansheng very much, just like he trusted Tan Lin, Chen Shan, and Lan Yanzhi. The difference was that although Lin Nansheng was influenced by Zhu Yizhen, Zuo Qiuming, Gu Shenyan and others, what really changed him was not these people.

In the end, Lin Nansheng decided to join the Communist Party, and he spontaneously wanted to, because at the darkest moment of his decadence, confusion and despair, he accidentally heard Mao Zedong's "Protracted War" on the radio, which lit a light for him. The light made him deeply understand that only the Communist Party can save China.

So Lin Nansheng's joining our party is not attached to someone's belief, but his own belief, so Qi Rui doesn't need to guide him at all, he will grow up by himself, and let him investigate in person in order to let him clean up the corruption in Chongqing. It looks more real.

Will Qi Rui save Gu Shenyan and Zuo Qiuming?If he can, of course he will save them. If these martyrs can survive, our War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation may go more smoothly.

Overseas Chinese Patriotic Association

Li Keming returned from Suzhou with a look of joy on his face. Fan Lu saw the harvest from his expression, and quickly asked, "Is there news about the God-killing Action Team?"

"The God-killing Action Team didn't, but I got the contact information of the No. [-] Special Agent Group. The organization asked us to contact them directly. They should be able to contact the God-killing Action Team."

"I also heard that the No. [-] special agent team has cooperated with the God-killing operation team several times."

"Fan Lu, you can do the task of contacting them."


"No reason, I'm a little tired after returning from Suzhou, but our mission is very urgent, and the leader of the No. [-] secret service team is also a woman, so it will be more convenient and safer for you to communicate."

"Okay, I'll pack up and go right away."

Fan Lu contacted the No. [-] special agent team according to the contact method, and she met Ouyang Jianping in a coffee shop.

Seeing Fan Lu, Ouyang Jianping was surprised and said, "You girl looks a lot like Gao Han from our group!"

"Are you Miss Ouyang?"

"Are you Fan Lu?"

"I am, it seems that you already know that I am coming."

"Well, we received a telegram saying that comrades from the Overseas Chinese Patriotic Association need help with something important, please tell me something."

"Sister Ouyang, we have a very arduous and difficult task here. We can't complete it with our own ability alone, so I want to ask the God-killing Action Team for help, and I hope you can contact them for us."

The No. [-] special agent team is also a well-known presence. Ouyang Jianping asked: "What kind of mission does it have to go to the God-killing operation team? You must be clear, they are very picky about taking missions."

"We know that we don't need to find them for ordinary tasks, because this task is going to Japan to perform."

"Fan Lu, I can indeed contact the God-killing Action Team, but you must clarify what the mission is so that I can help you."

"Sister Ouyang, can I speak to Sha Shen face to face?"

"Miss Fan Lu, Killing God is the ace agent of the military command, so he can see anyone."

"Sister Ouyang, this task is top secret, and only the participants have the right to know."

"You mean that our No. [-] special agent team is not qualified?"

"No, Miss Ouyang, please don't misunderstand me. Let me tell you this. The person required for this operation must be a master of swordsmanship, and must also be proficient in Japanese. It is best to be familiar with the customs and customs of Japan."

"Is this a mission tailor-made for the God-killing Action Team?" The main force of the God-killing Action Team are all kendo masters who are proficient in Japanese. Not a master of swordsmanship.

"Sister Ouyang, it is precisely because of this that we purposely find the Killing God Action Team."

"Is this mission dangerous?"

"Go to Japan to kill some people and take things from them, but it is very difficult to kill them, because they are all Japanese nobles, and they all have retainers."

"Aristocrats with warriors and ninjas at home?" Ouyang Jianping asked.

"Yes! Several of them are executioners with Chinese blood on their hands! They must be executed."

"Aristocrats, soldiers, did they take something from China?"

"I can't tell you the details."

"In that case, I'll make a call." Fan Lu's identity is not a problem, she is an underground party herself, and the news from the organization is to help as much as possible.

Ouyang Jianping was able to contact Fu Yingxue, so he went to the counter and called her. The coffee shop was in the French Concession, and soon Fu Yingxue rushed over in a rickshaw.

Ouyang Jianping first told her about the situation, and Fu Yingxue frowned slightly, because she had never dealt with the Overseas Chinese Patriotic Association before, and she didn't know what kind of cooperative relationship they had with the organization. If it was a very important task, the organization should notify in advance .

After asking, I found out that the Overseas Chinese Patriotic Association belongs to the Southern Bureau, and the Miao Dao team is directly under the command of Yan'an.

"Miss Fan Lu, this is Ling Xue, the vice-captain of the God-killing Action Team, just tell her if you have anything to do." Ouyang Jianping said,
Fan Lu still wanted to see Qi Rui, the God of Killing idol, and asked, "Can't the God of Killing come?"

"It's true that he can't come, and he doesn't care much about the God-killing Action Team right now. If you have anything to do, just tell me. If he really needs to decide something, I will tell him." Fu Yingxue said,

"That's right, we need a few operatives who are proficient in Japanese and Kendo to go to Japan to perform a very dangerous but very important mission."

Ouyang Jianping said to Fu Yingxue: "It is said that they are facing four Japanese nobles with retainers."

"It's the Fujiwara family, the Kiyohara family, the Kamo family, and the Sugawa family. They are all very traditional Japanese noble families, and they all have retainers. Among these retainers are extraordinary high-ranking samurai and ninjas."

"What's the purpose?" Fu Yingxue asked,
"Destroy the plundering plan that the four of them will join forces to execute."

"What looting plan?"

(End of this chapter)

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