Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1048 Slaying the Snake

Chapter 1048 Slaying the Snake
This group of mice is obviously the group that appeared in the forbidden monster forest before!

Moreover, Ye Luo had killed one of the rats with a terrifying aura, all white hair, and a peak fusion state. Ye Luo also knew very well that among this group of rats, there was another even more terrifying and mysterious golden-haired rat. ghost mouse.

But now, after this group of terrifying ghost rats emerged from the grass, they walked towards the suspended ghost river without even looking at the crowd, as if they were holding some special ceremony.

They walked up step by step along the stairs extending down from above the ghost river.

The terrifying ghost firefly that emerged from the ground also flapped its wings and flew up, forming a well-ordered team, and flew onto the ghost ship.

The ghost ship was silent, the door on the ancient pavilion on the ship opened silently, and the red lanterns emitted a strange light.

Everyone was completely shocked when they saw this scene.

what happened?
Why did the legendary ghost mouse and the terrifying ghost firefly board the ghost ship in this way, and what happened to the ghost river hundreds of feet wide?

Everyone was on extreme alert, watching this scene in shock.

The river flows.

After a long time, Ghost Mouse and Ghost Firefly finally boarded the boat completely.


The stairs protruding from the hull were slowly retracted, and the door of the pavilion on the boat was also closed silently. With a slightly cold night wind blowing, the stopped boat started to move again.


Ye Luo felt a touch of coolness on the tip of his nose, raised his head, and suddenly saw that the red-haired snow, which had stopped at some point, started to fall again.

Even Ye Luo's heart was cast with a thick shadow at this moment.

It wasn't until now that Ye Luo really discovered that the restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountain was perhaps more terrifying and a hundred times weirder than he had imagined. It was completely different from the restricted area he had seen before.

Here, what exactly is it?
Back then, did the Three Sovereigns of Heaven, Earth and Man really also perish in this place?
"What shall we do next?"

In the dead silence, behind Bailixi, his daughter Baililan suddenly spoke. She looked at the falling red snow in the sky, and the ship on the ghost river that was moving away. Put away the strange spirit on her body.

"The direction of this river, now it seems, should lead to the depths of the forbidden area of ​​​​the Dark Mountains, and the road we are going to take is in the same direction. Now that we have all arrived here, it is impossible to turn back, and, Neither of us intend to turn back." The third elder spoke slowly.

"What do you mean?" Bailixi's face was very serious.

"Let's go along this river." Ghost Fu Sanniang said a word, and her eyes also looked at the boat going away, and there was a mysterious law in her eyes.

The three ancient and terrifying saints have already made a decision, and the others have not objected to it, or in other words, they can't make it right. Even the supreme existence of the saint level who follows his own family may fall at any time. If they are allowed to walk in the restricted area by themselves, is there any chance of survival?
Ye Luo looked at the ghost river and the boat, but didn't say anything, Ye Luo was just thinking about something.

"I took a long breath to cover my tears, mourning the hardships of the people's lives.

Although Yu is good at repairing and restraining him, he will replace him at night and at night.

Not only for Yu Yihui, but also for Yu Yihui.

I also have good intentions, even though I died nine times, I still have no regrets.

The cultivation of resentment spirit is mighty, but it will never touch the hearts of the people.

All the women are jealous of Yu's moth eyebrows, and rumors say that Yu is good at adultery

Youran, at this moment, in the flowing ghost river, there was a faint sound of reading suddenly. This sound is immature and neat, just like the voices of many teenagers in elementary school classrooms.

The sound came from the night, the ghost river was hundreds of feet wide, and the length was endless, and the sound came from nowhere, but everyone heard it.

Everyone was startled again. However, everyone had already experienced a lot of frightening things in a very short period of time, and they were not too frightened when they heard this voice again.

Headed by the three saints, after a short and careful discussion, they finally decided on one thing, that is, to walk along this ghost river in the dark of night!

There were too many scary things, and for a while, everyone's attention was diverted from Ye Luo.

After all, even if Ye Luo had met the legendary ancestor god, but he only listened to that ancestor god and said a few words, he was still just a waste.

The realm is too low, it is difficult for people to pay attention.

Tao Meng frowned all the time, she walked behind Ye Luo and never went far.

Shangguan Xing'er closely followed her uncle, and the other two monks from the Shangguan family, one tall and one short, also followed closely behind Ye Luo at this moment. The reason for saving them twice in a row is that they already have an inexplicable trust in their uncle who is considered a waste by others.

Among the dark taboo mountains, there are hundreds of thousands of endless mountains, and the mountain roads are rough and difficult. Fortunately, everyone is a very powerful monk, and the speed is not very slow.

Ye Luo, on the other hand, surprisingly didn't speak again, but kept thinking about something.

In particular, the sound of reading from the river just now made Ye Luo suddenly think of something. In Ye Luo's mind, there was a guess that even he was not sure about.

In this ghost river, there may be something familiar!

The speed of the crowd was very fast. The mountain ahead was getting higher and higher and weirder. The plants on the mountain were becoming rarer and rarer. Ye Luo even saw a plant that could walk!

Ye Luo felt a little uneasy.

Ye Luo silently opened his left eye and closed his right eye.

The road under the feet, black, red, and white, is not fixed, but in a state of flow and change. It seems that the endless and mysterious mountains are undergoing some strange changes all the time.

But the mountains are silent, silent.

On the surface, nothing can be seen at all.


Suddenly, a monk screamed in surprise, and then he said, "I thought it was something, it turned out to be just a little snake!"

The monk from the Baili family was startled at first, and then turned into anger from embarrassment. He looked at the little snake, with only a weak aura fluctuating on his body, and cut it down with a single sword.

"do not move!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Luo yelled violently. However, it was already too late. The sword in the hand of the monk from the Baili family had already been cut off in horror, and the little snake was cut into two pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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