Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1035 Entering the Restricted Zone 2

Chapter 1035 Entering the Restricted Zone 2 (seeking a ticket)
Ye Luo raised his head, and there was finally a trace of solemnity in his gaze.

Emperor Tuoba, has entered the restricted area?

Ye Luo has some understanding of Emperor Tuoba. This emperor succeeded in proving the Tao during the ancient times, and he proved the Tao by killing. Overwhelm all races!

However, this still didn't make Ye Luo think a little bit.

Ye Luo is very clear that with his current strength, massacring a great emperor is basically the same as sending him to death, even if it is in the restricted area!
"These are not enough to convince me." Ye Luo looked at Yue Qiluo, Ye Luo believed that this breathtakingly beautiful woman in front of her would not naively think that this was enough to convince Ye Luo.

"The imperial soldiers on Emperor Tuoba belong to you. In addition, I can give you a part of the map in the dark mountains." Yue Qiluo continued.

A part of the map in the forbidden zone of the Dark Mountains?

In Ye Luo's heart, there was a wave of turmoil. This forbidden girl actually had a map, even if it was only a part of it. You must know that in the ages, the three emperors of heaven, earth and man entered the restricted area, and they disappeared mysteriously, and strange and unknown changes occurred.

In history, there has never been a record of anyone who came out alive from the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountains.

But now, the red snow is falling, the sky and the earth are shaking, endless mysterious forces, ancient students, dark forbidden areas, and some unknowable places are all alarmed. It can be said that now, around the dark mountains of the endless border, thousands of races are gathered.

In the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains, there are too many hidden things that surpass the mysteries of the ages.

The involvement is so complicated and the water is so deep that few people can explain it clearly.

At this time, the map in the dark mountains may be more precious than an imperial weapon.

"You are a forbidden girl in the forbidden zone. If you really want to kill Emperor Tuoba, you shouldn't come to me. It is more suitable for the supreme ancient existence in your forbidden zone to fight than you and me." The promise was shocking, but Ye Luo, however, remained absolutely calm.

As a former war doctor, Ye Luo knew very well that the more attractive the reward, the more dangerous the task.

No matter how attractive the reward is, if the person dies, then everything is empty talk.

"You are really good. It is more appropriate for them to attack. However, they cannot attack. Emperor Tuoba belongs to a foreign race, and his relationship with the alien beast gods is complicated. If the older generation is dispatched, it will inevitably attract the attention of the beast gods.

A great emperor is not easy to kill!

If the Beast God made a move, the great emperors among the alien races would also make a move. This kind of situation is uncontrollable.

And if it's you and I join forces, we won't disturb those troublesome existences of other races. Even if you and I kill Emperor Tuoba, it will be a counterattack by the younger generation against the older emperor.

A generation of great emperors fell, the beast gods of foreign races, and several other great emperors would not lose face and find revenge on two juniors. Even if they wanted to, they would have to consider the consequences of revenge.

Behind me is a restricted area. "The paper crane between Yue Qiluo's fingers swayed slightly.

"You have a plan to kill Emperor Tuoba." Ye Luo's tone was still calm, and he didn't ask why Yue Qiluo wanted to kill Emperor Tuoba, because, as a former killer, all Ye Luo wanted to know was the reward, and Among the risks.

"Yes, but it depends on the timing. I can't tell you right now. I will keep the paper crane in my hand by your side for the time being. I will let you know before I do it.

I won't force it, you can see the situation and choose whether to make a move.

When the time comes, the choice is yours. "The paper-folded origami crane in Yue Qiluo's hand flew silently towards Ye Luo.

Ye Luo looked in front of him, and there was a mysterious aura fluctuating. The Thousand Paper Crane, which has the function of a communication talisman, did not reach out to pick it up, but asked the last question: "Why did you choose me?"

"My original partner was the Zhongzhou Dynasty, the most terrifying mysterious and terrifying prince, Long Zhantian! In terms of strength, he is above you. He was 19 years old, and he has already passed the understanding of a saint. Now it is hitting the realm of the half-step emperor.

But, just now, I changed my mind.

Because, you are more suitable.

You have had the experience of slaughtering the Great Emperor. "Yue Qiluo spoke word by word, and her mysterious eyes fell on Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed fiercely again.

His current identity is the good-for-nothing son-in-law of the Shangguan family. Even if his strength is exposed, his identity is still mysterious. How does she know that she has slaughtered the emperor?
The ancient ghost mines and the shots at the end of hell were all under extreme and special circumstances, against the heavens and slaughtering the emperor!

"You don't have to guess. I was there at the Taikoo Ghost Mine. I've seen your face. You are here, and you haven't changed your appearance, Ye Luo!" Yue Qiluo explained the reason.

Ye Luo was slightly taken aback, then smiled faintly.

Ye Luo stretched out his hand, grabbed the Thousand Paper Crane, and said, "Since the choice is in my hands, the conditions are so tempting, and the reasons are sufficient, it seems that I have no reason to refuse."

In the red snow, Yue Qiluo looked at the thousand paper cranes held by Ye Luo, but did not speak again.

Ye Luo was also very free and easy, picked up Shangguan Xing'er, turned around and left, and said, "I will also enter the dark restricted area. Before you do it, you can inform me that the choice is in my hands, but I don't want to." I will cheat you, if I look at the specific situation, if it is not suitable to do it, I will not do it, I will let you know in advance."

"You still have many secrets that I can't see through." Yue Qiluo looked at Ye Luo's back and said.

"Everyone has a secret." Ye Luo's figure disappeared into the night.

"I will temporarily keep your identity a secret for you." Yue Qiluo said the last sentence.

Three hours later, thousands of miles away.

Ye Luo's figure suddenly stopped.

Ye Luo opened his left eye, closed You Ran, and glanced around to make sure there was no one there.

Afterwards, Ye Luo's hands spent a full 10 minutes, a long time, exhausting the power of darkness in his body, and reluctantly displayed an ancient and mysterious mark.

A special aura emanated from this mysterious imprint, permeating the thousand paper cranes.

This imprint is in the memory of the ancestors of the alien race. It is a forbidden technique that can use a strange and ancient law to scan the magic weapon to sense whether there is something strange in it.

When the magic spell fell, the Thousand Paper Cranes turned into a transparent color, and the laws in it appeared in Ye Luo's eyes one by one.

After a while.

"It's really just a communication talisman with a flying function, and there are no other shady things hidden in it." Ye Luo muttered to himself.

"Really going to kill Emperor Tuoba?" Ye Luo was silent, thinking quickly, the intricate relationship, and the restricted area of ​​the dark mountain range, the tense and terrifying situation that is rare in all ages.

What exactly is in the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains, and why are the oldest, terrifying, and mysterious existences of all races dispatched for it?of

(End of this chapter)

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