Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 1082 The Man at the Bottom of the Abyss

Chapter 1082 The Man at the Bottom of the Abyss
When Ye Luo came behind the corpse, the sword in his hand raised directly!

The shadow of the corpse soul became more and more panicky. The moment Ye Luo drew his sword, it suddenly fell towards the bottom of the endless abyss like a meteorite, crushing several ancient talismans almost simultaneously in its hands.

Ye Luo once again condensed an ancient secret technique, accelerated again, and his eyes were icy cold.

This corpse must die!
Ye Luo didn't want to be watched secretly by such a terrifying thing anytime.

"Hey! How did I see that, just now there were two shadows that suddenly rushed into the abyss from not far away?" The white-skinned pig seemed to sense something, turned his head suddenly, looked behind him, and rubbed his eyes .

"Wow, woof! Go blind, it's a dark abyss. After passing through this abyss, if you see the dark mountain in front of you, that's the center of the dark mountain range. At the bottom of this dark abyss is the river of absolute darkness. Even the dark mountain range Don’t dare to touch anything in the restricted area, whoever touches it will die, and even the river water can melt the emperor’s body.” The donkey’s mouth is very damaged.

The donkey's gaze was fixed on Shangguan Yunbing and Emperor Qinglian.

At this time, Emperor Qinglian, who had undergone a terrifying mutation, and the inheritance of the most Shangguan Yunbing, had reached the final moment, and the donkey's expression became more and more tense, because the donkey was very clear that the real strength of Emperor Qinglian was far from being a An ordinary emperor is so simple.

"Mal Gobi is an old acquaintance anyway, and he is about to die. Why don't you pass it on to me, to a little girl who can do wool?" Donkey's eyes were full of jealousy.

On the opposite side of the dark mountain range, the most core mountain, with eternal grimaces, red embroidered shoes, Shakyamuni and Lao Tzu have already stepped onto a wooden bridge above the abyss.

On the other side, the master was sitting in the carriage, drinking wine slowly, looking at the red snow-covered dark mountains under the moonlight, and said with emotion: "In the forbidden area of ​​the dark mountains, in ancient times, there was a butcher, that butcher It sells wild game, such as dragon meat, emperor-level yellow croaker, and holy-level wild rabbits. They are all very good. In particular, they use gentian and phoenix liver, plus the legs of saber-toothed tigers at the emperor level, and then add thirteen flavors. The holy medicine, the stewed soup, served with sesame seed cakes, is a must."

Then, he spoke again and said: "In ancient times, I remember that under the two big locust trees in front of me, there was also a mother-in-law who sold roasted sweet potatoes. Her roasted sweet potatoes tasted very good, but the soup she made , compared with Meng Po, it is still a bit worse after all."

The master walked in step by step, as if revisiting the old place.

The red snow continued to fall. The master sat on the bullock cart, and his eyes turned to a maple tree on the top of the mountain. The maple tree stood on the top of the mountain, and the red leaves were falling in the red snow.

The dark abyss seems to lead to the deepest part of the ground.

I don't know how long the two shadows have been chasing in the abyss.

The temperature is getting colder and colder, and under the abyss, it is getting darker and darker. There is almost no light, no life, not even a sound or any fluctuation of life.


The sword in Ye Luo's hand finally fell in terror!

"How dare you!"

The sword fell, and the corpse roared, but the next moment, his voice stopped abruptly, and his eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Perhaps, he never dreamed that in the ancient times, he, who was once feared by people, would be horribly beheaded by a man who was rumored to be a good-for-nothing son-in-law in this era that had just recovered for less than three years!

He even regretted it a little!
However, his consciousness has sunk into endless darkness.

Ye Luo poured all his strength into the ancient sword of Zhu Xian, and then the ancient sword of Zhu Xian woke up again, and directly chopped at the soul of the corpse soul, and his soul was shattered in horror!
Desolate corpse soul, die!

On the other side of the edge of the abyss, a supreme and heaven-defying emperor of nine heavens and ten earths suddenly felt something, and there was a touch of shock in his eyes.

Corpse soul, dead!
What was even more shocking was the existence of countless heaven-defying beings who had seen this scene before.

At this moment, even the supreme patriarch of the Shangguan family finally received this message.

This news, like a tsunami, spread wantonly and shockingly at this most tense moment. The good-for-nothing son-in-law of the Shangguan family killed the ancient corpse soul against the sky!

At this moment, those who did not see this scene thought it was a rumor almost immediately!

Under the dark abyss.

Ye Luo gasped.

After the corpse soul's body was broken, a storage ring was not broken. The corpse soul wrapped this storage ring in the depths of the soul when it was most dangerous. It seemed that there was an extremely precious treasure in this ring. Things, perhaps, there are all the endless wealth he has accumulated through several eras.

Ye Luo stretched out his hand and put the ring into the bead.

At the same time, Ye Luo wiped the undried blood on his face.

The blood dripped, ticked, dripped into the dark water.

"What is this place?" Looking around, Ye Luo finally opened his left eye, closed his right eye, and saw the bottom of the river.

The river water at the bottom is extremely strange, and the entire river water is actually blue.

Transparent, ice blue!
Flow slowly!

When Ye Luo saw this scene, his body suddenly tensed up!
The River of Absolute Yin!

Ye Luo has seen this river in the memory of the ancestor god of the alien race. This river is the most weird place in the darkness. Even the emperor will be corrupted by terror when he touches the water in this river.

Ye Luo took a deep breath, the beads on his neck swayed, he didn't intend to stay here, he jumped up, as if he wanted to leave here.

However, at this moment, the beads on Ye Luo's neck suddenly lit up!
Immediately afterwards, in the darkness, a voice sounded strangely!
"Just leave in such a hurry? After so many years, someone finally came again." Youran, in the darkness, an extremely pleasant, but endlessly lonely voice sounded.

"Who?" Ye Luo's hand silently landed on Zhu Xian's ancient sword.

"Don't look for it, I'm at the bottom of the water." The voice sounded again!
The darkness surged, and the flowing water was icy blue, clear, without a trace of foreign matter.

Ye Luo's left eye looked towards the River of Absolute Yin.

"It's time to come, and it will always come. Master and Beast God, have you also reached the forbidden area of ​​the Dark Mountain?" The voice from the bottom of the water rang out again, as if muttering to himself.

At this time, Ye Luo finally saw a heaven-defying cage in the ice-blue, terrifying river that could kill the emperor.

underwater, anyone?
How is this possible, this kind of water can kill the emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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