Chapter 134 Hunting
"Hey, look, is there something on the road ahead?" Ye Luo suddenly said to the driver while advancing.

The taxi driver glanced forward subconsciously, while Ye Luo took the opportunity to use a special technique, and at a very fast speed, quietly removed a part from the steering wheel and hid it in his hand.

This was done very covertly, neither the taxi driver nor Cui Yan in the back seat noticed it.

"Nothing?" The taxi driver glanced forward and said.

"No? Maybe I'm wrong." Ye Luo pretended to rub his eyes, and sat back in his seat.

The taxi driver didn't care either. He put his hands on the steering wheel and continued to drive. After driving for a short distance, the originally straight road had a small turn, and the steering wheel needed to be turned.


The taxi driver touched the steering wheel and turned it halfway, when there was a sudden noise from the steering wheel.

Then, the taxi driver suddenly felt that the steering wheel in his hand was loosened suddenly, and he could no longer control the direction of the car, and suddenly screamed: "It's ruined, the steering wheel is out of order!"

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Cui Yan of the Volcanic Organization suddenly stiffened, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Brake!" Ye Luo put the previously removed parts in his pocket and shouted pretending to be surprised.

After all, he was an old driver, and the taxi driver slammed on the brakes at the critical moment. The car was still half a meter away, and rushed into the ditch on the roadside.

"I'm paralyzed, I'm scared to death! Why did the steering wheel suddenly fail?" The taxi driver held his chest and let out a long breath.

Cui Yan, who was sitting in the back seat, asked coldly: "The steering wheel is malfunctioning?"

"Yes, why did it fail?" The taxi driver encountered this for the first time. After being frightened, he lowered his head and fiddled a few times, but he didn't see the reason, and said with a sullen expression: "It's really broken, no I know what's going on, it seems that I have to call a tow truck."

Hearing this, Cui Yan from the Volcanic Organization opened the car door, looked at the taxi driver coldly, and said coldly: "The driver who can even make mistakes in driving, if he is left abroad, he would have died a long time ago, they are all trash! "

After finishing speaking, Cui Yan went straight along the road and walked forward.

From here, the outline of the mansion in Jinshuiwan can already be seen from a distance. It is less than two kilometers away from the mansion in Jinshuiwan. Cui Yan of the Volcanic Organization didn’t plan to call another car after two consecutive car breakdowns. , by walking.

"Hey, why are you swearing? What are your qualities?" The taxi itself was already in a bad mood after the car broke down, and immediately stuck its head out of the car window and yelled.

Seeing this, Ye Luo quickly grabbed the taxi driver.

Cui Yan's footsteps also paused, and he turned his head coldly, murderous intent burst out in his eyes, and his hands moved slightly.

"That's what, my friend owes you, you're angry, that's what, you go, we don't want your fare." After grabbing the driver, Ye Luo covered his mouth with his hand, and then He smiled and said to Cui Yan again.

"Hmph!" Cui Yan's hand finally stopped, turned around and left again.

Only then did Ye Luo let go of the driver's mouth, and said in a low voice: "Don't make a move. You said earlier that there are steel pipes in your trunk? Open the trunk and let me use it."

"What are you doing?" The driver suddenly looked at Ye Luo.

"It's a man, if you can do it, don't make noise, and lend me the steel pipe." Ye Luo's voice was also a little chilly.

The driver hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I'll give it to you. You go with your face covered. Don't leave any evidence. Try to break your legs and arms. Don't die. Then even if he calls the police, the police will not arrest you if they have no evidence." Besides, he was the one who hooked up with your wife first!"

It was finally completely dark, and there were small forests on both sides of this path, full of green trees.

After Ye Luo took a steel pipe more than one meter long from the trunk of the taxi, he turned around and got into the woods by the side of the road, quietly following along the path.

The taxi driver looked at the disappearing backs of Cui Yan and Ye Luo, and murmured to himself: "Paralyzed, the hatred of taking your wife is just not to make noise."

After Ye Luo got into the grove by the side of the road, the temperament of his whole body changed suddenly, the atmosphere of the market was swept away, and a calm, cold, and terrifying killing intent exuded from his whole body.

However, this killing intent disappeared in a flash, and Ye Luo quickly put away the killing intent. After that, Ye Luo got a branch thicker than an arm and more than one meter long from the small woods.

After doing this, Ye Luo immediately speeded up, walked silently in front of Cui Yan from the small woods beside the road, and quickly hid himself in a corner by the road.

Cui Yan walked along the road. As a core member of the Volcanic Organization, it was the first time that he encountered a breakdown in a car, and he encountered it twice in a row. He was in an extremely bad mood. If it wasn't because this is Huaxia, he would have killed himself long ago. up!

It is easier for Cui Yan to kill a person than an ant!
Ye Luo's hidden location was only two meters away from the path. When Cui Yan came, Ye Luo had almost held his breath, controlled his heart to beat at the lowest frequency, and hid all his aura.

Ye Luo's real murder is always an assassination!

Ye Luo is used to assassination even if he meets an unknown person, because this is a habit formed by a top killer when performing tasks!

After Cui Yan took another step forward, Ye Luo moved. A branch as thick as an arm and more than one meter long was directly regarded as a javelin by Ye Luo, and he threw it with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Luo jumped up, holding the steel pipe, and threw it directly at Cui Yan.

From a distance of two meters, it took less than a second to throw the branch over!

However, in less than a second, Cui Yan, who seemed to be unprepared, turned sideways strangely, avoiding this extremely abrupt branch.

Almost at this moment, Cui Yan was startled and angry, and murderous intent surged wildly in his body!
As a core member of the Volcanic Organization, no one, or any organization, has ever dared to assassinate him so frantically. His identity is more than just a core member!
The moment he dodged the branch, the steel rod in Ye Luo's hand also hit him almost at the same time!

"Looking for death!" Cui Yan no longer dodged, but directly grabbed the steel pipe that was thrown madly with one hand!


The steel pipe hit Cui Yan's hand, and there was a sound like metal collision. After the sound, Cui Yan's hand did not have the slightest scar, but the steel pipe bent strangely.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Cui Yan's mouth, Assassination?Do you really think that this kind of assassination can hurt him?It's courting death!


However, just as a sneer appeared on the corner of Cui Yan's mouth, he roared in extreme surprise and anger, and took a step back abruptly, covering his abdomen with his hands, exuding a terrifying aura!

He was actually injured!

Because, after he dodged the suddenly stabbing branch and caught the steel pipe with his bare hands, a three-inch long dagger pierced into his abdomen without a sound!
(End of this chapter)

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