Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1027 Horror Metamorphosis

Chapter 1027 Horror Metamorphosis (Ticket Request)

Originally wanted to pass through, compress the sea of ​​thunder, sublimate the destructive power of thunder and lightning again, and completely obliterate Ye Luo, but the center of the sea of ​​thunder is suddenly empty at this time!
Ye Luo, who had turned into coke, remained motionless, and his whole body was like an increasingly terrifying vortex, crazily devouring the power of thunder and lightning in the entire thunder calamity.


Lei Hai was berserk, boiling, enraged, and the speed of compression suddenly increased countless times. Then, before Ye Luo swallowed it again, the entire Lei Hai exploded!
A sea of ​​thunder that exploded like a nuclear bomb exploded completely!
But Ye Luo was in the center of the sea of ​​thunder. Thousands of miles of calamity clouds, the power of thunder and lightning in the endless void, was still crazy, violently chopping down here.

However, in the sea of ​​thunder that exploded, Ye Luo still didn't move. Ye Luo's hands changed a mark again. The terrifying devouring vortex on his body seemed to devour the world!


Above the void, there are endless thunder disasters, terrifying laws of heaven, condensed, seem to destroy the world, let the existence of the saint level feel fear, the gun of destruction that despises everything seems to feel something.

Suddenly, a terrifying aura emanated from it.

Quietly, its figure disappeared from the void.

"Hey! The thunder tribulation is over? Hehe, what the hell, I just said, there is no need to use the gun of destruction at all, the four terrifying thunder tribulations that are equivalent to ordinary monks, crossing the tribulation, are enough to kill that crossing Robbery monk.

Overcoming tribulation in this kind of place is simply courting death!
I don't know if it's that mentally handicapped and idiot, maybe, just got some adventures and burst out with self-confidence. A young monk had a flash of contempt in his eyes.

He also survived the thunder tribulation, but his identity, after being a great emperor, has a terrifying and heaven-defying background behind him. At the beginning, he was amazingly talented, but before he survived the thunder calamity, the entire sect behind him was It took 30 years of preparation.

Even, his father himself woke up and defended him!
Even so, he almost died in that thunder disaster.

At this time, he can basically guess that those who cross the catastrophe will die just by seeing the four thunder tribulations before!Because, as far as the previous four thunder tribulations were concerned, each one was equivalent to the thunder calamity when he crossed the tribulation.

How terrifying the Thunder Tribulation is, only those who have survived it will know.

"Yu'er, you underestimated the person who crossed the tribulation, he didn't die, he survived the first four thunder tribulations!" Beside the young and frightening cultivator, an old man with muddy eyes, who seemed to be unusually ordinary, suddenly looked towards him. Take a step forward.

"Who is this who is crossing the tribulation? Is it after Emperor Zun? Or, a forbidden child who walked out of a certain restricted area?" The old man muttered to himself.

"What?" The young man was shocked.

"Yu'er, remember, if the person who crosses the catastrophe can survive this life-and-death understanding, then if you meet him in the future, you must stay away from him, or make friends with him. Remember, you must not make him your enemy.

The world is vast, you come from a noble family, from the moment you were born, you were destined to surpass countless ordinary monks, even some monks, who have practiced hard for hundreds of years, are not as good as you were in your teens.

However, it is because you are too noble, your cultivation speed is too fast, and your foundation is actually very unstable. The thunder tribulation you passed through in the past was also weakened a lot, and you were fully prepared.

You have never experienced the cruel experience and the catastrophe of life and death in the real practice world.

With your strength, it is more than enough to fight against ordinary monks. You can directly crush them with your powerful realm. However, once you meet those of the same realm, especially those who have no identity background , The monks who came up step by step must stay away and make friends with each other alive.

They can rely on themselves to reach the same level as you step by step. The hardships, opportunities, and tenacious will they have experienced are all incomparable to you. "The old man spoke with plain language, without too much suppression or flattery, and was very to the point.

However, when these words fell into the ears of that youthful, energetic young man with extremely terrifying strength, they were extremely harsh. When he met that kind of monk who had no background strength and was like a ghost, should he make friends or stay away?
His combat power is incomparable to theirs?

The young man didn't say a word, but obviously he didn't listen to the old man's words at all.

As the son of the great emperor, if he wants to prove the Tao and become an emperor in this era, and even become a person who defies the sky like an emperor, how could he be afraid of his peers?

bottom of the lake.

Ye Luo, who was like coke, turned into a vortex in the end, completely berserk, even if the endless thunder sea detonated itself, Ye Luo didn't even let it go.

Ye Luo turned into a coke vortex, directly devouring the bursting thunder sea!
On the ancient altar, when the thunder sea burst, the mysterious bronze egg also suddenly accelerated its devouring!
Thunder robbery?
In the inheritance memory of the ancestor gods, there is such a passage: The weak fear, avoid, and defend against thunder calamity, while the strong use it to forge their own gods, devour thunder calamity, and reborn!
The Gun of Destruction, in a terrifying rage, had already pierced Ye Luo's coke-like head, and the void directly burst when the Gun of Destruction passed.

Ye Luo's terrifying, sky-defying vortex seemed to have no effect on the Gun of Destruction.

"Crack clap-"

However, at this moment, Ye Luo, who was like black charcoal, suddenly made a cracking sound. The black charcoal shattered, and a crystal clear hand full of strange and mysterious laws , suddenly stretched out!

That hand actually directly held the spear of destruction that stabbed down terrifyingly!

Afterwards, in that hand, strands of laws unexpectedly poured in silently towards the terrifying gun of destruction!


The terrifying gun of destruction that seemed to destroy the world, the moment it was held, an earth-shattering wrath erupted from the gun body, and the heaven and earth trembled.

Huge, astonishing, and heaven-defying destructive power erupted completely.

And on Ye Luo's body, the black charcoal completely faded away in an instant!

Reborn, like a newborn!
In Ye Luo's body, the power of devouring, the power of sacrifice, the power of darkness, and the three red threads in the heart, from the original energy, have begun to transform into laws!

In the energy, there are four kinds of mysteries of the origin of heaven and earth, and the laws of heaven against the sky!
Ye Luo's eyes were calm, and there was a very mysterious fluctuation in them.

The four volumes of the heavenly scriptures were completely merged into one body, forming a mutilated, mysterious and terrifying figure of an ancient Buddha, which merged with Ye Luo's soul into one body!
Youran, Ye Luo moved!
(End of this chapter)

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