Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1056 Shocking 1 Kneeling

Chapter 1056

There was a dead silence around, among the Yin soldiers, antelopes and wolves, there was an ancient, solemn, awe-inspiring aura bursting out in the silence.

Since Ye Luo was standing with Tao Meng, and Ye Luo was standing half a body behind Tao Meng, at this time, Ye Luo became more and more inconspicuous.

Yin soldiers, wolves, and antelopes looked at Ye Luo, but in the eyes of everyone, they seemed to be looking at Tao Meng, a youthful, inviolable, and overwhelmed country!
click -

Suddenly, the orderly, solemn, solemn, ancient, terrifying, and mysterious Yin soldiers, the antelope and the wolf, unexpectedly made a uniform movement at this time, which shocked everyone!

Because they kneel on one knee!
It's so dark, there's no end in sight!
They even knelt down on one knee towards Ye Luo!

In the eyes of others, their kneeling at this time was towards Tao Meng, who was half in front of Ye Luo.

Everyone was completely shocked, and even this scene was even more shocking than the moment when Hualong was beheaded angrily.

Tao Meng's heart was also severely shocked.

Only she knew very clearly that all of this belonged to Ye Luo. In front of her, the terrifying and ancient Yin soldiers, the antelope and the wolf, all knelt down to Ye Luo.

If it is said that Ye Luo has concealed a heaven-defying combat power and an extremely terrifying background, she can still believe that, after all, in the vastness of Zhongzhou, since ancient times, there has always been a young generation who is amazingly talented and suppresses all races. Stepping on endless genius proving the way to the peak.

But what happened to the scene in front of him?

Tao Meng could clearly feel that among the Yin soldiers, wolves and antelopes in front of her, there were several terrifying ones that made her feel suffocated.

Why did these three extremely strange ghosts salute Ye Luo?

And Ye Luo was also surprised at this time, but he quickly remembered that when he saw these three terrifying species for the first time in hell, the moment he pulled up the white flag, these three species The terrifying race once saluted him.

Is it because he pulled up the white flag?
Ye Luo thought of the white banner almost immediately.

At the same time, Ye Luo also immediately rang the forbidden area in the center of the swamp ghost city.

He once buried a powerful communication talisman in front of the grave in the center of the restricted area in the ghost city of the swamp. In the battle just now, the moment he took out the white flag, there seemed to be a faint voice coming from the communication talisman.

However, it was on the verge of life and death at that time, and there was no time to check it in the future.

But now, in the communication symbol, silence has been restored.

What's going on with all this?

What is that white banner?
There was silence around, Yin soldiers, wolves and antelope knelt down on one knee for a full three seconds before they got up and walked towards the boat of no return in the ghost river again step by step.

Yin soldiers, antelopes, and wolves were endless, and the time to board the boat lasted for two full hours before it was completely over.

Then, the boat of no return set sail.

The boat moved with the water, sailing along the ghost river, heading for the depths of the dark mountains.

Ye Luo was silent, Tao Meng was silent, and the others were extremely shocked.

All the people, after the boat disappeared, looked at Tao Meng again. In addition to the previous amazement and obsession, there was some worship, respect, and awe in their eyes.

In the eyes of everyone, Tao Meng has become extremely mysterious and against the sky.

Goddess, Allure, Mystery!
"Third Elder, are you alright?" After being silent for a moment, Tao Meng took another deep look at Ye Luo and walked towards the Third Elder.

"It's okay, the toxin has been controlled, and it's only a matter of time before it's forced out." The third elder said, and then the third elder looked at Tao Meng, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Tao Meng, you..."

Tao Meng said: "Everyone has their own secret."

The third elder was slightly stunned, yes, who doesn't have his own secret in the practice world?
Tao Meng has it, he has it, everyone has it.

Ghost Fu Sanniang, who originally wanted to speak, paused when Tao Meng said this sentence. She also had endless doubts in her heart about the Liuhe killing formation and what happened afterwards.

However, Tao Meng saved her, said alive, and saved all the people standing here.

Everyone has their own secrets. In the practice world, everyone hides the deepest secrets to save their lives. Just like what Tao Meng showed just now, everyone's lives were saved.

And all of what she showed can be used as her original secret.

The team recuperated and moved on after two hours.

Many big forces not far away have noticed this side in silence, but none of them approached easily. Everyone knows that there are no real friends in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Dark Mountains.

Getting close at this time is very likely to be regarded as an enemy.

Hualong was beheaded earlier, which deterred many people hiding in the dark.

Conspiracies are important, but in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are just clouds.

Under such circumstances, unless the great families, the most terrifying emperor against the sky, take action, no one would dare to provoke their team.

The team marched along the Styx River, and Ye Luo kept an absolute low profile.

"Uncle, why did Senior Sister Tao Meng take you with her when she took action?" Previously, Shangguan Xing'er was most worried about Ye Luo. Uncle.

"I guess your son-in-law wants to take advantage of me because I'm handsome." Ye Luo rubbed his chin.

The corner of Shangguan Xing'er's mouth couldn't help twitching. Even as a woman, she now knew very well that Tao Meng was originally a peerless beauty, and she was once a goddess-level figure comparable to her own young lady.

And the shot just now was even more amazing.

I believe that in a very short period of time, Tao Meng's name will definitely shake the world again.

The existence of someone at this level will take advantage of my son-in-law?
Even the other two disciples from the Shangguan family, one tall and one short, who had been rescued several times by their uncle and who had already given up their hearts to Ye Luo, couldn't help but froze when they heard this.

My uncle is my uncle after all, with this shameless ability, they probably won't be able to keep up with it in their lifetime.

Ye Luo didn't take it seriously, and continued to say: "Your uncle, I think I was very popular back then. If your lady hadn't chased me after me, I would have agreed to have her. What a joke!"

"Hey, uncle, let's talk about something else?" Shangguan Xing'er finally couldn't listen anymore.

Ye Luo's voice was full, and he was about to speak again, but his body couldn't help but his eyes changed suddenly, because at this moment, the beads on his neck suddenly burst into an unprecedented temperature.

(End of this chapter)

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