Chapter 1042
Everyone's eyes were fixed on Ye Luo, and at this moment, Ye Luo swaggered and pulled up the soft, survivor monk on the ground.

"Thank you, thank you uncle for saving my life..."

The monk finally came to his senses, he was not dead, he was still alive, it was this stupid, dumb, stupefied uncle who he had never valued before, and rescued him!

It's good to be alive!
Only a person who has died once knows how important life is. At the moment when his body was on fire, many things flashed in his mind, and at that moment, he realized a truth, there is no life, everything It's all just talk!

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Ye Luo from the bottom of his heart.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stand up for me, don't think that if you kowtow to me, I can save your money, a thousand top-grade spirit stones, not a single one less!" Ye Luo stepped aside, His expression was extremely serious.

The monk from the Shangguan family kneeling on the ground couldn't help but froze in tears of gratitude.

"You don't have money, do you? Do you want to renege on your debt? I saved you just now!" Ye Luo's face was very vigilant, and then he said: "No, you are also a monk at the golden core stage, even if you go It’s not so poor if you secretly do a piece of work outside, robbery or something, you don’t even have a thousand spirit stones, is it true or not?”


The cultivator at the golden core stage trembled a bit, feeling a bit dazed in his heart. He was also a golden core stage cultivator after all, and with this kind of cultivation, he could easily become a middle-level member in any big power.

Why does he now feel that in the eyes of his uncle, he is not worth even a thousand top-grade spirit stones?
Dazed and dazed, he reached into the storage ring, took out a thousand high-grade spirit stones, and handed them to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo seemed afraid that he would go back on his word, snatched back the spirit stone, and said: "There is a spirit stone, take it out early, won't this delay your uncle and my business?"

While talking, Ye Luo handed the spirit stones to Shangguan Xing'er, and said, "Xing'er, you manage the account for me, and the spirit stones that will be sold later, we two will open!"

Shangguan Xing'er was in shock when she felt her hands sink.

Then, she saw Ye Luo, and walked directly towards the other 20 people in Shangguan's house, and said as she walked, "Nine secluded talismans, ancestral secret techniques, specialize in supernatural events, one thousand high-grade spirit stones, Zhang, it's easy to be fooled, brother, do you want to?"

While Ye Luo was talking, he grabbed a monk with incredible eyes.

The monk was suddenly at a loss.

Do you want?
He didn't know either.

Is the Nine Serenities Talisman sold by my silly uncle real?However, why did he feel a little unacceptable for a while, something that even the Third Elder and the mysterious Fairy Tao Meng couldn't solve, a talisman from my uncle, could it really solve it?

However, if it can't be solved, how to explain the scene just now?


Just when everyone had the same thought in their hearts, a monk on the left also screamed, and the fire suddenly lit up on his body, and the chilling familiar light appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Ye Luo's body moved suddenly, and the talisman in his hand was quickly attached in the same way.

The flames flickered away again.

"Hey! One thousand high-grade spirit stones, take the money!" Ye Luo said unceremoniously. This monk reacted almost the same as the first monk Ye Luo saved just now, but he was obviously faster than the last monk. too much.

"Uncle, Uncle, I, I want one." The Shangguan disciple who was standing with the monk who caught fire just now, was so frightened that he almost turned around and ran away just now when he saw the monk next door on fire.

At this moment, seeing this, he couldn't care less, walked up to Ye Luo, and spoke directly.

What is more important than life?

Face, Lingshi?
"You don't have enough spirit stones!" Ye Luo glanced at the disciple's spirit stones on the ground, and shook his head seriously.

"Ah, me, am I not a thousand spirit stones? Why is it not enough?" The disciple looked stunned.

"Who told you one thousand, that was the price just now, and now the price has increased, two thousand, do you want to buy it or not?" Ye Luo gave him a serious look, and then said: "If you don't buy it, I'll sell it to you." Others, anyway, the talismans are limited, first come, first served, and they will be gone if it is late." Ye Luo's expression became more and more serious.

"Hey, aunt, aunt, don't go, buy it, I'll buy it!" Seeing that Ye Luo turned around and was about to leave, the monk almost cried, and quickly took out all the spirit stones in his storage ring. Gave it to Ye Luo.

"Myolie, take the money!" Ye Luo waved his hand, and then said: "Brother, settle the score, we are business!"

While talking, Ye Luo yelled again: "There are not many left, first come, first served!"

Several disciples of the Shangguan family around looked at each other when they saw this, and they almost rushed up to surround Ye Luo. However, several descendants of Shangguan Jian hesitated at this moment.

Because they all knew that there was an irreconcilable conflict between the Shangguan family, their collateral forces, and Ye Luo, Shangguan did not move his sword, and they did not dare to move first amidst hesitation.

However, all the people are very clear that if there is no talisman, they may die at any time in this place, and even the next one to die may be them!
They are hesitating.

"The last three talismans are left, and now the price has increased again, three thousand!" Ye Luo shouted again.

Those direct disciples of Shangguanjian looked at other Shangguan disciples holding talismans with a look of peace and contentment on their faces, and finally couldn't help it anymore, what the hell, what is more important than life!

What's more, there are only three left!
It's because, after hesitating for a while, he raised another thousand spirit stones. Who the hell is he going to reason with?Almost all of them regretted it in their hearts.

Shangguan Jian's face was flickering. In the darkness, after hesitating extremely, he finally gritted his teeth and walked towards Ye Luo.

Ye Luo shouted that there were three left, but he was still holding a thick stack in his hand, and the price was soaring all the way.

The two monks who were rescued by Ye Luo before, holding the magic talisman in their hands at the lowest price of [-] spirit stones, felt even more confused and complicated.

Being rescued, and taking advantage of the savior?
And the third elder and Tao Meng, who stood aside with a powerful and lonely elder, couldn't help but look at each other at this moment, and Tao Meng's movements moved slightly.


"Help me—"

Suddenly, at this time, in the rolling mountains, there was a terrifying battle and a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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