Chapter 118

"How is Big Stephen?" Gao Qingyun also ignored the eyes of everyone, he quickly passed Ye Luo, walked to the hospital bed first, and eagerly patted Gao Yingjie on the shoulder.

"Ah!" Gao Yingjie, who was already on the verge of collapse, was slapped by Gao Qingyun, his legs softened, and he sat on the ground directly, his body trembling.

Gao Qingyun was taken aback for a moment, then he understood that Gao Yingjie was frightened!

Gao Qingyun's face also became a little ugly. Why is Gao Yingjie afraid? Is the situation he is facing better than Gao Yingjie?
Just over ten minutes ago, when Stephen's giant's condition was not so critical, Gao Yingjie could calmly scold Ye Luo angrily, what about now?
The surrounding experts and famous doctors also looked at Gao Yingjie who was sitting on the ground with an extremely pale face and a little slackened eyes. At this time, no one ridiculed him, because everyone's heart was heavy and surprised.

Their eyes quickly shifted from Gao Yingjie to Ye Luo, the mysterious dancer!

Gao Qingyun ignored Gao Yingjie, but looked at Stephen who was unconscious on the bed. At this time, the giant Stephen had stopped breathing!
"Didi, Didi—"

"Ah! Look quickly, your breathing has stopped, and Big Stephen is dead!"

With an exclamation, the atmosphere in the No. [-] intensive care room reached freezing point.

At this time, Su Ying was supporting Gao Yingjie, and she could clearly feel that Gao Yingjie's body was suddenly shaken, followed by his body softening. If Su Ying hadn't supported him at this time, Gao Yingjie might have been so soft again. on the ground.


In the quiet ward, there was the sound of liquid dripping on the floor, and a faint smell of urine also radiated out.

Su Ying lowered her head, and was shocked to find that Gao Yingjie, who was usually handsome and aloof, but who risked his life to save others in the bathroom, had already soaked through his pants, and urine dripped down the legs of his pants onto the floor!
Gao Yingjie was so scared that he peed.

Su Ying couldn't believe her eyes. With this kind of psychological quality, was she really the one who risked her life to rush into the flames to save herself?In an instant, Su Ying felt a little suspicious.

Gao Qingyun's body also trembled, and his breathing really stopped!

"Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and everything is a straw dog. My name is Ye Luo. I am the sixth-generation descendant of Maoshan No. 30. The ghosts are running wild. Watch my soul-sealing technique!" When everyone was shocked, Ye Luo arrived!

I saw that under the terrified, puzzled, and questioning eyes of everyone, Ye Luo jumped up and went directly to the hospital bed. Immediately afterwards, Ye Luo's body twisted at a strange angle, grabbed the sheet with one hand, and used it The sheet covered Stephen's giant's head.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Luo stretched his hand into the quilt and covered Stephen's mouth and nose.

At this time, everyone was terrified, but no one questioned or objected. All the doctors and nurses looked at Ye Luo's dancing master.

But none of them saw that when Ye Luo reached into the quilt, there was a pill hidden in the palm of his hand, and, under the quilt, he sent the pill into the mouth of Big Stephen.

Before coming here, Ye Luo had refined three pills.

Two of them were for Stephen's treatment, and one was for Su Ying's treatment of amnesia.

After the medicine was put into Stephen's mouth, Ye Luo danced nervously for a while, then suddenly lifted the quilt, and the gust of wind blown by the quilt made everyone shudder smartly!
And Ye Luo, after the quilt was lifted, was a little tired, and said loudly: "The ghost has been temporarily suppressed, and if you want to drive away the ghost, you need to dance again, otherwise, the ghost will come back again in an hour." Make a mess!"

Are there really so-called ghosts?

People have stopped breathing, can they be revived?

The doctors didn't know, and Gao Qingyun didn't know either. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his eyes were fixed on the breathing apparatus, hoping for a miracle.

If a miracle really happens, no matter how much money you spend, you will have to buy the other two medicines in Ye Luo's hands!

If life is gone, what do you need money for?
Most importantly, why do you have to pay for this money yourself?
Money should go to Yingjie!
It should be the dean!

Gao Qingyun knew very well that the principal was over 50 years old and had no children for many years, and Gao Yingjie, as an illegitimate child, was the only child of the principal.

This disaster was also caused by Gao Yingjie!

Gao Qingyun has now completely figured it out. From the very beginning of proposing to let Ye Luo be the scapegoat doctor, to taking the credit for Ye Luo's contribution, and offering to treat Big Stephen, it was Gao Yingjie.

If the dancing master is real, then Gao Yingjie and the dean should pay for Ye Luo's dancing master!

But, is it true that Jumping God is real?

Gao Qingyun's eyes were like copper bells, staring at the breathalyzer.

In a few seconds, it seems like a century has passed.


A moment later, the breathing apparatus rang again!

There was another silence in front of the ward.

For a long time, everyone's eyes were on Ye Luo, because the giant Stephen was Ye Luo's great dance master, and he came out of it again. This dance master can really save people!
The way everyone looked at Ye Luo changed a little!
Even Gao Yingjie grabbed Gao Qingyun who was beside him, his eyes were red, and he asked tremblingly: "Big Stephen is alive again? Has he recovered from his illness?"

Gao Qingyun also heaved a long sigh of relief, cold sweat covered his forehead, seeing Gao Yingjie grabbing his arm at this moment, his face turned dark, the reason why he fell to this point was because of Gao Yingjie's father.

Gao Qingyun pushed Gao Yingjie away, and said, "Don't you have eyes to see? Who cured it? However, Tiao Dashen Tiao Dashen needs to do it twice, one is just to suppress, and two times can be completely eliminated, and, Jumping to the Great God will hurt the peace of the sky and will hurt people's life span!"

"Then why don't you jump quickly, let Ye Luo jump quickly! Ye Luo, jump quickly!" Gao Yingjie lost his mind and wanted to rush towards Ye Luo.


Gao Qingyun couldn't bear it anymore, and directly slapped Gao Yingjie on the face, saying, "Calm down! If Ye Luo is angered, he won't jump, and we all have to face the wrath of the forces behind Stephen!"

After being slapped, Gao Yingjie regained consciousness.

Ye Luo looked at the scene in front of him, shook his head, and said: "The first time you dance the Great God, it's called soul-suppressing, and it can only last for an hour. Jumping again is called exorcising the soul, so that you can completely cure Stephen's illness. One time is free, as for the second time, heh! The price is 2000 million!"

"What, 2000 million?" Gao Yingjie, who was fully awake, suddenly changed his face, and the aura of angrily scolding Ye Luo earlier had long since disappeared.

"It's the real thing at a fair price, no one can deceive you!" Ye Luo said lightly.

"Ye Luo! How could you do this? At this moment, you still think about money!" Su Ying couldn't help but took a step forward and said something loudly.

However, the moment Su Ying took a step forward, Ye Luo suddenly stood up from the stool, then unexpectedly stretched out her hand, and stuffed a crystal clear pill into Su Ying's mouth.

After that, Ye Luo patted Su Ying on the back again, before Su Ying had any other reaction, she swallowed the pill.


"Ye Luo, what did you feed me!" Su Ying was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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