Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1028 Undercurrent Under the Night

Chapter 1028 Undercurrent Under the Night

The gun of destruction vibrated, and on the body of the gun, the terrifying breath of destruction and the mysterious law that directly shattered the void turned into a sharp blade, which directly cut Ye Luo's left hand holding the body of the gun.

The body of the gun shook violently, wanting to directly destroy Ye Luo's left hand holding the body of the gun!

For thousands of years, every time it appears, those who cross the catastrophe will inevitably be full of despair, fear, and finally lost their souls. People like Ye Luo, who dare to hold him directly with his hands, come from more distant, pre-immemorial times. In an era, and in a few years, there is only one person who dares to do this!
And that person is the legendary, Demon God!
However, it never thought that now, just an unknown monk, who does not seem to be powerful, would dare to use this method to violate and trample on the laws of heaven!

The body of the gun trembled with terror, and the blood on Ye Luo's hand appeared. At this time, Ye Luo's blood had already shown a shocking golden color. The blood was terrifying, and mysterious laws flashed!
The blood fell in the air, and a few drops fell on the bronze egg. After that, the blood disappeared in a flash.

However, Ye Luo also moved at this time. Ye Luo's bloody left hand did not let go of the gun at all, but Ye Luo's right hand was carrying the three red lines of devouring, sacrifice, darkness and mystery at this moment. Powerful, terrifying, and domineering, it fell directly on the gun body!


The sound of the impact shook the entire underground country, and the endless houses, buildings, and even mountains were directly shattered under the impact of the aftermath of the impact!
And on the terrifying gun of destruction, a crack appeared unexpectedly.

Ye Luo stood alone on the ancient altar, his eyes were as black as ink, and his hair flew up. On his newly reborn body, there was a mysterious, terrifying, domineering arrogance that swallowed mountains and rivers and suppressed the world.


After Ye Luo's first punch fell, Ye Luo went berserk again and punched twice terrifyingly!

On the Spear of Destruction, the first punch made a crack, the crack expanded with the second punch, and the third punch fell. The terrifying Spear of Destruction smashed into pieces!

In the body of the gun, there was a sky-defying, ancient and terrifying streak that seemed to hide a deep will, and at the moment it shattered, it let out a roar that made people's hearts tremble.


However, Ye Luo's third punch has already landed!

The shattered gun body exploded directly at this moment, hundreds of times stronger than the previous explosion, but Ye Luo stood at the center of the explosion, motionless, and Ye Luo's hands once again condensed a mark.

A more terrifying vortex appeared directly on Ye Luo's body, greedy, crazy, and domineering, devouring all the violent thunder power around him.

Ye Luo's body transformed again. In Ye Luo's body, four mysterious and heaven-defying energies further transformed towards the law symbolizing the realm of a saint!
Ye Luo's aura, vaguely, has the air of an ancient saint!
And the bronze egg next to Ye Luo, after absorbing Ye Luo's blood, trembled quietly, and there was a breath of Ye Luo silently inside the single body!

And the bronze egg was still absorbing the thunder silently.


At this time, the enchantment at the bottom of the lake, which already existed for thousands of years, had already been eroded a lot by the years. At the end of the battle, at this time, it experienced such terrifying fluctuations that the entire subjugated country at the bottom of the lake began to collapse!
Barrier, collapse!
Here, it has existed for too long!

Ye Luo opened his eyes, and there was a terrifying wave of sacred law in his eyes.

The realm of saints, accomplished!

Ye Luo looked at the terrifyingly collapsing bottom of the lake, took a deep look around, and grabbed the bronze egg weakly. The bronze egg seemed to be dragged by some mysterious force, and it flew directly to the ground. Ye Luo's hand.

Ye Luo put the bronze egg into the bead, and the next moment, Ye Luo's figure disappeared without a sound!
Ye Luo is very clear that the Dark Mountains and the Forest of Forbidden Beasts are at an extremely sensitive moment. At this time, such a terrifying vision will attract the attention of many terrifying, ancient, and heaven-defying existences.

At this time, you can't stay here for a long time, otherwise it will cause unnecessary trouble.

In the Forest of Taboo Monster Beasts, many people saw that not long after the gun of destruction disappeared, the thousands of miles of dark clouds above the sky seemed to have received some heavy blows, and they actually sent out a burst of rage.

However, the energy and the law of the Great Dao of Endless Thunder Tribulation have been exhausted, so they can only disperse helplessly!

However, above the sky, the endless horror made all the horrific monks feel the small sky, but there was a faint shocking wave that appeared and disappeared in a flash.

After a while, ten thousand miles of stratus clouds appeared, and the night sky reappeared!

The full moon is bright and the sky is full of stars!
"Hahaha, I knew that he wouldn't be able to survive this thunder calamity. Hmph, idiot, he's already been blown to ashes by the thunder calamity, right?" the young emperor in the forest of taboo monsters said contemptuously.

"Yu'er!" The old man beside him spoke more severely than ever before, and then said solemnly, "He succeeded in crossing the tribulation, and he used the most terrifying way to cross the tribulation!"

"Du Jie, what, did you succeed in crossing the robbery?" The young man's body froze suddenly!

In the Forest of Taboo Monster Beasts, all those who saw this scene, many ancient, terrifying existences against the sky, saw this scene, and a touch of shock flashed in their eyes.

Did you make it?

Who is this?
After the emperor?
Or, is it the legendary existence of the emperor who surpasses the level of the emperor and is like a god?

"Who is it? People from that family can survive the thunder calamity in this way. Even an ancient monk who has practiced for thousands of years can survive this thunder calamity. The future of cultivation is absolutely limitless! "The moment the thunder calamity ended, a figure's entire body had turned into an afterimage, and it rushed towards the center of the thunder calamity.

"Look at which family it is. If it is a person with influence, make friends with it and treat it with generous gifts. If it is an enemy, or someone who refuses to accept the solicitation, kill it directly. There are only two kinds of people like this. There is a choice, either to become an enemy or to become a friend!" A terrifying, ancient half-step emperor-level existence against the sky said a sentence coldly.

In the night, countless terrifying, powerful, and sky-defying figures looked at the Lost Lake and rushed over.

Even in the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains, there were abnormal movements.

This night, both the taboo monster forest and the dark taboo mountain range had abnormal movements. There was a terrifying aura around the Lost Lake, which was originally dead and desolate, and no one wanted to approach it!

(End of this chapter)

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