Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 124 Take You to See the Big Scene

Chapter 124 Take You to See the Big Scene

Ye Luo stood at the door, squinting at the conversation between Ji Qingwu and the old man, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, it seemed that this old man with white beard and hair was often cheated by Ji Qingwu.

"Sir, your Buyuan Pill..." Ji Qingwu turned her head to look at Ye Luo, her eyes were full of rhythm and charm.

Ye Luo was unmoved, and just casually threw the porcelain bottle in his arms to the old man three meters away.

The old man with white beard and hair was taken aback, did Bu Yuan Dan just throw it over?This was an item that was auctioned for a sky-high price five years ago, how could it be thrown away casually!

The most important thing is that the Buyuan Pill five years ago has already been consumed by others. There are rumors in the world that there is no more Buyuan Pill, and now it has appeared here again.

As the top appraiser of the Jiuding Auction, the old man has seen many treasures. However, the Buyuan Pill that increases the lifespan was only five years ago in this life. I saw two of them, and they were finally sold at the auction. sky-high price.

The old man with white beard and hair caught the porcelain bottle in a panic, and there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead. He glared at Ye Luo, and then carefully opened the porcelain bottle. He first smelled the mouth of the bottle, and then carefully Using the clean tweezers on the table, he carefully picked out the elixir from the porcelain bottle.

After that, he used a small flashlight on the table to shine on Bu Yuan Dan.

The moment the light shines on it, the originally dark Buyuan Pill suddenly turns into a vibrant emerald green, crystal clear!
When the old man saw this, ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

Afterwards, the old man used more than ten kinds of instruments to detect it. After 10 minutes, the old man re-sealed the pill in a white porcelain bottle. His face was full of joy, he looked at Ye Luo, and asked, "How many pills do you have?" ?”

"Only one." Ye Luo said lightly.

A gleam flashed in the old man's cloudy eyes, but he didn't look disappointed. Instead, he took out a card and a receipt from the drawer on the table.

The old man filled out the receipt of the Buyuan Pill, stamped it with a special stamp, and handed it to Ye Luo, and at the same time gave Ye Luo a card, saying: "One is the receipt of the Buyuan Pill, and the other is our Jiuding Auction As long as you hold this card, you will always be the most distinguished guest of Jiuding Auction."

Seeing this, Ji Qingwu's eyes flashed brightly.

Ye Luo smiled faintly, didn't say anything, put away the things, turned around and walked towards the door, not intending to communicate with Ji Qingwu and the old man at all.

The receipt has been obtained, once the auction, the money can be withdrawn at any time.

Ye Luo had already noticed that the old man was by no means an ordinary person. The reason why he gave the Supreme Membership Card was because the old man guessed that he would have the Bu Yuan Pill on him.

Moreover, both Ji Qingwu and the old man felt something from themselves.

However, Ye Luo didn't care. Jiuding Auction has its own rules. As long as the customers don't take the initiative to disclose, they can't take the initiative to inquire or reveal the customer's identity information. No matter who it is, once they violate it, they will face a very tragic ending.

Ye Luo knew this rule a long time ago, and he also knew how strict this rule was in the Jiuding Auction.

This is the basis for the Jiuding Auction to grow. Once this rule is broken, the reputation of the Jiuding Auction will be lost. Ye Luo remembers very clearly that once a powerful family forced the Jiuding Auction to reveal the identity of a client. The Jiuding Auction did not agree to the identity information, and even the high-level members of that family mysteriously died in half overnight!
It was because of this that Ye Luo didn't mind showing some strength, and commissioned the auction of Buyuan Pill in an upright manner.

"Hey! Let's go now, do you want to have a glass of wine together?" Ji Qingwu didn't expect that Ye Luo would leave so cleanly. Seeing that Ye Luo had already gone out, she couldn't help calling out temptingly.

"I'm more interested in opening a house." Ye Luo continued walking out without stopping.

After a while, Ye Luo walked away.

The charming feeling on Ji Qingwu's body was gone, she turned her head to look at the old man, and asked, "Did you see it?"

"Unfathomable." Old Liu shook his head.

"Do you feel that he looks like a person?" Ji Qingwu asked.

"Who?" Elder Liu asked.

"The killer leader who disappeared three years ago, Chu Tian! There are rumors that Chu Tian is dead, but I don't believe it." Ji Qingwu said softly.

"Chutian the killer? Unlikely, this person's ability to restrain his breath has reached a state of perfection. Even I can't see through the depths. Chutian's ability to restrain his breath is still a little behind that of that person just now." Old Liu stroked his beard and said.

"It's been three years. Couldn't the killer leader Chutian go further? No matter whether he is Chutian or not, I have a strong interest in him now. For so many years, no one has ever made me so interested." Ji Qingwu said softly.

"Don't forget the rules, you can't take the initiative to investigate the identity of the customer, otherwise, you will be hunted down by the entire Jiuding Auction." The old man with white beard and hair shook his head and said something.


After entrusting the pill, Ye Luo was planning to find a place to rest when there was a rapid vibration of the phone.

Ye Luo connected the phone, heard it was a fat man, and asked again, the fat man has arrived, in the parking lot.

Ye Luo reported the address, and a few minutes later he saw the fat man rushing towards him, and he waved at the fat man.

When the fat man saw it, he ran over and asked in astonishment, "When did you buy the car, or the BMW?"

"I picked it up on the road." Ye Luo responded.

"Can you pick this up too?" The fat man stared, scratched his head, and said, "Forget it, let's forget about it, let's go to the auction quickly, have you heard that at today's auction, there will be a A Bu Yuan Pill Auction!"

"Buyuan Pill?" Ye Luo narrowed his eyes.

"That's right, just two hours ago, the Jiuding Auction suddenly announced on the Internet that this auction will add an important finale treasure, Bu Yuan Pill! Paralyzed, I heard that thing can prolong life!
This is a treasure, what can be more expensive than lifespan, let's go, let's go in quickly, because of the news of Buyuan Pill, many big local tyrants from other cities have come by plane!If you go late, you won't be able to get in! "The fat man hurriedly said.

"It's just a Yuanbu pill, so attractive?" Ye Luo said casually.

"Of course! Let me tell you that you don't understand either. You used to be a cleaner. If my sister-in-law hadn't taken a fancy to you, you would have been a cleaner for the rest of your life. Let's go. Today I will show you the real big scene. Today's Nine Cauldron Auction is not something that ordinary people can enter!" the fat man said proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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