Chapter 1022
This ancient and terrifying memory was still vague when Ye Luo studied it carefully before, but now it seemed to be stimulated by something, from blurred to suddenly becoming extremely clear.

Ye Luo was reading this memory about the bottom of the lake and the book swallowing the heavens, and his body shook violently!

For a long time, this shock from the depths of the soul still makes people tremble.

Back then, the ancient ancestor god who was against the heavens, surpassed the realm of a great emperor, was amazingly talented, and suppressed all races, stayed in this lake area for a whole thousand years!
However, he sealed this memory from himself!

Until now, when Ye Luo reached the bottom of the lake, he suddenly woke up.

Ye Luo took a deep breath, read this memory over and over again, and after a long time, Ye Luo's shocking eyes finally returned to calm.

At the bottom of the dark lake, Ye Luo opened his left eye and closed his right eye. At the same time, an extremely ancient and mysterious imprint was condensed on both hands. With the condensation of this imprint, the water with terrifying pressure at the bottom of the lake seemed to be trapped by a wave. The power of terror pushed, forming a channel.

Ye Luo kept going along that passage.

After a while, the passage came to an end. At the end of the passage, there was a huge bluestone at the bottom of the lake. Ye Luo's hand touched the bluestone, and it was cold and thick.

Then, Ye Luo took out a knife from the beads, and suddenly chopped it on the bluestone. The knife broke, and there was a dull sound and flames on the bluestone.

"Is this the phantom array that surpasses the level of the emperor?" Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Then, at the same time, he took out a dagger and directly touched his wrist, letting the blood on his wrist drip onto the bluestone little by little.

The blood dripped down like a bloody curtain, slowly rendering, almost in the blink of an eye, the blood covered the entire bluestone, the huge bluestone was blood red.

Afterwards, Ye Luo's hands condensed an ancient and mysterious imprint. The dark power in Ye Luo's body's dantian ancient clock was crazy and violent. With the condensation of Ye Luo's imprint, a dark flower was born. lotus.

Ye Luo placed the lotus on the completely blood-red bluestone.

After doing all this, Ye Luo actually stepped up and walked towards the bluestone. At this moment, the bluestone seemed to exist in nothingness, and Ye Luo stepped forward!
"The formation barrier beyond the emperor's level, even the ancestor gods, did they discover the entrance after more than 100 years of research?" Ye Luo stepped forward and muttered to himself again.

That huge bluestone is not a real stone at all, but an entrance to the phantom pattern barrier that surpasses the emperor's level!

Ye Luo stepped forward!
The water disappeared quietly.

The feet are on the ground!

Passing through the bluestone is like passing through countless time and space. What is after the entrance of the bluestone?
After Ye Luo stepped in, his body stopped again.

A long bridge of endless time stands across the sky above the pitch-black abyss. On both sides of the bridge, every ten steps, there is an ancient lamp that has existed for an unknown number of years.

The bridge is an ancient bronze bridge!
The body of the bridge is entirely made of bronze, huge, mysterious, and rich in the breath of time. The bridge extends to the endless darkness, just like extending to the end of fate.

The ancient lamps on both sides of the bridge are still on!

The light is dim and can only illuminate a small area, but it will last forever!
Ye Luo stepped up and moved forward again.

In the endless darkness, the ancient and endless long bridge, the dim street lights, and the endless turbulent darkness, Ye Luo seemed to be left alone.


The feet fall on the bronze bridge that has accumulated dust for thousands of years, eternal loneliness.

When people arrive, the lights flicker.

Ye Luo didn't walk fast, but in his heart, there was already a huge wave of waves. Was this ancient building with such handicrafts, a long bridge full of miracles, really built by people?
The ancestor god of the foreign race stayed here for a thousand years. Was what he made successful?
Ye Luo walked forward step by step, and after an unknown amount of time, he finally saw, in the memory of the ancestor god, an ancient monument on the bridge.

On the stele, there were only two ancient characters that even Ye Luo couldn't make out, but these two characters gave Ye Luo an inexplicably familiar feeling.

Ye Luo suddenly thought that before the great change of the world, as a generation of Chinese war doctors, when he was performing a secret mission, he had seen similar words in the Sanxingdui Exhibition Hall, an archaeological miracle that shocked the world.

On the monument, apart from these two ancient characters, there is only a carved portrait of a woman, a woman who is mysterious, beautiful, and ancient, enough to make people feel a sense of peace from the bottom of their hearts.

Just looking at the portrait, Ye Luo felt a kind of tranquility in his soul.

It seemed that all the hustle and bustle and impetuosity subsided instantly.

It seems that in the eternal loneliness in the darkness, only this woman will not be lonely at all.

At the same time, deep in Ye Luo's eyes, there was also an extreme shock!

Because, the woman on the portrait is exactly the same as the female corpse he saw in the Sanxingdui before the great change of the world, which was dug up by archaeologists and claimed to be immortal for a thousand years!
In the past, countless experts studied it and conducted in-depth excavations on the archaeological miracle in the history of the world in Sanxingdui. However, very little information was obtained.

Even, occasionally there are some mysterious developments, which are completely shielded and blocked.

Some ancient and profound philologists only announced to the public that the only result of their research was the woman's name: Xin Zhui!
Ye Luo looked again at the two ancient characters below the carved woman.

Xin Zhui!

Is the corpse of a woman who has not rotted for hundreds of millions of years unearthed in the Sanxingdui archaeology, really the one on the monument?Why did she appear in Sanxingdui?

Ye Luo recalled that during the excavation of Sanxingdui, a large number of mysterious and strange bronzes that science could not explain at all were unearthed.

"No, the ancestor god of the alien race made a guess during the thousand years of staying here, that is, the woman in the picture may still be alive, but with some kind of eternal seal, she sealed herself in the Somewhere, it will wake up at a certain time." Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Then, Ye Luo spoke again in shock, and said, "If this is the case, then after the great change of the world, is Xin Zhui's body still there, which was stored in the museum?"

Ye Luo took a deep breath, bypassed the stele, and suddenly accelerated, walking towards the end of the bronze bridge.

(End of this chapter)

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