Chapter 119 Bleeding
"I'll take one of the ancestral medicine for amnesia." Ye Luo patted Su Ying on the head and said calmly.

"You..." Su Ying stretched out her finger and pointed at Ye Luo's nose, wanting to speak again, but she didn't speak out. She only felt a dull pain in her head, and then her eyes went dark, and she fell into a coma. into Ye Luo's arms.

Ye Luo picked up the unconscious Su Ying, turned around and walked to the rest room, then put Su Ying on the bed, and said in a low voice: "Wake up, and the lost memories can be retrieved."

Afterwards, Ye Luo came out again, glanced at Gao Yingjie and Gao Qingyun indifferently, and said, "Time is limited, hurry up and find a way to raise money, hell, I still need money, you choose."

"Ye Luo, you..." Gao Yingjie wanted to speak, but was held back by Gao Qingyun.

At this time, Gao Qingyun knew better than anyone else that Ye Luo must not be offended. As an old man, Gao Qingyun knew very well that Ye Luo was the only one who could dance to the master. Regardless of whether this thing is superstitious or not, it can save people now!
It is Ye Luo who can save people, but they are the ones who cause trouble!

Stephen's giant's illness had already healed, why would it recur?

Those who know the inside story are very clear that Stephen's illness relapsed after Gao Yingjie gave Miss Stephen the big tonic soup. Could it be that the medicine was poisoned to kill Big Stephen Tang on purpose? of?
If you pursue it deeply at this time, what will the truth be?
Once stabbed out, what will be the consequences?
Will the forces behind Stephen pursue him?I'm afraid I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than miss one, right?

Although Ye Luo's identity is just a doctor with a scapegoat, but he can dance to the master. If he is forced to dance to the master, once Ye Luo shouts out and alarms the big shots outside, I am afraid that the original truth will also be exposed.

At that time, it was Ye Luo who made the contribution, and Gao Yingjie and the people in the hospital were the ones who almost killed him, and possibly even poisoned Stephen King. Was this the consequence they wanted?
Will they still have a way out?
The crime of poisoning Stephen King... Gao Qingyun didn't dare to think about it anymore.

At this moment, Gao Qingyun was extremely sober and more aware of the stakes. At this critical moment, he directly pulled Gao Yingjie to the dressing room of the ICU, and explained the stakes to Gao Yingjie in a low voice.

It doesn't work if you don't explain it, 2000 million, you can't let yourself take it?

Even if he went bankrupt, Gao Qingyun, as a deputy dean, would not be able to afford it. However, if the dean went bankrupt, 2000 million would be enough.

In this era, what makes more money than being the director of a hospital?

After a while, Gao Yingjie, who had fully understood the stakes, felt a little weak again. He took out his mobile phone and immediately called the principal.

Vice-principal Gao Qingyun walked out of the locker room, came out again, and whispered in Ye Luo's ear: "2000 million is too much, can it be less?"

Ye Luo said lightly: "Is there a lot? Now I go out and talk to Stephen's granddaughter. I'm afraid it will be sold for more than 2000 million."

"Look at our usual relationship..." Gao Qingyun stopped talking halfway through.

Does it matter on weekdays?
Gao Qingyun remembered that he and the leaders of the hospital had let Ye Luo take the blame twice, and also took the credit for Ye Luo twice. This relationship is really not very friendly.

Rao Gao Qingyun has a thick skin, so he can't go on talking.

Gao Qingyun turned around and went back to the locker room, looking for Gao Yingjie. This time, there must be someone who is bankrupt. Before returning to the locker room, Gao Qingyun secretly sent a message to the principal.

The content of the message was: the test results have come out, there is poison residue in the bowl of tonic soup that Gao Yingjie gave Stephen.

After sending this message, Gao Qingyun pretended to be serious, went into the locker room, and told Gao Yingjie about the news again.

Is it really poisonous?

Gao Qingyun didn't know either, it was just made up. Anyway, at this time, this news was enough to be the last straw that scared Dean Zheng and Gao Yingjie to death.

If the Tang family found out about this news, would their father and son survive under the rage?
Gao Qingyun had already made up his mind, since the dean cheated him, he also had to cheat the dean, 2000 million, whoever took it would have to go bankrupt, a dead fellow is not a poor daoist, the money must be taken by the dean!

If the family goes bankrupt, then the dean and his illegitimate son will have to come.

Sure enough, after the false information was sent out, the dean and his illegitimate son Gao Yingjie had already started raising money, a huge sum of 2000 million, which was a terrifying figure.

"I remember, the car you drive is a Cayenne, and your father's car is a Phaeton, both of which can be sold..."

"Your house can also be mortgaged quickly to make money. Yes, in the city center, doesn't your father still have a facade..."

"Yes, isn't your second uncle a usury? Just relying on your relationship and your father's position as the dean, I will borrow money from your second uncle. Let me borrow 1000 million first!"

"Yes, if your second uncle is willing to borrow 1000 million usury, the money will be almost enough. They are relatives anyway. What are you afraid of? Your life is almost gone. You still care about this. Don't worry, he is your uncle after all. Just like urging others, send your subordinates with machetes to chop off your hands!"

After all, Gao Qingyun is the vice-principal, and he knows the principal's family affairs very well, so he advises Gao Yingjie.

Ten minutes later, Gao Qingyun with a flushed face and Gao Yingjie with a dead face came out of the locker room.

"The money has been collected, what is your bank account number, I will transfer it to you." The fear in Gao Qingyun's heart has almost disappeared.

When Ye Luo heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and thought to himself, could it be less, 2000 million, why is the vice president Gao Qingyun so blushing?

However, Ye Luo thought about it again, muttered, don't worry, anyway, the foreign oil tycoon is a more terrifying bottomless pit, if you want less this time, next time you will want it to your death.

The account number was given, Gao Qingyun transferred the money, Ye Luo turned around and went to dance to the master!

This time, it's in full view again!

Ye Luo's jumping figure is extremely mysterious and weird. I don't know if it's a psychological effect or what. Everyone feels a little cold when Ye Luo dances.

However, Ye Luo found another opportunity to stuff the second pill into Stephen's mouth while dancing to the Great God.

Afterwards, Ye Luo danced for a while, until the effect of the medicine started to take effect, Stephen's eyelids twitched, and then he stopped dancing. At the same time, he pretended to be very tired and said: "The ghost has been completely expelled, Stephen The old man will wake up soon, please take care of him, I will go to the lounge and take a rest."

While talking, Ye Luo walked towards the lounge wearily under the eyes of everyone.

"Ah—look, Mr. Stephen is awake!" Two seconds later, a doctor screamed.

This sound attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes turned from Ye Luo to Big Stephen!
While everyone, including Yang Yu, was looking at Stephen, Ye Luo quietly walked to the lounge, and locked the door of the lounge from the inside.

Because Su Ying is still in the lounge.

"Huh! No, the medicine to restore memory will only make people unconscious for 5 minutes, and then people will wake up. Counting the time now, Su Ying should have woken up." Ye Luo saw that Su Ying hadn't opened her eyes yet. , I couldn't help stretching out my hand, feeling for Su Ying's pulse.

When Su Ying's hand was touched, she couldn't help but tremble, and Ye Luo also had a strange look on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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