Begin with Zheng Yaoxian

Chapter 782 Find a way to go to mainland Japan

Chapter 782 Find a way to go to mainland Japan
Fu Yingxue became interested in the joint robbery plan of the four big Japanese families, because such an action can be stopped as soon as it can be stopped, and the information from the Overseas Chinese Patriotic Association should not be wrong.

Fan Lu continued: "This is a plan chartered by the Emperor of Japan. These four families selected powerful warriors to form a special operation team. Their goal was to plunder the precious treasures of our country. Among the treasures looted by the devils before, they found After finding the treasure map, their main purpose should be to find the treasure.”

"Then why not wait until they come to China?" Fu Yingxue asked.
"It's easy to find them in Japan, because their family is there, but once they arrive in our country, if they want to find them, they will have to find a needle in a haystack. In addition, we have to snatch the treasure map from them. If we can find it before the devil finds it It would be better to transfer the treasure." Fan Lu said,
"Do you know who owns the treasure map?" Fu Yingxue continued to ask,
"Information says that each of the four families took a share. To find the treasure, you need to put the four shares together. This was done on purpose by the emperor. The purpose is to let the four families work together."

"Is this the information your Overseas Chinese Patriotic Association got?"

"Yes, these four families have high-ranking powerhouses, so if we want to complete this task, we must also have more powerful powerhouses. It is very likely that we will have to mix in these four families to achieve our goal."

"I understand. I'll go back and discuss it with Qi Rui before I reply you."

"When will you reply? Sister Lingxue, because this matter is urgent, the four families are currently in the process of preparation, and I heard that they will also find some experts. We can't go too late."

"Understood, let's meet again at this time tomorrow." Fu Yingxue bid farewell to Ouyang Jianping and left. She wanted to contact Su Wenqian to tell him the news.

That night, after Su Wenqian told Qi Rui about the matter, he asked, "Brother Jiu, Sister-in-law Jiu must have meant to go, but now she is the only suitable person by her side, what should I do?"

"Did your sister-in-law ask the organization?"

"I asked, Mrs. Jiu said that the organization hopes that we can stop the plan of destroying the devils. Regardless of the size of the treasure, it is best not to let the devils take away our national treasure."

"All the right people are here with us." Qi Rui frowned as he spoke, because he had to lead the team himself to be at ease in this operation.
"How can we leave Shanghai now?" Su Wenqian asked,
"Unless something big happened in Japan."

"Is there a big incident in the Three-tailed family?"

"The Sanwei family is not a big family in Japan. There are only parents left in the family. His elder brother is the captain of the Fourth Regiment of the Second Division of the Kwantung Army. His younger sister is married, and she is also an officer of the Japanese army. It can be said that their whole family is supporter of ****."

"So, if something big happens to the Mio family, Yutoyo Mio will have an excuse to return home."

"This leave should be able to be taken down. If it is a retaliatory action carried out by military command agents, he will have more reason to go back."

"Brother Jiu, that's easy, let Sister-in-law Jiu take someone there first."

Qi Rui thought for a while and shook his head and said: "No, we can't attack the two old men of Sanwei's family, we should target the war criminals." It is Qi Rui's dream to kill all war criminals, and this time is a good opportunity.

"War criminals?"

"Wen Qian, all those who committed major war crimes on our land are war criminals, such as Matsui Iwane, Yanagawa Heisuke, Nakajima Kagego, etc. in the Nanjing Massacre. They are now in Japan. Since we go to Japan Just kill them."

"That's even better!"

"Go and tell your sister-in-law Jiu, and see how the Overseas Chinese Patriotic Association arranges it, because their assistance is definitely indispensable for this operation. I will sort out a list of war criminals as soon as possible, and let your sister-in-law Jiu and the others go there first. It’s earth-shattering, so we have a reason to go there.”

Su Wenqian told Fu Yingxue about Qi Rui's intentions early the next morning, and met Fan Lu in the afternoon and told about the decision here and his own request.

"This operation must be based on your God-killing operation team, and we will fully cooperate." Fan Lu said,
"How many people are there?" Fu Yingxue asked.
"In order not to affect the action, we can send at most two people to follow." Fan Lu had already discussed, because Miss Qi couldn't leave, this time she would go to Japan with Li Keming.

"How are the mobility of the two of you?"

"Our mobility is definitely not comparable to yours, but it is still not a problem to deal with a few ordinary devil soldiers."

"Go back and prepare. We will take a boat to Japan the day after tomorrow. Remember, all actions will be under the command of our God-killing Operation Team when we arrive."

"Yes, we will obey the command unconditionally." Fan Lu was very sensible and didn't ask how many people went there. She felt that she would know after boarding the boat.

No. [-] special agent team didn't follow them all this time, only Gao Han and the thief He Jian followed, and Fu Yingxue didn't take anyone with her, because the few people around her couldn't speak Japanese very well.

On the list of war criminals given by Qi Rui, there are several big devils, such as Matsui Iwane, Nakajima Kinzago, Ishihara Kanji, Yanagawa Heisuke, and Konoe Fumatsu. Three of them are now in the reserve. In Qi Rui's eyes, they are all Class A war criminals were the main targets of Fu Yingxue and the others' assassination in Japan.

"Fan Lu, can I get a weapon?" Fu Yingxue asked.
"Okay, the accommodation, weapons, activity funds, etc. are prepared for you. Where are the members of the God-killing Action Team?" Fan Lu asked,

"It will appear when it should appear." When it will appear depends on the effect of your own actions,

It was already mid-January when we arrived in Japan, and it was freezing cold. All of them were dressed as Japanese civilians. Their primary target was Matsui Iwane, who lives in Nagoya. He is now a reserve soldier and spends most of his time in home.

During the war, many Japanese military officers were included in the reserve service. In fact, they were all officers who were excluded, suppressed, punished, and demoted.

Matsui Shigen is one of them. Fu Yingxue, Gao Han and He Jian killed him very easily. They strangled him to death in his bedroom without anyone noticing. In order to cause a sensation, they even left a crime statement. The main crime was the Nanjing Massacre. The purpose of killing him was to avenge the 30 compatriots killed in the massacre, and he also left behind the name of the God-killing Action Group.

Next is Nakajima Kinzago and Yanagawa Hirasuke. It is difficult to kill Yanagawa Hirasuke, because he was transferred back to the country, he is not in the reserve, and he was a cabinet member of Konoe Bunma before.

Because it was in Japan, these devils' awareness of prevention was not high. Fu Yingxue waited for three days to snipe and kill Yanagawa Heisuke.

(End of this chapter)

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