Chapter 117
"It's real!" Ye Luo said seriously.

"Can it really cure diseases?" Yang Yu wondered.

"Jump to get rid of the disease!" Ye Luo said again.

"Why haven't I seen you jump before?" Yang Yu was a little worried.

"Hey! The secret must not be leaked. By the way, I heard that your husband is unable to work because of a car accident? Is it true?"

Yang Yu was ashamed and angry, turned around and ignored Ye Luo.


Nanjiang No. [-] Experimental Middle School, a corner of the classroom.

"Xiaohuan, are you really going to fight that killer to the death tonight?" Yang Ying asked anxiously.

"Well, but before that, I have to kill someone!" Chu Xiaohuan patted Yang Ying's head.

"Who?" Yang Ying asked.

"Principal!" Chu Xiaohuan paused for a moment.

"But, you just saved the teacher, and the school and the city are preparing various rewards for you. At this time..." Yang Ying was interrupted just after speaking.

"He must die! However, it's also a bit strange. Logically speaking, the principal will go back to school after he comes back. Why isn't he here today?"


Nanjiang City No.1 People's Hospital, No. 4 Intensive Care Unit, the time is still passing, and in the blink of an eye, another [-] minutes passed.

"Ah! Look quickly, Stephen's giant body..." A doctor suddenly shouted in horror.

"What's wrong with her body?" Gao Yingjie, who was already on the verge of collapse, suddenly pushed away the doctor in front of the bed and asked loudly.

"It's convulsing like crazy!" A doctor stuttered in shock.

"Bastard, why are you pumping!" Gao Yingjie was startled and furious.

"We don't know why this twitches? Could it really be ghosts entering the body?" A doctor secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Will Stephen die? With such a degree of convulsions, even a normal person may not live for a few minutes..."

In front of the hospital bed, everyone's heart is cold.

On the other side of the hospital bed, Vice President Gao Qingyun finally couldn't bear it any longer. The second situation Ye Luo mentioned had already happened.

Gao Qingyun was full of apprehension, and looked at Ye Luo who was sitting on the stool playing with his mobile phone again, and thought carefully about what had happened to Miss Tang Bing, gritted his teeth, and walked towards Ye Luo.

Yang Yu tugged at the corner of Ye Luo's clothes and said in a low voice, "The vice president is here."

"Yeah." Ye Luo looked up, skillfully took out a cigarette and a lighter from his pocket.

"Ye Luo, how did you know the direction of the deterioration of Stephen's condition?" Gao Qingyun tried hard to put a smile on his face.

"As I said just now, I have learned to dance to the Great God. I have yin and yang eyes, and I can see ghosts on Stephen's giant. An old and sick foreigner like him is the easiest to attract ghosts in a place like a hospital with a lot of yin! " Ye Luo said lightly.

"Whose ghost?" Gao Qingyun still didn't believe in ghosts, but he was also a little uneasy.

"No comment." Ye Luo took out a cigarette but didn't light it.

Gao Qingyun was old and thick-skinned. Seeing that Ye Luo didn't say anything, he asked again: "Is Tiao Dashen able to cure Stephen's illness?"

"Reputation in the industry, no matter how you used to be a professional dancer, you are not deceiving." Ye Luo lit a cigarette.

"Then, why don't you try dancing?" Gao Qingyun hesitated for a while, even though he didn't believe it, he still wanted to try.

Ye Luo glanced at Gao Qingyun, and said: "Jumping God to save people is asking for life from the underworld. It is suspected of leaking the secret, which will greatly damage Yang's life. How can you just jump? Don't you understand the rules?"

"What rule?" Gao Qingyun was puzzled.

"You can buy your life with money." Ye Luo said lightly.

When Gao Qingyun heard it, he understood immediately, but his distrust increased a little, and he said, "Then how much is it for you to dance once?"

Same as last time, Ye Luo stretched out two fingers again.

Gao Qingyun's eyes widened, and he said, "You don't even want to be a master, but you want 200 million, right?"

Ye Luo shook his head.

Seeing this, Gao Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I said you can't be so ruthless, there are so many master dancers outside, even if you go to some rich people's house to dance, you will only give 2000 yuan at most, so Well, I'll make the decision for the hospital, I'll give you two thousand, go and try dancing."

Ye Luo continued to shake his head.

"What, two thousand is too little for you, you don't want twenty thousand, do you?" Gao Qingyun was shocked.

"After [-], add three zeros, and that's the price for me to become a master." Ye Luo said lightly.

"2000 million? Ye Luo! Are you crazy? It's ten times more expensive than your ancestral magic medicine! Why don't you rob the bank!" Gao Qingyun was furious, turned around and left!
"Behind Stephen is a huge and terrifying oil business empire. In the whole world, you must know how many dark forces are behind him. If something happens to him, the consequences may be more serious than Miss Tang Bing! " Ye Luo said casually.

Gao Qingyun's body shook, and he suddenly woke up!

Ye Luo is right!

If Stephen died, the consequences would indeed be more serious than that of Miss Tang Bing!

At this time, Gao Qingyun finally understood why Gao Yingjie, the dean's illegitimate son, was in a state of collapse.

Gao Yingjie should be more aware of the consequences!

This is not a simple medical malpractice, but is very likely to face a life-and-death crisis.

Gao Qingyun turned around with difficulty, looked at Ye Luo again, and asked in a low voice: "Can Tiao Dashen really work?"

Ye Luo sighed and said: "God has the virtue of being good at life. In order to make you believe that the great jumping god can save people, I decided to let you dance a section for free. The giant Stephen is about to stop breathing. I am now Just bring him back to life!"

stop breathing?

Once a person stops breathing, doesn't he die?
Jumping God can bring the dead back to life?It's impossible, if Tiao Dashen can bring the dead back to life, what do doctors need?
Gao Qingyun had a look of disbelief, while Ye Luo walked towards Big Stephen under Gao Qingyun's distrustful eyes.

As for Gao Yingjie, who was already standing in front of the hospital bed, his face was extremely pale, his body was drenched in cold sweat, his legs were already trembling a little, the fear in his heart was even more severe than Gao Qingyun's.

"The sky is lingling, the earth is lingling, the patriarch is about to appear..." Ye Luo walked towards the hospital bed, while walking with a strange pace, staggering, quite mysterious Feel.

At this moment, everyone in the ward stared wide-eyed, looking at the mysterious Ye Luo and the vice president beside Ye Luo in shock.

Because, judging from this scene, it should be the vice president who invited Ye Luo to dance the Great God!
Could it be that there are really ghosts in this world?

Otherwise, why did the vice president ask Ye Luo to dance to the master?

At this moment, everyone felt a little chilly in the ICU.

(End of this chapter)

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