Chapter 1036
Ye Luo thought for a while before putting away the thousand paper cranes.

"Perhaps, some forces can be used. As for cooperating to kill Emperor Tuoba, we need to be flexible." Ye Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

Ye Luo patted Shangguan Xing'er's head twice, and a dark force penetrated into Shangguan Xing'er's brow.

Shangguan Xing'er blinked her eyebrows, and then opened her eyes. Then, she seemed to think of something, and she stood up suddenly, her hands condensed into imprints, and a powerful aura surged around her body, scanning her surroundings.

However, she didn't see anything other than Ye Luo.

"Uncle, why are we here, where is that person from the Tuoba family?" Shangguan Xing'er was a little at a loss.

"I don't know either. After you fell into a coma, it seemed that another person came out of the forest. That person killed the person from Tuoba's family with only one move. Then, that person left. I'll see the situation. No, I ran away behind your back." Ye Luo scratched her head and said.

"What, I killed that peak-fit person from the Tuoba family with one move, have you seen that person clearly?" Shangguan Xing'er's face changed slightly.

"I can't see it too clearly, but she seems to be wearing red clothes. There is a coffin mark on the corner of her clothes. By the way, she also wants to have a paper crane in her hand." Ye Luo worked hard. Recalling the opening.

"God, the person in the restricted area of ​​the tomb of the gods, the forbidden girl Yue Qiluo!" Almost after hearing Ye Luo's words, Shangguan Xing'er suddenly heard a person, stuttering in her mouth.

"Huh! It seems to be that Yue Luo, Xing'er, do you know her? That woman is amazing." Ye Luo pretended to have guilt.

"If this is the case, it can be explained. Many years ago, it was rumored that there were some unknown grievances and grievances with the Tuoba family in the restricted area of ​​the tomb of the gods. Yue Qiluo was born a week ago. There are rumors that she is the one who took revenge. " Shangguan Xing'er's throat felt a little dry.

At the same time, I also feel that my uncle is very lucky. Whenever life and death are in danger, something strange will always happen, or a strange person will help.

"Uncle, I have met her once." Shangguan Xing'er said.

"What?" It was Ye Luo's turn to be surprised this time.

"Three days ago, she arrived in the Forest of Forbidden Monster Beasts. She came to our house, but at that time, the news was tightly blocked. You didn't know that she had a contest with the young lady once." Shangguan Xing'er , throwing out a message again.

Ye Luo was shocked again.

Yue Qiluo and his wife in name, Shangguan Yunbing, have a contest of Taoism?

Ye Luo has already seen Yue Qiluo's true state, and also seen his wife in name, is his wife also hiding his true state?
Shangguan Yunbing, who had a reputation for terror, was even scarier than what he saw?
She can actually compete with Yue Qiluo on the Dao?

Ye Luo couldn't help but feel a little shocked by her nominal wife, whom she had only met once. The ancient family, which has been passed down for centuries, has too deep a foundation.

It seems that every person who exists against the sky has his own secret.

"Who won?" Ye Luo asked another question.

"I don't know either. Although I was by my side at the time, I didn't understand at all." Shangguan Xing'er shook her head.

Then, Shangguan Xing said again, saying: "Young master, hurry up and go home with me. Last time Emperor Tuoba died mysteriously, and you also disappeared mysteriously. Everyone in the family thought you were dead too. If the family members People, it must be very happy to know that you are still alive."

Ye Luo nodded and said, "Okay."

"Uncle, Emperor Tuoba died because he intercepted and killed you. Have you seen the person who killed Emperor Tuoba? I don't know who is so terrifying and bold that he dared to kill the emperor of the Tuoba family. You I don't know, after the death of Emperor Tuoba, the members of the Tuoba family almost went crazy and fought with our family." Shangguan Xing'er felt guilty.

Ye Luo shook his head and said, "I don't know. I seem to have passed out. After waking up, I ran back again, and now is the time."

Shangguan Xing'er and Ye Luo, while communicating, rushed towards Shangguan's house quickly.

About 10 minutes later, the residence of Shangguan's family was already in sight.

At this moment, a group of more than twenty people came from the direction of Shangguan's house.

Among the 20 people, the leader is a beautiful young woman wearing green clothes, with a mysterious aura and a charming look in her eyes. At the same time, she also has a faint sense of arrogance.

Beside her, another young man in Shangguan's costume, with a breath of peak fit, was smiling, standing beside the young woman, introducing something from time to time.

"Huh! Sister Tao Meng?" Shangguan Xing'er couldn't help being stunned when she saw the young woman.

And as the young woman approached, Ye Luo's eyes couldn't help shrinking. The young woman seemed to be dressed in a simple way, but there was an air of seductiveness in her gestures.

The charm of her body is full of the dreamlike color of a young woman, her eyes are like a bend of spring water, her body is protruding forward and backward, her chest stands proudly, and the blue gauze dress can't hide the peerless charm of this young woman at all.

"Xing'er?" The young woman also saw Shangguan Xing, and her eyes were slightly stunned, while the young man beside the young woman suddenly looked at Ye Luo, who was standing by the side without opening a word, and narrowed her eyes fiercely.

"Sister Tao Meng, why are you here?" Shangguan Xing ran over.

"All the races in the world, the endless mysterious places, and even the existences in the restricted area are all gathered around the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains. How can we people from Tianmeng Valley not come?" The young woman Tao Meng looked at Shangguan Xing'er and said , there was another strange color in his eyes.

She continued: "Myolie, why did your aura change? Why aren't you by Shangguan Yunbing's side?"

"I was not with Miss. My uncle disappeared three days ago. I always felt that my uncle was still alive, so I stayed in the forest and looked for my uncle. In the end, I really found him." Shangguan Xing'er stopped her. After seeing Ye Luo, there was still a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Three days ago, after Ye Luo disappeared, she cried for a long time.

Then, Shangguan Xing'er asked again: "Sister Tao Meng, shouldn't the young lady be at home? You just came from home, didn't you see the young lady?"

"I just arrived early this morning. When I arrived, I was told that Shangguan Yunbing followed Shangguan Patriarch into the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains last night. Rumor has it that the most mysterious Suzaku beside the Beast God also entered. Now, we are preparing to enter the restricted area." Tao Meng, a young woman, looked at Ye Luo while speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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