Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 116 This is a ghost possession

Chapter 116 This is a ghost possession
Is this possessed by ghosts?

Can you dance the Great God to Exorcise Ghosts?
Gao Yingjie and Gao Qingyun couldn't help looking at the serious Ye Luo upon hearing the words, and opened their mouths wide.

It’s okay to use the ancestral medicine to treat the disease last time. After all, it’s still a bit reliable and cured the disease, but now it’s said that it’s a ghost possession, and even the jumping god has moved out. This is a feudal superstition, okay? Saying this is simply an insult to everyone's IQ!

Feudal superstition, can you believe it?

Simply nonsense!
"Ye Luo, at the critical moment of life and death, you are still in the mood to joke here, get out!" Gao Qingyun angrily reprimanded Ye Luo, who didn't believe in the so-called magic medicine at all.

A look of disdain also flashed across Gao Yingjie's pale and handsome face, and he said, "This kind of street trick, you still want to fool people here, get out of here!"

Even Su Ying, who was behind Gao Yingjie, gave Ye Luo a look and said, "Don't make trouble, leave quickly, and don't delay Doctor Gao Yingjie's treatment of the patient."

Ye Luo glanced at the crowd and said, "Why don't you believe it?"

At this time, Su Ying came out from behind Gao Yingjie, pulled Ye Luo, and said in a low voice: "Don't mess around, hurry up, Dr. Gao Yingjie is in big trouble, if something goes wrong, Dr. Gao will be out of luck gone."

"He's in trouble, what does it have to do with you?" Ye Luo looked at Su Ying.

Su Ying lowered her head, pursed her lips, and said in a low voice, "My life was saved by Dr. Gao Yingjie, and his troubles are my business."

While Su Ying was talking, she actually looked at Dr. Gao Yingjie with very concerned eyes.

Seeing this, Ye Luo couldn't help being furious. Sure enough, as Yang Yu said, this Gao Yingjie actually poached the corner of the wall and went to his head, robbed him of his credit, and even tricked Su Ying, a little nurse, by the way. up.

Ye Luo muttered to himself: "Paralyzed, you must force me to ruin your family."

"What are you talking about?" Su Ying asked.

Ye Luo glanced at Su Ying, took out another crystal-clear pill from his bosom, and said, "I didn't say anything, I heard from Yang Yu that you lost your memory, and you forgot all the things in the bathroom. , My ancestors also passed on a pill for amnesia, here, let you take it for free!"

Ye Luo went to the traditional Chinese medicine store to buy medicine, and then boiled the medicine, just to make these four pills, three of which were for the treatment of Big Stephen, and one was specifically for the treatment of amnesia.

"You're still messing around. The three elixir inherited from your ancestors were sold out last time. Where did another one come out to treat amnesia?" Su Ying pushed Ye Luo.

Gao Yingjie was also aware of the situation here. Anxiously, he saw that Su Ying and Ye Luo seemed to be acting intimately, and immediately became furious. He took a step forward, pulled Su Ying past him, and gave Ye Luo a faint look. , Said: "This is the No. [-] intensive care unit, who let you in, why don't you get out?"

Su Ying seemed to be afraid of Gao Yingjie's misunderstanding, so she also said, "You go!"

Ye Luo glanced left and right, put the pill back into his arms, looked away, turned to the unconscious giant Stephen, and said mysteriously: "The ghost possesses the body, after 3 minutes, the ghost invades the blood, and the blood pressure will suddenly drop. After 9 minutes, the ghost will invade the meridians of the whole body, and the patient will convulse. After 15 minutes, the ghost will invade the internal organs, and the patient will stop breathing. After [-] minutes, the ghost will devour the living soul, and the patient will die!"

"How dare you curse Big Stephen to death!" Gao Yingjie was already very anxious, but now he was furious when he heard Ye Luo's words.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and leave!" Su Ying was also a little angry, and then said: "Doctor Gao, don't worry, maybe there will be a good way!"

Yang Yu also came over, pulled the corner of Layeluo's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Let's go and stand aside first."

Ye Luo smiled faintly, and said to Gao Yingjie: "I see that there is a cloud of blackness between your brows, and it seems that you have suffered a financial disaster recently. I'm afraid, you have to ask me too!"

"Please? Dream!" Gao Yingjie was furious!
"Really?" Ye Luo didn't say anything more, turned around and walked to the rest area of ​​the intensive care unit, found a chair, and sat down obliquely, Yang Yu also followed.

Vice President Gao Qingyun also heard the conversation here, but he felt a little uneasy, because Ye Luo seemed to have left a few predictions about the development of the disease when he treated Miss Tang Bing twice, and It was all confirmed later.

Is this a coincidence, or something else hidden?
Could it be that Ye Luo really knows how to dance the Great God?
Time passed by bit by bit, and the atmosphere in the intensive care operating room No. [-] was solemn.

3 minute later.

The originally quiet blood pressure tester suddenly let out a startling beep, and the blood pressure displayed on it was dropping crazily. In the blink of an eye, it had already dropped to an extremely dangerous level!
There was chaos in front of the bed, and all the experts and famous doctors around the bed panicked.

If something really happened to the stone giant, all of them would have to bear the responsibility.

As for the handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie who was in charge of treating the patients and feeding the oil giant with nourishing decoctions, his face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot.

At this moment, no one is under more pressure than him!
He already has some regrets.

The Vice President Gao Qingyun, who was standing aside, trembled when he saw this scene. He was old and smart. He stared at the changes in this scene and immediately remembered the first sentence Ye Luo said just now: 3 minutes Afterwards, the ghost invaded the blood, and the blood pressure dropped!
Is there really such a thing as ghosts in this world?

Is this still a coincidence?

Vice-principal Gao Qingyun knew very well that he had been tricked by the principal-principal again. Although Gao Yingjie could not escape responsibility and was the biggest bearer of the responsibility, he would also be greatly implicated.

If Gao Yingjie was buried with Big Stephen, then he had to be buried with Gao Yingjie.

This is another bottomless pit, and I am also a person in the pit.

Gao Qingyun looked at Ye Luo uneasily, while Ye Luo was sitting on a chair playing with his mobile phone, as if he didn't care about the situation here at all.

"Trash! Trash! It's all up to now, haven't you found the cause yet?" The handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie, seeing the changes in Stephen's giant, was furious, but anyone could tell that it was not rage, but fear.

Originally, he had a bright future, his life was bright, and he even had unlimited ambitions in his heart. Now his sanity has reached the verge of collapse.

Yang Yu sat next to Ye Luo with some anxiety. Seeing this, she couldn't help pulling Ye Luo, and said in a low voice, "You really know how to dance? Is it true or fake?"

(End of this chapter)

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