Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 122 Selling Drugs

Chapter 122 Selling Drugs (Part [-])
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After Jiuding Auction rented the Nanjiang Financial Building, it planned the north and south gates of the whole building separately. The north gate is the gate of the auction center, and the south gate is the gate of the entrustment center.

The auction center is the place where things are auctioned.

The entrustment center is the place where ordinary people need to hand over their own things to the auction center for auction. However, before the auction, the things entrusted for auction need to be appraised by professionals.

A huge force like the Jiuding Auction has its own very professional treasure appraisal team, and ordinary fakes can't get away with it.

Moreover, the value of items sold at Jiuding Auction will start at at least 50 yuan, and those below this value will not be auctioned at all.

It can be said that the people who can come here are definitely either rich or expensive, and they are all well-dressed.

Of course, Ye Luo was an exception.

He spread his goods all over, and strode into the commission center.

At the entrance of the consignment center, there are more than a dozen professional service personnel for the auction, all of whom are young and beautiful girls aged 16 to 25.

As soon as Ye Luo walked in, a slender girl with fair skin and delicate face came over. The girl glanced at Ye Luo and saw that Ye Luo was selling goods all over the place. The value of the clothes all over her body was not enough for 300 yuan. , a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Service staff like them get a commission every time they make a deal. People like Ye Luo are obviously not the kind of people who can come up with any good things and entrust them to auction.

However, the girl had received very professional training after all, she quickly put away the disappointment in her eyes, and with a standard professional smile, she asked softly, "Sir, what do you have that needs to be auctioned?"

"Drugs." Ye Luo glanced around and saw that there were twenty or thirty compartments in the entrustment center on the first floor, and each compartment was separated separately, and there were some people waiting at the door of each compartment. queue.

It seems that there are quite a few people who want to come to Jiuding Auction to entrust things to be auctioned.

"Elixir?" There was a flash of doubt in the girl's eyes. Usually, people who come to auctions are here to auction antiques, jade articles, famous paintings, diamonds, real estate, and precious herbs. .

"That's right, it's the pill." Ye Luo said lightly.

Just as Ye Luo finished speaking, an extremely mocking voice suddenly came from the mouth of a young man on the left holding the latest version of the iPhone: "Pfft—Pillion, you want to get rich, you want to go crazy, don't you?" Could it be that you want to sell some kind of Dali Pills here, such as Golden Spear Can’t Fall Pills, hahaha, you dare to come here even if you’re dressed all over the place, are ordinary people here?”

Ye Luo glanced at the young man and couldn't help squinting his eyes. Ye Luo knew this man!

When Chu Xiaohuan was looking for the first killer of the Black Snake Organization, he squatted in a nightclub next to the village in the city. In that nightclub, the police flower Su Mu once pretended to be a young lady, trying to lure the killer.

In the end, the killer didn't lead out, but instead attracted two men who wanted to spend her money overnight.

Ye Luo remembered very clearly that the taunting young man in front of him was one of the men in the nightclub who wanted to marry Su Mu. His name was Zhou Yang, and Zhou Yang was not from Nanjiang City, but from the imperial capital.

Moreover, Zhou Yang also brought a bodyguard, that is, a strong retired special forces soldier named Tieniu.

Ye Luo glanced at the young man, frowned, and said a word: "Get lost!"

"What did you say? Let me go!" Zhou Yang couldn't believe his ears. Few people in the imperial capital dared to speak to him like that, but he didn't expect to appear in Nanjiang!

The day before yesterday at the nightclub, he failed to pay a girl with his wallet, and today in the auction center, in front of many people, he was told to fuck off in front of many people. city ​​perception.

Zhou Yang was furious, took a step towards Ye Luo, and said again in a sinister way: "Poor guy! Try saying something again, for a poor person like you, if I kill you, it will be worse than crushing an ant." easy!"

Ye Luo looked at Zhou Yang with cold eyes, and didn't speak, nor did he bother to speak.

Seeing that Ye Luo was ignoring him, Zhou Yang felt even angrier. He turned to look at his bodyguard Tieniu, and said coldly, "His arm was crippled!"

Tie Niu is more than 1.8 meters tall, with eight-pack abs, and has a wild and dangerous aura on his body. After all, he is a retired special soldier. After receiving Zhou Yang's order, he walked towards Ye Luo with a serious expression.

"Sir, this is the Jiuding Auction, and no one is allowed to fight here." The waiter girl who had been standing beside Ye Luo suddenly came out and said something lightly.

Although the girl is young, she is neither humble nor overbearing in the face of a sturdy man with a strong aura.

Ye Luo didn't look at Tieniu and Zhou Yang, but his eyes fell on the girl. He didn't expect that a mere waiter at the Jiuding Auction would have such courage. It seems that the Jiuding Auction is really unfathomable.

"Go away! A waiter, who dares to stop me, is courting death!" Seeing this, Zhou Yang was angry at first, and then said: "Tie Niu, don't worry about this waiter, first cripple that kid's arm!"

The chaos here finally attracted the attention of the people around.

Those who can come here to entrust the auction are all people with certain status and financial resources. After seeing this scene, they couldn't help shaking their heads.

An ordinary person like Ye Luo, who is dressed all over the place, met Zhou Yang. no.

In their view, Ye Luo is asking for trouble now.

Tieniu received Zhou Yang's order, pushed the girl away, stretched out a punch, and slammed Ye Luo hard, if it landed on an ordinary person, I'm afraid Half-Life is gone.


Just when the punch was about to hit Ye Luo, a security guard at the entrustment center suddenly yelled, trying to stop Tieniu.

Ye Luo couldn't help looking at the security guard after hearing the security guard's violent drinking, because Ye Luo could clearly feel that the aura emanating from this random security guard in the auction was just Surpassed the retired special forces Tie Niu!

However, the security guard was still far away, and he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

A fist has hit Ye Luo hard!
Someone exclaimed, and many people closed their eyes, unable to bear to see Ye Luo's miserable state.

(End of this chapter)

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