Chapter 123 Ji Qingwu (Part [-])

Was it the poor young man whose bones were broken?

Everyone was puzzled, but when they looked again, they couldn't help being shocked, because they saw that Ye Luo was still standing still, and the retired special forces bodyguard had one arm drooping.

Looking carefully, the arm was actually broken into two pieces, the broken bone inside pierced the muscle skin, revealing the pale bones and blood spattering!

The bodyguard Tieniu also slowed down for a while before he came back to his senses. Afterwards, he let out an extremely miserable scream, folded his arms, and fell to the ground. Bean-sized sweat dripped from his forehead, and his blue veins were exposed.


All the onlookers couldn't help but gasped.

Looking at the bodyguard's broken arm, they all felt terrible pain.

When they looked at Ye Luo again, their eyes had changed.

As for the security guard at the auction, when he saw this scene, his eyes shrank severely, because even he didn't see how Ye Luo made the move. He was a retired elite special soldier who had been on the battlefield in the Middle East. !

Ye Luo seemed as if nothing had happened. After putting down the bodyguard, Ye Luo walked towards Zhou Yang in one step, and said lightly: "Just now I told you to go, if you don't go, now, I invite you roll!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Luo suddenly moved again!

Seeing this scene, the security guard couldn't help shouting again.

However, this time it is still too late!
Zhou Yang was also shocked. As a rich second generation in the imperial capital, he had never felt so dangerous. What would this poor dick do?hit him?
Don't you dare?
Aren't you afraid of the police?

At this moment, Zhou Yang concluded that a poor guy like Ye Luo wouldn't dare to do anything to him!

Before Zhou Yang's method had completely flashed through his mind, he felt a sudden sharp pain erupt on his face. Immediately afterwards, he felt that his whole body was spinning and flying, and his teeth were loose and fell out.


Zhou Yang fell to the ground, under the huge inertia, half of Zhou Yang's face was swollen like a pig's head, and his body rolled out of the door.

The entrustment center was once again quiet.

On the second floor of the hall, a woman wearing a purple off-the-shoulder dress with a very hot figure and a very strong and charming aura in her eyes, like a stunner, watched this scene quietly.

When the dust settled, she looked at Ye Luo with a strange gaze, and a gleam flashed across her face.

"Sir, please go to the second floor."

In the silence, the peerless woman on the second floor looked at Ye Luo and said something in a seductive voice.

The people in the lobby on the first floor couldn't help but glance towards the second floor after hearing the voice.

At this glance, the eyes of many men suddenly became a little straight, and the woman upstairs is simply a stunner who has brought disaster to the country and the people. If the charming eyes in her eyes and the extremely hot body can be trampled in her arms, her life will be shortened by ten years. Any year will do!

Who is this woman?
Ye Luo also took a look at the woman, and couldn't help squinting her eyes. In the auction, there is such a woman who has brought disaster to the country and the people?
Ye Luo was not polite, and went directly to the second floor. As for Zhou Yang and his bodyguards, Ye Luo didn't even take a second look.

"Throw those two on the ground onto the main road, and cause trouble at the Jiuding Auction, huh! It's too long." The woman on the second floor who brought disaster to the country and the people said lazily, as if this matter was in her eyes. , is not worth mentioning at all.

The waiter girl who received Ye Luo originally had a look of shock in her eyes, because the stunner upstairs seldom took the initiative to let people go to the second floor, unless that person was worth tens of billions, or someone with a huge background people!

Could it be that the young man who was selling goods all over the place was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

While the other people in the hall looked envious and jealous, the stunner actually called a poor young man to go up, but that poor young man seemed to be very capable of fighting.


Ye Luo went up to the second floor, and the beautiful woman who brought disaster to the country and the people smiled charmingly at Ye Luo, and said, "When I first came to Nanjiang, the security measures are a bit lacking, please don't take offense, sir, my name is Ji Qingwu, may I ask this person?" Do you have something, sir, that you want to consign for auction at our auction?"

Ji Qingwu?
After hearing the name, Ye Luo couldn't help shrinking his eyes again.

Ye Luo has heard of this name before!

Ji Qingwu, five years ago was a very famous female killer in the killer world, codenamed Qing Wu, known as the most beautiful stunner in the killer world, she once used a beauty trick to assassinate a generation of drug lord Sirius, making the largest drug gang in Southeast Asia It fell apart overnight.

However, when she was in her prime, she quit the killer world very cleanly, entered the Jiuding Auction, and became the chief auctioneer of the Huaxia District of the Jiuding Auction.

Unexpectedly, I would meet this stunner here who would bring disaster to the country and the people.

"Oh, there's a pill to be entrusted to you for auction?" Ye Luo said flatly, not wanting to have anything to do with this stunner.

"Drugs? In recent years, few people have auctioned pills. Moreover, because our security was not in place, Mr. was surprised. In order to express my apology, I now decide to waive your commission fee of 5.00%, and the auction amount will be fully owned You." Ji Qingwu's voice was still charming, but her gaze kept on Ye Luo.

Just from Ye Luo's two shots just now, Ji Qingwu has vaguely seen something, but now she is still a little uncertain, she feels that Ye Luo seems to have an aura that makes her feel trembling!

"Buyuan Pill." Although the stunner is good, it is very troublesome to touch. Ye Luo didn't want to get in trouble, so the answer was very simple.

Ji Qingwu's originally charming eyes, after hearing these three words clearly, shrank her eyes severely, "Benefiting Yuan Pill", Ji Qingwu knew about Bu Yuan Pill!

"Follow me!" Ji Qingwu finally had a solemn look on her face, turned around and led the way, leading Ye Luo towards a top-secret room.

In the room, an old man with a white beard was studying an ink painting. Seeing Ji Qingwu knocking on the door, he put away the ink painting vigilantly and said, "What are you doing here again?"

Ji Qingwu pretended to be aggrieved and said, "Old Liu, why do you see me like a thief? I am such a well-behaved person, why don't you know how to feel pity?"

"Stop! What on earth are you trying to do? Tell me quickly. If you don't, I'll call someone!" The old man with white beard and hair was very vigilant towards Ji Qingwu.

Seeing that the old man was so vigilant, Ji Qingwu could only sigh, and said, "Old Liu, I have a customer here who wants to entrust us to auction Buyuan Dan. I originally wanted to ask you to appraise it, but you seem to be very busy. Then Forget it, I'll go find Mr. Zhang."

"What, Bu Yuan Pill? Where is it? What are you looking for, Mr. Zhang? Are there still not many things you have cheated from me on weekdays? Bu Yuan Pill, can he understand it at the level of old man Zhang? Hurry up and take it out! "When the old man with white beard and hair heard Bu Yuan Pill, his eyes lit up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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