Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1057 The Human Emperor's Ancient Coffin

Chapter 1057 The Human Emperor's Ancient Coffin (seeking ticket)
The bead heats up, scorching hot, a mysterious rune silently emerges on the surface of the bead!

Ever since Ye Luo got the bead, he had never seen such a violent movement on the bead, even when he first entered hell, the bead never moved like this.

Is there something ahead?
Ye Luo raised his head and looked forward.

Ahead is a huge and endless mountain. This mountain has no end in sight. Among the countless mountains in the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountains, this mountain is considered extremely huge.

According to Ye Luo's general understanding of the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountains, after crossing this mountain range, one will basically enter the core area of ​​the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountains.

Several mysterious, ancient, and terrifying eternal forces, the most heaven-defying existences, and figures at the level of emperors, have entered the core area of ​​​​the dark mountain range first.

Even, there is no audio so far.

The main forces of the major powers, together with Shangguan Yunbing and others from the Shangguan family, may also be behind that mountain range.

After the mountains, is there something?
"Uncle, why are you silent?" Shangguan Xing'er couldn't help asking curiously when she saw Ye Luo was silent.

"Nothing?" Ye Luo smiled.

"Come here." Just at this time, the youthful Tao Meng came to Ye Luo's side at some point.

Ye Luo smiled again, he knew what Tao Meng came for, he turned around and followed Tao Meng to the end of the line.

Shangguan Xing'er, and the two disciples of Shangguan's family, saw this scene, their eyes almost stared straight, why Tao Meng wanted to find Ye Luo, the previous matter has not been explained, why is he called away now.

Could it be that there is really something between my son-in-law and the peerless goddess?

They are shocked.

"Who are you?" Tao Meng's youthful aura swayed slightly, she looked into Ye Luo's eyes and asked.

"Ye Luo." Ye Luo didn't hide anything.

"Ye Luo? Your real name?" Tao Meng frowned slightly, as if she had never heard of this name.

"Yes, I am not the son-in-law of the Shangguan family. At that time, I was in a gap in the void. The head of the Shangguan family happened to use the ancient bronze flag formation to reshape the son-in-law he had chosen. Unfortunately, he failed.

However, the large formation he used attracted a terrifying thunderstorm, and a void passage was opened. I just followed the void passage and entered the bronze flag formation.

Because the owner of the Shangguan family, the son-in-law rebuilt with the flag array has the power to transform the shape and reshape the body, they mistook me for their son-in-law. " Ye Luo said calmly.

"Then why have you been hiding your identity and not revealing it?" Tao Meng looked into Ye Luo's eyes.

"It happened suddenly. In addition, my identity at the time was inconvenient to reveal. I have no hostility towards Shangguan's family, and I don't have much interest in Shangguan Yunbing. After this incident, I will leave Shangguan's family." Ye Luo said calmly. , looking very calm.

"You didn't tell everything. What you hide is far more than what you tell. I can't see through you. Everyone outside has been deceived by you, and I, if you If I don't save everyone, I won't know your identity." Tao Meng felt more and more that Ye Luo had too many secrets.

These secrets made her feel a pressure.

"Heh, you just said that in the cultivation world, who doesn't have any secrets?" Ye Luo shook his head, turned around, and followed me.

Tao Meng paused for a moment, and looked deeply at Ye Luo's back.

What kind of man is this?
For the first time in so many years, Tao Meng had such a strong curiosity about a man.

Tao Meng also followed, but did not reveal Ye Luo's identity. She knew very well that as long as she did, Ye Luo would leave immediately.

This young, terrifying, and unfathomable man did not have any malicious intentions. If there was any, he would not have made a move just now. Moreover, when she was at Shangguan's house, she had heard some things about this seemingly stunned and foolish man. story.

Now it seems that everyone who regards him as a fool is the real fool.

The restricted area of ​​the Dark Mountains is terrifying, but, walking forward, there is no danger along the way, along the hanging river above the ground, and no more scary things are encountered.

After about two days.

They finally turned over the huge mountain range, stood on the top of the mountain, and looked towards the other side of the mountain.


The moment they looked down from the top of the mountain, they were shocked.

Because, they saw that in this mountain range, at a position halfway up the mountain, there were people from more than seven factions confronting each other nervously and horribly.

Among them, there is the supreme existence of the half-step emperor.

"The Zhao family, the Qian family, the Wang family, the Zhang family, the Shang Qingzong, the Heavenly Corpse Sect, and the people from the Lost Sea?" Tao Meng looked at the seven ancient and terrifying forces on the mountainside, as well as the hidden, temporarily Those who didn't dare to come out couldn't help but narrow their eyes.

Ye Luo also saw this scene.

Shang Qingzong?
Ye Luo silently opened his left eye, closed his right eye, and suddenly saw a familiar figure in the crowd. This figure was Wu Banxian!
Why is this cheater here?
Where are Fatty, Dead Donkey, Xiaoxianqiao Beast, Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying, Zhou Xiaoyu and others?
The third elder, Guifu Sanniang, Baililu, Baililan, and Tao Meng suddenly accelerated when they saw this, and rushed forward.

In the sky, red snow has been falling for two days.

After climbing over this mountain, it is the core area of ​​the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountains!

Is everything about to reveal its true face? Is the most terrifying mystery in the ages going to truly reappear in the world?
Ye Luo also rushed over.

The beads on Ye Luo's neck became hotter and hotter.

"The Ancient Coffin of the Human Emperor!"

Suddenly, when Ye Luo followed Tao Meng and rushed over, he vaguely heard four words.

"Before the ancient times, did the legendary emperors, emperors, and emperors really disappear here? In front, is it really the ancient coffin of the emperor? Otherwise, why is there a huge, ancient, dark stone tablet in front of you?" On the top, engraved with the two heaven-defying characters of the Emperor!" Someone said.

"Yes, didn't you see it? The most terrifying and mysterious River Styx turned a corner when it flowed through the human emperor's ancient coffin, and did not flow over the monument."

"Before the ancient times, what happened in the dark mountains? According to the legend, the emperor who surpassed the realm of the great emperor, who was supreme against the sky, suppressed all races, and shocked the world, really fell here?"

The beads on Ye Luo's neck became hotter and hotter.

Ye Luo's speed also increased silently.

Pearl, why is it so hot?

Among the beads, what Ye Luo couldn't see for the time being was that after the mysterious bronze egg absorbed the endless energy in the bead space, a crack appeared on the egg shell!
(End of this chapter)

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