Chapter 121

"Has it finally begun?"

Ye Luo muttered to himself, and then added: "Another storm will sweep Nanjiang City!"

Ye Luo closed the phone and didn't look at it anymore. Tonight, Little Taohong will become popular overnight, and the principal's incident will also shake Nanjiang City and China.

But Ye Luo, the planner behind all of this, didn't have this in mind.

Ye Luo walked out of the lounge, glanced at the people surrounding Miss Tang Bing's hospital bed, and Su Ying who was hiding among them, smiled faintly at the corner of her mouth, quietly walked out of the ICU, and then drove away from the hospital .

It will take time for Su Ying to pretend to have amnesia and eat her, but the Jiuding Auction is about to start, so there is no delay.

The three-leaf spirit grass is bound to be obtained, and there is no room for loss. Whether the secret in the mysterious bead can be solved depends on how many three-leaf spirit grass can be photographed at this auction.

If two or more shamrocks are auctioned at the auction, and if they can be photographed, then the secret in the beads that the leader of the killer desperately snatched back will be revealed!

However, even Wu Banxian, who set up a street stall, knew that clover shamrocks are extremely rare, and the price of a single plant can easily exceed 1000 million yuan. Once such a thing goes to the auction, no one can be sure what kind of one will be auctioned in the end. What's more, Ye Luo's ultimate goal is to buy two plants!

Ye Luo's current money is only the 2000 million yuan that the deputy director and Gao Yingjie just cheated. This figure is an astronomical figure for ordinary people, but for the real rich, it is only the money of a car.

Now, there are still a few hours until the auction.

If you want to securely win at least two shamrocks at the auction, 2000 million is not enough!
However, Ye Luo had already figured out a solution on the way to the hospital.

This method is to sell medicine!
Five years ago, a batch of mysterious pills suddenly appeared in the world, which caused a bloodbath. The name of this pill was Buyuan Dan.

The Buyuan Pill has a very shocking effect, that is, this kind of elixir can replenish people's vitality and achieve the effect of enhancing lifespan.


These two words have no small appeal to anyone.

Because there is nothing in this world that is more valuable than life.

Just like a tens of billionaire, although he has tens of billions of assets, but his lifespan is coming to an end, so at this time, what can be more precious than increasing his lifespan?

When the Buyuan Pill first appeared, no one believed that a pill could prolong a person's life, and even countless people said that the Buyuan Pill was a scam.

However, immediately afterward, Chu Tian, ​​the most famous killer leader in the world, Ye Luo, a generation of war doctor, Taishan Niuyuan of world medicine, Mith Tolstoy, the father of European medicine, and the most mysterious research institute in America, etc. Some of the top figures and organizations have almost all experimented and evaluated Buyuan Pill, and the result is that Buyuan Pill is real!

Buyuan Dan can really prolong life!

However, after the top bigwigs and mysterious organizations made announcements after the experiment was completed, people discovered that there were only ten Pills left in the whole world!

For a while, Buyuan Pill became a treasure in the world, which triggered sky-high prices for big figures from all walks of life.

Ye Luo remembered very clearly that back then, two Buyuan Pills were sold at the Jiuding Auction, one was sold for a sky-high price of 8000 million, and the other was sold for a sky-high price of [-] million!
It is for this reason that Ye Luo can easily infer that the most senior appraiser at the Jiuding Auction must recognize Buyuan Pill.

The last ten Buyuan Pills five years ago have already been bought by big shots at a high price, and there are already no Buyuan Pills in the market today.

There used to be a very large consortium that wanted to get a few more Pills of Buyuan, so it spent more than a billion yuan to find someone who could refine the Pill of Buyuan, but they couldn't find the person who refined the Pill of Buyuan.

Someone once said that Buyuan Pill should be a elixir handed down from ancient times, but there is no such thing in this world!
However, the truth of the matter is that the Buyuan Pill was refined by Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's refinement of the Buyuan Pill was also due to a very accidental situation. When studying the ancient Chinese pharmacopoeia, Ye Luo vaguely felt in the "Emperor's Internal Classic" and "Book of Changes" that it can be configured to prolong life. the elixir.

Later, after reading ancient books such as "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Qian Jin Fang" and "Su Wen", Ye Luo made an experimental configuration, and then after several improvements and refinements, he actually practiced a kind that can A life-extending elixir!

This elixir is Buyuan Pill!
With Ye Luo's strength, after that time, he has never successfully refined it again.

It was a product of chance and could not be replicated, and the Buyuan Pill was only effective for the first time, and lost its effect after the second time, so Ye Luo did not continue to spend time researching materials.

Even for Ye Luo, there are only five such pills in this matter.

If he didn't want to decipher the information of the mysterious bead, and he didn't have much money on hand, he would never consider selling Bu Yuan Dan.

Of course, if you really want to sell it, just take out one and entrust it to Jiuding Auction for auction. It will definitely sell for a sky-high price. Buying two shamrocks should be more than enough.

"It's a good thing I didn't throw it away as trash, otherwise, in order to collect money, I might have to go to a gold shop." Ye Luo drove the car and went straight to the rental house, muttering to himself.

Ye Luo clearly remembered that once when Chu Xiaohuan was cleaning the house, she almost threw the bottle away. Fortunately, Ye Luo picked up the bottle casually and threw it in the cabinet.

Ye Luo took a Buyuan Pill and went straight to the auction.

The Jiuding Auction is a mobile auction. It will only stay in each city for a month at most, and within this month, two auctions will be held.

Generally speaking, the Jiuding Auction will only choose international super-big cities, such as the domestic imperial capital, and Beihai City. It is quite surprising that Nanjiang City was chosen this year.

Jiuding Auction rented the most luxurious building in the city center, the Nanjiang Financial Building, in Nanjiang City!

Anyone who is familiar with Nanjiang knows that the Nanjiang Financial Building rents more than 30 yuan a day, and the Jiuding Auction rented it for a month in one go, but the rent is nearly [-] million yuan!
Just from this place, it is enough to see the strong influence of Jiuding Auction.

For an auction of this standard, some of the things that are auctioned are their own, and some are entrusted to the Jiuding Auction by others.

Just like Ye Luo, holding the Buyuan Pill at this time, he wanted to entrust it to the Jiuding Auction for auction. However, the Jiuding Auction will eventually take 5.00% of the transaction price as a reward.However, it is only a 5.00% commission, once the price is huge, it is also a huge profit for the Jiuding Auction.

Ye Luo parked the car in the parking lot, took the elixir, and strode towards the auction.

PS: A major revision has been made to the previous chapters. What you have read will not affect your reading. Before the weekend, it will resume three times a day. Please continue to support the book friends, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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