Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1041 Ye Luo's Talisman

Chapter 1041 Ye Luo's Talisman
Moreover, after Shangguanjian was punished by the third elder during the day, Shangguanjian secretly looked for him and asked him to stare at Ye Luo to death. Ye Luo must not live in the restricted area!

If he can make a certain contribution to killing Ye Luo, then he will be rewarded extremely generously.

Thinking in his heart, while being extremely vigilant, he finally took a step and landed on the ground.

One step down, without a trace of abnormality.

Oh, a fool is a fool!

Nonsense, but even talking about Feng Shui!
At this moment, Shangguan Jian gave Ye Luo a contemptuous look, and the other dozen or so confidantes of Shangguan Jian also had a trace of contempt in their eyes.

"Grandpa, let's go quickly, stop talking nonsense, it's really dangerous now." Shangguan Xing grabbed Ye Luo with one hand.


But at this moment, in the darkness, there was another mournful scream.

Firelight, suddenly bright!
Bewitching, glowing with blue light, dancing like ghosts.

In the flames, the figure was the monk who was walking in the front and took that step just now. In his eyes, there were panic, despair, and regret. He struggled, roared, and screamed at Shangguanjian: "Help, save me!" help me……"

He struggled towards Shangguan Jian and took a wobbly step.

Shangguan Jian's complexion couldn't help but he took three steps back in a row, fearing that he might get a little bit of flame.

The time lasted only two seconds, and the same black skeleton appeared.

"Feng Shui is a metaphysics. Those who believe in it will live, and those who don't believe will die." Ye Luo's voice, at this time, rang faintly again, just like the magic stick in the previous life.

Many members of Shangguan's family trembled when they heard the sound.

At this time, Ye Luo suddenly took out cinnabar, blank yellow paper, writing brush, plant ashes, and a few strange things from the storage ring in his hand.

Even, Ye Luo directly moved out another table from the storage ring, and then put all the things he took out on the table, and the whole action was done in one go.

After Ye Luo finished these, he ignored everyone.

Ye Luo picked up a writing brush from the table, poured a black dish with an extremely stenchy, poisonous liquid into the cinnabar, and mixed it.

Afterwards, Ye Luo used a writing brush, dipped in cinnabar, and on the yellow paper, the brush was like a snake. In an instant, he directly depicted a complex and mysterious ghost charm. Shenhan, the paintings are quite similar.

Ye Luo drew very quickly. After finishing Chapter 1, Ye Luo handed the talisman to Shangguan Xing, and said, "Xing'er, take it. This is drawn by your uncle and me. If you hold it, you will die." !"

"Ah! Uncle, Uncle, this, what is this?" Shangguan Xing was extremely nervous, and was a little flustered by Ye Luo's sudden talisman.

Several other people also looked at Ye Luo's weird movements.

Feng shui, metaphysics, and painting talismans?Why is this scene so similar to the actions of those crooks in the mortal village? Is this this foolish uncle, at this dangerous and terrifying moment, casually scribbling?

It's just that Ye Luo's feng shui dissuasion just now made everyone feel a little dazed.

"If you dare to mess with these messy things here again, I will depose you now." As a saint-level Tao Meng, naturally she would not believe this at all.

Her voice was cold, seeing Ye Luo's deceptive behavior, her voice was cold.

"Niece Tao Meng, don't be so fussy with him, we should think of a way now, how to solve the crisis in front of us." The third elder knew Tao Meng's temper, fearing that she would really make a move, he said solemnly.

"According to the family rules, shouldn't the Third Elder be abolished for his demagogic behavior?" Shangguan Jian finally seized an opportunity in this crisis.

A killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Third Elder, you are not the most particular about family rules. Now, it's time to enforce the family rules. Let me help you enforce them!" Shangguan Jian knew very well that although the Third Elder obeyed the rules abnormally, he was a member of the direct line. Will not shoot Ye Luo.

At this time, Ye Luo, almost at the fastest speed, turned into more than thirty talismans, forming a thick stack.

"Demagogy? Really? Do you have any evidence that I am demagogue and slanderous? If you don't understand, don't make a fuss." Ye Luo pretended to be stunned, and gave Shangguan Jian a contemptuous look.

Afterwards, Ye Luo put away the things on the table, and said, "Nine Nether Talismans, one thousand high-grade spirit stones, children and old people will not be deceived, if you don't cheat, you will die with the talisman!" Ye Luo waved Holding the talisman in his hand, he spoke again.

This time, even the third elder felt a headache. This uncle, in such a critical moment, was still thinking of deceiving people to do business. If Shangguan Jian's people were so easy to deceive, the Shangguan family would have been extinct long ago!
At the same time, my heart became more and more vigilant.

Even he had never seen such a weird scene.

He also ignored the Shangguan sword, and silently took out a pitch-black thing that looked like a ruler exuding a terrifying aura in his hand.


The third elder spoke.


But at the moment when his words fell, behind him, a monk from the Shangguan family not far away let out another scream, and the faint blue flames on his body suddenly rose.

At this moment, Ye Luo's figure moved.

The monk was close to Ye Luo, and Ye Luo rushed directly in front of him, took out a talisman just drawn, and directly pasted it on his forehead indiscriminately.

"Uncle, be careful, don't go..." Shangguan Xing'er was shocked, but she stopped before she finished speaking.

Because, she suddenly saw that the moment Ye Luo's talisman was attached to that person, that weird will-o'-the-wisp that even the third elder and Tao Meng couldn't see through, quietly extinguished!

The speed of extinguishing is amazing!
It seemed that when the fire flashed, Ye Luo's talisman arrived, and then the fire went out.

The person who screamed just now stopped suddenly. His body and clothes had been burned clean, but his body did not suffer much damage.

After all, he was a cultivator at the peak of the golden core period, and a little physical injury did not make him unbearable.

The fire is out!
he lived?
Frightened, his mind went blank. When he looked at it just now, he thought that it was this silly uncle who wanted to deceive people, sticking the talisman on his body, silently flaunting it.

His legs gave way and he fell to the ground.

The third elder, Tao Meng, Shangguan Jian, Shangguan Xing'er, and the others all fixed their gazes on Ye Luo at this moment, still holding the talisman in Ye Luo's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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