Chapter 115

"The hero Gao Yingjie saved the beauty, and Su Ying agreed with her body?" Ye Luo was stunned.

Yang Yu hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "That's about it!"

"Paralyzed! To take credit for my achievements in curing Stephen, pretending to be my honor of saving people in the fire, and cheating my woman, this Gao Yingjie is going against the sky!" Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Yang Yu said, "What are you talking about? What should we do now? Stephen is being rescued, and the leaders in the courtyard are going crazy."

"Where is Big Stephen now?" Ye Luo asked.

"Still in Gao Yingjie's ICU No. [-], Su Ying is also there." Yang Yu replied.

Ye Luo thought for a while and said, "Let's go, let's watch the excitement."

At the door of the No. [-] intensive care room, the red light for emergency treatment has been turned on, and many people have already surrounded the door.

Among these people, a Central-European mixed-race beauty with a European aristocratic atmosphere and a classical Chinese girlish temperament, beautiful and delicate to an astonishing degree, is the most eye-catching.

At this time, in her ink-like eyes, there was a bit of cold killing intent, and anxiety that could not be concealed.

Ye Luo had seen this top-notch girl of Central European mixed race. This girl was the granddaughter of Stephen King.

The dean and the deputy dean carefully accompanied this girl who was like an ice volcano, lest she erupt.

When Ye Luo and Yang Yu walked to the door, Vice President Gao Qingyun saw Ye Luo first.

Ye Luo naturally also saw Gao Qingyun.

"Hey! Isn't this Dean Gao? Why are you standing at the door?" Ye Luo immediately walked towards Gao Qingyun.

Gao Qingyun's body froze, and he said in a heavy tone: "Don't make loud noises, Stephen is under treatment for a serious illness."

The girl of Chinese-European mixed race also took a look at Ye Luo, but seeing that Ye Luo was just a doctor, she didn't pay much attention to it. The only thing she was worried about now was her grandfather Stephen.

Didn't you say earlier that the disease has been cured?
Why did he fall into a coma again after drinking a bowl of tonic?

"Serious illness? How is it possible? Didn't you and the senior medical team in the hospital cured Big Stephen the day before yesterday? I heard that he will be discharged from the hospital in a few days. Why do you want to be treated again?" Ye Luo pretended to be seductive.

Gao Qingyun's eyes widened, and he immediately said: "Nonsense, the attending physician of Stephen's giant has always been Gao Yingjie, and all the treatment plans are customized by Dr. Gao."

After Gao Qingyun finished speaking, he secretly glanced at the girl beside him, and he was relieved to see that the girl of Central European mixed race didn't respond.

"No, Vice President Gao, the treatment plan last time seemed to be directed by you. Gao Yingjie was just a miscellaneous assistant. Now that Stephen's condition has relapsed, why are you still standing here? You should go in too. Big Stephen treats you." Standing on the other side of the old housekeeper, the slightly fat, fifty-year-old, well-maintained dean suddenly interjected.

The deputy director's body froze again, and he was furious. He already knew that the handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie was the illegitimate son of the main director. This was already an open secret in the hospital!
The last time Tang Bing got sick, he made himself a scapegoat, but this time he still wants to take the scapegoat?

Mahler Gobi!
Now Gao Qingyun really wanted to point at the dean's nose and scold his mother.

Originally, this credit was only given to Ye Luo, the culprit doctor. They robbed the credit together, and finally distributed the bulk of the credit to Gao Yingjie, and Gao Yingjie acted like a dead man today, feeding the precious tonic to Big Stephen, but he didn't know the result Why, after taking a sip of tonic, he became critically ill.

Logically speaking, Gao Yingjie should be responsible for this responsibility!

What does it have to do with his vice president?
However, now, in front of the Central-European mixed-race girl, the dean pushed him into the pit again, saying that he was the main treatment leader of Big Stephen.

"This..." The deputy dean wanted to explain, but was interrupted by the principal.

"Vice President Gao, as a leader, you must be brave enough to take responsibility. Giant Stephen is in danger. As the leader of the main treatment team of Giant Stephen, how can you still stand outside the door? Come in, Giant Stephen is now I need you!" Zheng Dean said in a dignified manner.

"I..." Vice President Gao Qingyun still wanted to explain.

"Vice President Gao, for the life of the giant Stephen, you can't waste any more time, go in quickly." The principal's face was a little serious.

The girl of Chinese-European mixed race finally turned her head and looked at Vice President Gao Qingyun.

Seeing the girl's stern eyes, Gao Qingyun's body trembled immediately, resisting the urge to greet the [-]th generation women of the principal's ancestors, took a deep breath, and could only walk towards the ward.

However, he thought in his heart that this matter must not be taken care of by himself. Anyway, this time it was the dean's illegitimate son who caused the disaster. The hospital has monitoring and many certifications. No matter how you say it, Gao Yingjie will never escape responsibility!

Ye Luo and Yang Yu were standing beside them, and they could hear their conversation clearly.

Ye Luo had a strange look on his face. The method of the vice president seemed to be far behind that of the principal.

However, Ye Luo also took the opportunity to take two steps forward and said to Gao Qingyun: "Vice President Gao, I will go in with you to see what's going on inside."

Gao Qingyun was in an extremely bad mood right now. When he saw Ye Luo approaching him, his mind moved, and he said, "Okay! You go in with me, yes, that Yang Yu, you come in with me too."

As soon as the three of them entered the door, Gao Qingyun immediately grabbed Ye Luo and Yang Yu, and asked in a low voice, "How did you cure Stephen's illness last time?"

Seeing this, Yang Yu said first, "Last time, Big Stephen had a worm tumor in his brain. We found the worm tumor for Stephen, and luckily took out the worm tumor, so that Big Stephen recovered."

Gao Qingyun's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Then this critical illness has something to do with the last worm tumor?"

Yang Yu hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said, "There is only one worm tumor in the brain, and it should not be related to this again."

When Gao Qingyun heard this, his brows furrowed immediately, and he stepped into the intensive care room.

Ye Luo just smiled faintly, and followed along with Yang Yu.

In the intensive care room, in front of the advanced hospital bed, seven or eight experts and famous doctors are anxiously busy observing and testing various data, but they still haven't found the cause of the attack.

In front of the hospital bed, the handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie's face was pale.

Su Ying stood beside Gao Yingjie, her small face was also very anxious.

Vice President Gao Qingyun directly faced several experts, and asked anxiously: "Is it because the brain tumor happened again last time?"

Several experts shook their heads immediately, and one of the leading experts said: "No, we have done a detailed examination, the brain tumor has been completely removed, and is in a good recovery period. Tumor has absolutely nothing to do with it!
After Gao Qingyun heard it, his eyes turned dark, and he once again sent greetings from the eighteen generations of the principal's ancestors.

At this time, Ye Luo walked up to Gao Yingjie and Gao Qingyun, and asked in a low voice: "I think this old man looks like a ghost possessed. I have learned some tricks from my grandfather to drive away ghosts. Won't you let me try it?"

(End of this chapter)

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