Chapter 120 Emphysema

Ye Luo discovered that it wasn't that Su Ying didn't wake up, but that she was pretending to be asleep!

Why would you pretend to be asleep?

Ye Luo could almost guess clearly that Su Ying's memory had recovered.She should have fully understood that she was deceived by Gao Yingjie, and it was not Gao Yingjie who really saved people, she was very ashamed and angry.

At the same time, Su Ying should have secretly overheard the previous conversation in the intensive care unit and the final result just now. She signed a bet. In the first bet, it was clearly stated that as long as Ye Luo really cured Tang Miss Bing, she agreed to open the room!
Now, in Su Ying's view, something that was impossible to happen happened miraculously. She didn't think about how to deal with it in a short period of time, so she pretended to be asleep.

Ye Luo wanted to understand all this, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly said seriously: "It's strange, there must be something wrong with the medicine, I need to check."

"Check your pulse first." As Ye Luo said, he pretended to touch Su Ying's little hand. However, Ye Luo's hand was not on Su Ying's pulse, but on Su Ying's palm and back. He touched it around, and said in a very surprised tone: "Hey! Why is there no pulse?"

Su Ying, who was pretending to be in a coma, was so angry that she almost sat up. Is there a way to check the pulse like this?There is no pulse on the palm and back of the hand, this is simply to take the opportunity to touch her hand!

However, Su Ying thought about it again, Ye Luo used to be just a cleaner, and he was just an ancestral elixir to treat people. How could he know what a pulse is? Thinking of this, Su Ying could only hold back.

Seeing that Su Ying didn't move, Ye Luo muttered to himself again: "Is there something wrong with the ancestral medicine? This is not acceptable. If there is no pulse, the person will die. Check and check the heartbeat. Do artificial respiration immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Luo directly put his hand into Su Ying's neckline, and then said: "It's not accurate to check through the clothes, it's better to check in."

Su Ying, who was pretending to be asleep, froze suddenly, and she clearly felt that Ye Luo's big hand had already stretched in along her neckline.

Su Ying was ashamed and angry, her heart was flustered, her body trembled slightly, she was on the verge of eruption, she wanted to sit up and pick up a scalpel, and slice Ye Luo into pieces one by one.

To check the heartbeat, do you need to reach in with your hands?Can't you just put it in your heart and test it?This cleaner is simply a quack who doesn't understand anything!
Ye Luo saw that Su Ying was still pretending to be asleep, and immediately said in a more serious tone: "Hey! It seems that there is still a heartbeat, ah, what is this?
Su Ying was extremely ashamed and furious, the cleaner actually said that the place was emphysema, she was talking nonsense!Ignorant fool!

However, her body felt an unprecedented strange feeling, and for a moment, Su Ying was stunned.

Seeing this, Ye Luo immediately said again: "No, the emphysema is so big, it seems that artificial respiration is needed!"

Su Ying finally couldn't bear it anymore, her ears were blushing, her face was as pink as a peach blossom, she pushed Ye Luo away, and said angrily, "What are you doing?"

Ye Luo pretended to be taken aback, and said in a surprised tone: "Hey! I thought there was something wrong with the ancestral medicine, and I am checking your body. How did you wake up? By the way, it seems to be a little emphysema!"

"You! You are the one with emphysema! Stupid! Two hundred and five! Rogue!" Su Ying was furious, couldn't help but cursed out in one breath, turned around and ran out of the lounge.

"Don't move!" Ye Luo suddenly said.

Su Ying, who had already run to the door of the lounge, couldn't help but feel her body slump.

"The bet, have you forgotten our bet? It's written in black and white. As long as I cure Miss Tang Bing's illness, you will have a room with me. You see, I am using my family's ancestral medicine to treat the Tang Bing's sick sister is cured!" Ye Luo said solemnly.

"Ah? Bet, what bet?" At the very moment, Su Ying's face flashed blank, as if she didn't know anything about this matter.

"The bet is that if I cure Miss Tang Bing, you will have a room with me. Have you forgotten?" Ye Luo looked at Su Ying as if she really couldn't remember, and she couldn't help feeling a little doubt in her heart. Could it be that she lost her memory? not good?

Impossible, even if the amnesia is not cured, he just forgot about the bathroom, how could he even forget about the bet?

After Su Ying pretended to be in a coma, she pretended to have amnesia?

Su Ying didn't wait for Ye Luo to finish speaking, she stared at her phoenix eyes, and suddenly said angrily: "I, Su Ying, am such a casual person? Can I make such a shameless bet with you? It is impossible for me to make such a bet with you Yes, you want to take advantage of my memory loss and make up a random bet! Huh, liar! Rogue! Shameless! Obscene!"


At this moment, Ye Luo watched Su Ying's superb performance and almost believed it, women are indeed born actors!
"Hmph! Liar, hooligan, don't talk to me again, or I'll call the police!" Su Ying turned and went out, also walking towards the hospital bed.

Looking at Su Ying's young but perfect back, Ye Luo couldn't help squinting her eyes, but she didn't follow up immediately, but muttered to herself: "Fake amnesia? Hehe, don't you need to open a room if you pretend to be amnesia? If I don't pretend to have amnesia, I really don't know how to start."

In Ye Luo's mind, plans to plot against Su Ying rose up in an instant.


Just when Ye Luo had a plan in mind and wanted to catch up, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Ye Luo took out the phone from his pocket, and there was an unread message displayed on the screen. When he opened the message, he saw the content: Everything is going well, the plan has started, Xiao Taohong.

After the content, a URL is also appended.

A message from Xiao Taohong?

After seeing this message, Ye Luo was shocked, and immediately clicked on the website on the phone.

After opening the website, several eye-catching posts came into view!
"The weak girl, Little Taohong, was brutally murdered by the false principal of the beast", "The young girl sacrificed her innocent body to expose the viciousness of the false principal", "The most beautiful and brave girl in China, Xiao Taohong! "...

These posts were obviously just posted on the Internet, and the number of people who viewed them was not large, but the speed of forwarding and browsing was soaring alarmingly.

(End of this chapter)

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