Chapter 1049

As for the others, as well as the monk from the Baili family, their bodies froze suddenly under Ye Luo's yell, and they all burst into the most terrifying defense in an instant.

Under extreme vigilance, everything is like a soldier.

Ye Luo yelled violently, and the sound was heard far away in the dark night.

Under the terrifying defense, everyone looked around, vigilantly trying to find anything wrong, ready to strike with all their strength at any time.

However, this time, after a long time, no one noticed any movement.

"What, what's wrong?"

The previous monk from the Baili family who killed the snake had a trembling voice. He looked bewildered, not only him, but many others were bewildered. Finally, he came to his senses and looked at Ye Luo.

"What are you shouting?" Tao Meng also looked at Ye Luo.

"Nothing, this kind of snake is called Dark Mamba Snake. It is extremely vengeful and usually lives in groups. The snake just now should be a young snake that has just been born. If there are snakes nearby, the sword will trigger The snakes are rioting." Ye Luo explained.

"Really? I think you've been scared out of your wits. It's just a kind of snake. Even if there are snakes, so what. I've heard of the dark mamba snake. The highest cultivation level of this snake is It's just the peak of the body, right? We have five saint-level existences here." Shangguan Jian seized a rare opportunity and taunted him. Along the way, he had already suffered three dark losses at the hands of the fool in his eyes. !

The eyes of the others were also mocking.

This kind of sarcasm, to a large extent, is to use his own sarcasm to cover up the panic and bewilderment triggered by Ye Luo's loud shout just now.

The third elder, Bailixi and Guifu Sanniang, did not say anything.

A group of people continued to move forward, but just after walking a few steps, a small snake of the same size suddenly appeared at the place where Shangguan Jian passed by. Take a breath.

"Evil animal, dare to come out at this time?" Shangguan cut down with his sword.

"You'd better not touch it." Ye Luo said coldly.

"Haha, I think you're just scared. A cowardly person like you shouldn't have come to the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountains." The sword in Shangguan's sword fell directly, and the snake split into two halves.

The others calmed down a lot this time, they didn't say anything when they saw this, they just looked at Ye Luo, and finally recovered the contempt and contempt they had when they first met.

The river flowed, and the sound of splashing came out.

Ye Luo vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

The mountain where they are now is covered with a strange kind of bamboo. The bamboo joints of this kind of bamboo are pitch black, but the bamboo leaves are a kind of emerald green.

The monks in front directly used simple techniques to open up a road through the mountain in the layers of bamboo forest with ease.

After the two snakes were chopped off, nothing unusual happened.

However, Ye Luo felt that something was wrong.

Silently, Ye Luo took out an ancient, mysterious, and pitch-black talisman from the bamboo around his neck. This talisman is a holy-level diamond talisman, which can withstand a blow of a saint-level. It was pulled from Emperor Tuoba's body when he killed him.

Holy Son Tuoba did not have the opportunity to display this talisman at that time.

Otherwise, the outcome is really hard to predict.

Ye Luo silently handed the talisman to Shangguan Xing'er.

"Uncle, what is it?" Shangguan Xing'er didn't recognize it.

"For life-saving, remember that fortune teller, I got it from him, you hold it, if there is any danger, you can directly activate this talisman." Ye Luo said.

"No, uncle, you gave me the talisman, what should you do?" Shangguan Xing'er asked.

"This talisman can cover a large area. I am not strong enough to use it. When you use it, it can cover both of us." Ye Luo said.

This mountain covered with bamboo is not very big.

It didn't take long for everyone to browse this mountain. Among the [-] mountains, this mountain should be a relatively small mountain.

"Look, there seems to be something floating over from above the Ghost River." Suddenly, someone in the crowd turned around, glanced behind him, and shouted in surprise.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads, and Ye Luo followed suit.

In the night, under the red snow, everyone could see from a distance, an even bigger, mysterious, pitch-black giant ship, which seemed to be drifting towards them from a far away place.

Because the distance is too far, it can't be seen clearly for a while.

The moment Ye Luo saw the ship, a sense of déjà vu suddenly arose in his heart. Just as Ye Luo was about to open his left eye to observe carefully, a sense of crisis suddenly rose in Ye Luo's heart.

Without any hesitation, Ye Luo grabbed Shangguan Xing'er who was beside her, and slammed to the left.

At the moment when Ye Luo pulled Shangguan Xing'er to dodge, two pitch-black snake shadows shot past them horribly. Their pale fangs and pitch-black venom were particularly dazzling.

At the same time, Ye Luo didn't know when, two more flying knives appeared in Ye Luo's hands, and he threw them out. The flying knives stabbed directly, and the other two rushed to Shangguan's house. The monk who was one tall and one short followed Ye Luo before the neck.

The two black snakes have been chopped off.




In the silence, a crisis suddenly emerged, hidden so deep that even Ye Luo didn't notice the snake group, it seemed that they had already had some kind of special and careful plan, and terror came out.

For a while, screams rang out from all around.

The snakes are turbulent and terrifying, these snakes are suddenly dark mamba snakes!
Ye Luo's eyes narrowed fiercely, and he suddenly remembered the two little snakes that were beheaded by the Baili family and Shangguan sword.

It's time for revenge!

Not only Ye Luo, but other powerful figures also realized this terrifying topic immediately. They all realized that Ye Luo's previous stop was justified!

Earlier, the monk of the Baili family who killed the first black snake had four terrifying black stripes wrapped around his body, and he had obviously died tragically.

As for Shangguan Jian, his left arm was already bitten by a black black with a terrifying aura. The snake directly bit through his defense, and the poison surged up his arm in a way visible to the naked eye!
Shangguan Jian was terrified, and his eyes were terrified to the extreme.


At this moment, a flying knife in Ye Luo's hand shot out, directly cutting off his arm, and in the air, he let out a scream that was worse than killing a pig.

However, the poison stayed at the cut off position.

The arm is short, but it survives!

Ye Luo finally had time to look around at this moment, his face changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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