Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1081: Dark Abyss

Chapter 1081: Dark Abyss
On the Yellow Spring Staff, a yellow spring soaring into the sky suddenly appeared. In this yellow spring, there is supreme coercion at the level of a great emperor and an ancient and heaven-defying murderous intent!
What's more, a figure that stands against the heavens suddenly appeared in the underworld!

The Huangquan stick has awakened!

Real awakening!
Ye Luo actually poured the terrifying blood energy in his body into the Huangquan staff at this moment, and forced a supreme ancient emperor soldier to fully wake up!

The Huangquan staff woke up, and the heaven-defying power of the emperor level, which had been silent for countless years, directly and violently hit the body of the corpse soul who was holding the killing shuttle and came in a terrifying impact.

The soul of the corpse was shocked, and the killing shuttle in his hand was almost at this moment. Driven by his endless corpse aura, he awakened in terror. In the ancient times, he was only one step away from becoming the emperor, and his real strength was not as good as the emperor. Not a lot.

In his body, there is already an incomplete manifestation of the law of the emperor's way!
At this moment, he forced the killing shuttle to wake up!


However, when the killing shuttle collided with the yellow spring stick, the endless law of the yellow spring hit the killing shuttle fiercely, and dense cracks appeared on the killing shuttle!
The Killing Shuttle was directly thrown into the air, on the verge of being broken!
It is also an emperor soldier, but the killing shuttle is only relying on endless grievances, and using evil methods to barely refine the emperor soldier, and the top-level Huangquan stick, which was refined by the hell Huangquan emperor before ancient times. Emperor soldiers are simply incomparable.

Even, it is rumored that when the Yellow Spring Staff was being refined, Yan Luo, the emperor-level first temple, personally took a shot, extracted the most core law of the three thousand weak waters from the Yellow Spring Water, and injected it into it.

If it weren't for the lack of an extremely rare and scarce material at that time, the two people, Yan Luo and Huangquan Emperor, even planned to make the Huangquan Staff into an existence beyond the level of emperor soldiers!
The collision between the killing shuttle and the fully awakened Huangquan staff was like hitting a stone with an egg!

Not only that, the moment the fully awakened Huangquan staff exploded with a heaven-defying offensive and sent the killing shuttle flying, its power did not decrease at all, and it directly hit the body of the corpse soul that had no time to react. .


The endless heaven-defying power of the underworld collided with the body of the corpse soul, the sky and the earth shook, and the forbidden area of ​​the dark mountain range shook. In the darkness, countless powerful, ancient, mysterious, and shocked eyes all looked into the sky.

Even the Tree of Lightning Tribulation of All Things, which had never disappeared ten thousand feet above, was slightly shaken.


The corpse soul's body unexpectedly showed signs of cracks, and began to explode little by little!

At this moment, a terrifying wrath suddenly came out from the mouth of the corpse soul, and a pitch-black, vicious, and terrifying black light suddenly attacked Ye Luo's eyebrows at the moment his body burst!

Ye Luo opened his left eye and closed his right eye!
Ye Luo suddenly saw that within that ray of black light, there was an awl engraved with endless strange runes and a murderous intent!

Half-step imperial soldier, Li Rencone!

Ye Luo had seen this kind of extremely sinister awl in the memory of the ancestor god of the alien race, because it seemed that to successfully refine this awl, at least the endless blood of the living beings of thousands of races was needed, and from the blood of thousands of races Among them, extract its most sinister and terrifying law!

Then, it was gathered together with the vicious laws of thousands of clans, gathered endless materials, and refined on the Nine Nether Yin Fire for thousands of years. Once it is formed, its attack power is not weaker than that of emperor soldiers!
Ye Luo's reaction was also a few pieces. At this critical moment, his right hand had already taken out the tip of the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, and the power of devouring poured in terrifyingly, and the tip of the sword suddenly woke up!
Above the tip of the sword, the killing intent that shocked the world erupted!
The ancient sword of Zhuxian, known as the emperor's soldier, is the number one in killing and conquering in all ages, and once beheaded four emperors in one night!
Ye Luo not only directly inspired the Huangquan staff, but now, it directly awakened the sword tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword. On the tip of the sword, endless killing intent directly slashed on the Liren cone.


When the two collided, it was as if a monstrous sea of ​​blood collapsed, endless souls scattered, the sun and the moon shattered, the heavens and the earth fell, and the world seemed to have entered a doomsday.

On the Liren Cone, the Great Emperor's Law directly shattered!

The tip of Zhu Xian's ancient sword actually shattered the Li Ren Cone!

And, at the next moment, the tip of the sword turned around suddenly again, and directly smashed down on the corpse soul whose body had already started to collapse.


When the two collided, the corpse soul's body completely began to shatter and disintegrate!


In the corpse soul's body, a voice of fear and anger finally came out.

Youran, a pitch-black shadow erupted from the corpse soul's body, and he turned into an afterimage that was faster than light, rushing directly towards the deepest part of the restricted area of ​​the dark mountain range.

His original body was directly shattered!
At this moment, several half-step emperors who were supreme against the sky, in the endless shock, suddenly remembered that in the ancient times, for the sake of cultivation, the corpses cut off their noses, eyes, arms, and internal organs successively. The six internal organs, and even in the end, he destroyed his own body!

He wants to prove the truth with his soul!

He has no body!
He only has a soul. The body he is using now should be a heaven-defying ancient corpse stolen from the ancient tomb of a certain emperor with the supreme secret technique of the Nine Corpses!

He lived in this ancient corpse with his soul.

At this moment, his body collapsed, he wanted to run, and his soul seemed to have been severely injured!
All the people who saw this scene were shocked except for being shocked. Few people woke up from the shock. In the ancient times, the corpse soul that had almost proved to be the emperor was killed by this waste of Shangguan's family in a blink of an eye. Son-in-law, are you going to kill him directly?
Is this a fact?

If it is said that the son-in-law of the Shangguan family made a terrible move just now, it may be the Shangguan family's most against the sky, a young hole card comparable to Shangguan Yunbing, then what is it now?
This has exceeded everyone's imagination!
This is not just as simple as a hole card, it directly wakes up the godless soldiers, reverses and kills the ancient supreme corpse soul?

But Ye Luo didn't care about anyone's shock at all. When the soul of the corpse used the supreme secret technique to rush towards the core of the forbidden area of ​​the dark mountain range, Ye Luo didn't hesitate and went straight to kill him. over!
Cut the weeds!

Ye Luo also directly used a supreme secret technique, and his whole body also turned into a faster afterimage!
The speed of the two people is extremely fast, so fast that the naked eye can't catch it at all.

In almost one breath, both of them arrived at an endless abyss, and in front of this abyss, there was a dark mountain range, the most central place, a dark mountain.

The corpse soul was in a panic, directly wanting to cross the abyss and rush towards the dark mountain.

Ye Luo was faster and was behind it!
(End of this chapter)

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