Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1021 Changes at the bottom of the lake

Chapter 1021 Changes at the bottom of the lake (seeking tickets)
Patriarch Tuoba made a move, and the terrifying Shangguantian, who was at the peak of a saint, also broke out.

Two terrifying existences at the pinnacle of the Saint Realm struck directly, causing the endless forest of taboo monsters, with a radius of thousands of miles, to be violently swept by a terrifying coercion.

Those who were a little weaker had their bodies trembling, and even those who couldn't bear the horror and violent coercion had blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

"The Shangguan family will not be stupid enough to kill your family's emperor, and they don't have enough interests to let them take the initiative to kill your family's emperor."

You Ran, a figure wearing a pitch-black gauze, with a mature, graceful and strange figure, who seemed to have a myriad of charms, but was extremely indifferent, walked out of the void.

The position where she appeared was impressively the position where two great horrors, the ancient Patriarch, were about to collide.

Her fingers fell in the void, and the two terrifying attacks against the sky actually made people tremble, disappearing into the invisible!
When all the aliens saw this figure, they suddenly thought of something, and there was a hint of shock and enthusiasm in their eyes. Is it the person in the legend?
The terrifying, ancient, heaven-defying Patriarch Shangguan and Patriarch Tuoba also showed shock in their eyes after seeing this figure. They stopped their hands and stood far away in the void.

"Why did you appear here?" Shangguantian said, and Shangguantian's tone made more people around him affirm the identity of this woman, and their eyes became more fanatical.

"Leaving the customs, passing by, I have had some friendship with the ancestors of your two families in the past." The woman said lightly, and then said: "The Shangguan family did not have enough reasons to kill Emperor Tuoba. My son, the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains is in the most critical period since ancient times, and your two families can't be chaotic for the time being. I will find the ancestors of your two families about this matter."

"If the emperor wasn't killed by their Shangguan family, who would have killed him?" Patriarch Tuoba's eyes were full of respect, but at this moment, he still spoke again.

How could the future of a family be said to die, just die?
"He died under the sword of Zhu Xian's ancient sword." The woman only said a word indifferently.

Zhu Xian ancient sword?

The faces of all the alien races around who heard these four words changed slightly. In the ancient times, among human beings, there was a terrifying person who was against the sky. The horror legend of the Great Emperor Against Heaven is still circulating among the alien races.

However, that person didn't know why later, but in his later years, he held the ancient Zhuxian sword and beheaded a terrifying master in his master's school who had just proved himself as an emperor!
During that period, he was horribly slaughtered and crusaded by humans and alien races together, but his whole person disappeared from the world strangely, leaving only the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, in the Shang Qingzong!

"Didn't the sword tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword be taken away from the Qing Dynasty a few years ago by a human monk named Ye Luo? And that monk named Ye Luo spent more than a year. Was it already dead when it was born?

If he died, who would take away the tip of the ancient Zhu Xian sword on his body? "Among the crowd of onlookers, a powerful and terrifying alien, who seemed to know something, stood up and spoke suddenly.

"Could it be that he didn't die? And, he killed the holy son of the Tuoba family?" Another terrifying alien suddenly guessed.

"Pfft, even if he didn't die, he could kill Emperor Tuoba? As far as I know, that human waste was only at the peak of Nascent Soul more than a year ago. Even if Emperor Tuoba stood still Let him hack at will, can he kill Emperor Tuoba?"

"Why don't you say that the son-in-law of Shangguan's family killed Emperor Tuoba? There is not even a little basic logic."

There were discussions around, but when they looked at the mysterious woman, they seemed to feel something, and the voices fell silent.

That mysterious, terrifying, sky-defying, black veiled, graceful mysterious woman frowned slightly. Even though she was powerful and terrifying, she had just left the customs, and she was not very good at many things. clear.

Ye Luo?
She has never heard of an ant-like young man in a new era.

"I, my uncle, is also missing." Shangguan Xing'er, seeing that no one cared about her missing uncle, couldn't help being very anxious, under pressure, she suddenly spoke.

However, no one paid attention to it.

Even Emperor Tuoba is dead, a good-for-nothing son-in-law, will anyone really care?


At this time, the mysterious and unpredictable daughter of the ghost city who was the first to appear on the scene and followed Ye Luo's breath, was also frowning at this moment, deducing something quickly.

The breath of Ye Luo she was following had completely disappeared.

"Void Secret Art?" The mysterious daughter of the ghost city has already roughly deduced that the person she was tracking, who she didn't know the identity of, killed Emperor Tuoba, used the terrifying void secret art to completely hide Lost my own breath!
This kind of void secret technique may not be able to track even the half-step emperor.

The comprehension of the law of the void has nothing to do with the realm.

The laws of space and time are the two most mysterious laws between heaven and earth, and even the great emperor may not be able to truly understand them through the ages.


In the mist, at the bottom of the lake.

Ye Luo has already entered the water, the book is cold and clear.

Ye Luo sank little by little, lurking towards the deepest part of the endless lake. At the same time, the terrifying blood energy and the power of darkness in his body worked together to offset the pressure of who was under the ten thousand feet.

The center of the lake is as deep as ten thousand feet, and the bottom of the water is endlessly dark, and light can no longer penetrate.

Ye Luo took out a very large piece of fluorite that was processed by the Mohists from among the beads, similar to the bright flashlight before the world changed.

This kind of fluorite is engraved with mysterious runes and infused with spiritual power, making the light extremely cohesive and bright.

The light came on, and the bottom of the lake was suddenly filled with light.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed slightly.

Because when Ye Luo was at the bottom of the lake, the first thing he saw were endless corpses. It seemed that the entire bottom of the lake was completely filled with endless, pale bones.
There are human beings, there are alien races, and some are simply unrecognizable!
At the same time, in Ye Luo's mind, the memory of the ancestor god of the alien race seemed to be stimulated by something. A vague, ancient, and terrifying memory suddenly entered Ye Luo's soul!
(End of this chapter)

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