Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 135 The Scary Cui Yan

Chapter 135 The Scary Cui Yan
The aggressive branches and steel pipes were just a cover, the real attack method was the dagger that stabbed silently!
All this happened in less than two seconds, and Cui Yan didn't even see the face of the other party clearly. As a core member of the Volcanic Organization, for him, this is simply a shame!

However, at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it!

Because, the moment the dagger pierced into his abdomen, it was about to twist!
At this moment, Cui Yan took a strange step back almost at an unimaginable speed, the blood splashed in his abdomen, but he avoided the twisting of the dagger in his abdomen.

However, he took a step back, but the other party followed him a step behind like a shadow.

"court death!"

Cui Yan roared angrily, and slapped Ye Luo directly with his palm.


Cui Yan can catch the steel pipe with his bare hands. His hand is as strong as iron. Even if he strikes a stone with this palm, he can split it.

However, Ye Luo didn't hide!

At this moment, Ye Luo forcibly withstood the palm. Ye Luo could feel that even with his incomparably strong body, half of the shoulder bones were almost broken under this palm!

However, at this painful price, Ye Luo got a second chance!

The dagger in Ye Luo's hand stabbed Cui Yan for the second time. The three-inch long dagger directly pierced Cui Yan's ribs and pierced into his lungs. At that moment, Ye Luo spun the dagger in his hand one time.

"Ah! Go to hell!"

Cui Yan roared angrily, and exerted force with his palm again, directly sending Ye Luo flying.

The moment Ye Luo made the move, he felt an extremely terrifying pressure from this person named Cui Yan. This kind of pressure was something Ye Luo had never encountered before!

Even Chu Tian, ​​the leader of the killer, did not have such a terrifying aura.

Ye Luo could feel that if he couldn't kill Cui Yan at the first time, something extremely terrifying would inevitably erupt from his body, exchanging injury for life was the decision Ye Luo made in an instant after the shot.

Ye Luo took two steps back vigilantly after being shaken to the ground, and looked at Cui Yan.

The first time the dagger pierced into the abdomen and cut off the large intestine, the second stab pierced into the lungs and twisted a bit, almost crushing Cui Yan's entire lungs. In any case, Cui Yan couldn't survive.

However, Ye Luo did not let down his vigilance.

Cui Yan was covered in blood. He shook his body twice, but he still didn't fall down. He raised his head and finally saw Ye Luo clearly. He was furious and said hoarsely, "It's you? Who are you?"

"Ye Luo." Ye Luo said two words lightly.

"Battle doctor? You are that battle doctor, you dare to sneak attack me, damn it! Not only you will die, but everyone related to you will die!" Cui Yan's hoarse voice was gloomy and terrifying.

Ye Luo didn't speak, there's no need to talk nonsense with a person who is already dying, although Cui Yan is trying hard to control his blood flow and breathing, but this kind of control can only last for 1 minute at most, Ye Luo can see it.

"Do you really want to know the secret of the Volcanic Organization?" Cui Yan took a step forward, and then roared quietly: "Go to hell!"

At the same time as the words were spoken, a red flame, like a bullet, suddenly shot straight at Ye Luo!

Ye Luo had been prepared for a long time. At the moment when the strange flame appeared, Ye Luo dragged his crippled shoulder, resisted the severe pain, and turned to the left at the peak ghostly speed.

The strange flame almost flew past Ye Luo's shoulders, but just after Ye Luo dodged the flame that flew past him, Ye Luo suddenly felt an unprecedented burst of fire coming from behind him. Sense of crisis!

Ye Luo almost didn't think about it, his body endured the terrible pain again, and twisted again.

However, this time he didn't escape completely. Ye Luo felt a pain in his right arm, and a blood hole as thick as a thumb appeared on the entire right arm, and there were still traces of fire in the blood hole.

Ye Luo was taken aback!
Because what pierced his right arm turned out to be the red light that shot from in front of him earlier, Ye Luo never thought that the red light that had been shot turned around and shot back again.

Ye Luo didn't even see what the flame was!
"Haha, ants, die!"

At this moment, Cui Yan, who was covered in blood, roared again!
The flying red light shot towards Ye Luofei again!
This red light is like a burning bullet controlled by Cui Yan. Ye Luo has never seen or even heard of this kind of vision in the world for so many years!
What exactly is this?
Ye Luo had no time to think about it, the red light stabbed in front of him again in the blink of an eye.

Ye Luo could only try his best to dodge again, this time, the red light almost brushed the skin of his abdomen, almost piercing through his entire abdomen.

And after dodging this time, the red light turned back and stabbed again in almost a second, Ye Luo could only dodge again with all his strength!
"Ants! I will let you be buried with me today!" Cui Yan roared angrily!
Cui Yan already realized that if he fell down today, even if he could kill Ye Luo, he would not be able to survive. His lungs had been completely crushed, and one of his intestines was pierced.

Cui Yan's identity is not only a core member of the volcano organization, he has a more terrifying identity, that is, the only person in the volcano organization who can control Feijian!
In terms of pure strength, Cui Yan is not considered the most powerful in the Volcanic Organization, but in a big chance in his early years, he got a very small flying sword one inch long, which is this flying sword. The sword, let his position in the volcano organization rise rapidly!
In recent years, in the Volcanic Organization, he has almost reached the point where he is under one person and above ten thousand people. Even, in two years, when Feijian becomes more proficient, he may become the number one person in the Volcanic Organization !
After all, no matter how powerful other people are, if he is prepared, no one can be his opponent under the flying sword!
Now, he died in the hands of Ye Luo inexplicably!
How could this make him reconciled?

"Die! You must die!" Cui Yan's eyes were red, and he roared again!
Another scar was added to Ye Luo's body, and his physical strength was also being consumed rapidly. Under the current situation, he would definitely not last half a minute. This red light almost surpassed Ye Luo's cognition, no matter how strong he was, he couldn't deal with it.

The red light flashed again, and Ye Luo's heart suddenly became clear at the moment of life and death, and his spirit was concentrated like never before at this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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