Chapter 137
The last two shamrocks have been found, is the secret of the beads finally revealed?

At this moment, Ye Luo was not in a hurry to put the two shamrocks in front of the mysterious beads. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and sent all the data uploaded from Cui Yan's mobile phone to Langya Lengyun.

Ye Luo asked Leng Yun to investigate strictly!
Afterwards, Ye Luo took out the notebook with a lot of information from Cui Yan's body from his pocket.

Ye Luo flipped through the pages.

The information recorded in this notebook is very fragmentary. From these fragmentary information, Ye Luo can get that Cui Yan joined the Volcanic Organization seven years ago, and the true face of the Volcanic Organization is the Guwu family!
This ancient martial family is an extremely ancient family that has continued from the pre-Qin period to the present. However, this family was severely injured in the late Qing Dynasty and was exiled overseas. It has not risen again until now.

The real descendants of this family are all surnamed Huo, almost everyone practices ancient martial arts, and everyone's identity is also very mysterious. Even Cui Yan has not fully figured out all the members of the Huo family so far.

However, one thing is certain, the direct line members of the Huo family are all very powerful. Even an ordinary direct line member has the strength of a top soldier king. A little more powerful can even instantly kill any soldier king, killer!
They never put soldiers kings, killers, and secret agents in their eyes!
The most important reason for this difference is that no matter how powerful soldiers, killers, and agents are, what they receive is only physical training, which strengthens bones, muscles, and responsiveness. and willpower.

And the human body has limits!
If you just train your body, strength, speed, reaction ability and control ability, you will reach the peak and bottleneck in just a few years, and it will be difficult to improve significantly.

However, the direct disciples of the Huo family are different. After their bodies reach a certain level, they turn to another form of cultivation, which they call Qi training.

The members of the Huo Family divide the cultivation stage into the first stage of body training and the second stage of Qi refining.

Even the world's top killers, soldier kings, and secret agents are all in the first stage of body training. They don't even know the existence of the Qi training period, let alone the method of Qi training, so they can't cross it at all. this stage.

From body training to Qi training, there will be a qualitative change in strength!
And a cultivator at the first level of Qi training can easily kill a soldier king at the peak of body training!

Seeing this scene, Ye Luo couldn't help shaking!
Ye Luo knew better than anyone the meaning of the things described above, because Ye Luo, as a generation of war doctors, personally established the world's top mercenary dynasty, and his strength reached its peak.

However, this peak is only a physical peak.

Simply relying on training, Ye Luo's various physical functions have reached their limits, and he can no longer make breakthroughs. This is even one of the reasons why Ye Luo retired in the first place.

Ye Luo had always wanted to break through again. During the three years of hermitage, Ye Luo had faintly realized the direction of a breakthrough. Seeing the information recorded in Cui Yan's notebook at this moment, she felt suddenly enlightened.

On top of the peak of body training, there is also Qi training!
However, this notebook does not record the method of Qi training.

Ye Luo was slightly disappointed, and continued to look down.

The message continued to mention that although the Huo family is so powerful, none of the direct descendants of the Huo family, or even the family, can use flying swords, and even in today's world, no one has ever seen anyone who can use flying swords.

The reason why Cui Yan can use Feijian is completely a coincidence.

17 years ago, Cui Yan was just an ordinary scout. Because of a mission, he accidentally broke into the depths of the snow-capped mountains, and fell into a cliff due to a slip, and passed out in a coma.

When Cui Yan woke up again, he found that there was an extra flying sword beside him, and a set of formulas for controlling the sword appeared in his mind. Later, Cui Yan walked out of the snow mountain alive by relying on the flying sword.

Later, by chance, Cui Yan, who was carrying a flying sword, was discovered by the Huo family. With a generous promise, Cui Yan joined the Huo family. For 17 years, he practiced the ancient martial arts of the Huo family while groping for the flying sword. .

Until recently, he had made a breakthrough, whether it was in Yujian or in cultivation.

According to his thinking, as long as a few years pass, no one in the entire Huo family will be his opponent anymore. He even thought about replacing the head of the Huo family!
It's a pity that he met Ye Luo today and died in a daze.

Although the strange flying sword was left behind, there was no way to control the sword. Perhaps, after his death, no one in this world can control the sword anymore.

Apart from these, there was nothing worthy of Ye Luo's attention in the notebook.

Ye Luo fell into deep thought.

Huo family, body training, Qi training, Ye Luo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Now I understand a little bit why the Ning family is retiring the engagement." Ye Luo muttered to himself.

The Ning family should already know some secrets of the Huo family. From the Ning family's point of view, no matter how powerful Ye Luo is, he can't surpass the body training stage after all, and any direct disciple of the Huo family can kill Ye Luo. Lo!

Compared with the Huo family, Ye Luo is very humble.

Ye Luo also understands why the Volcanic Organization dared to force him to divorce so arrogantly, and even threatened to kill the entire war doctor mercenary group easily!

All this is because of strength!
"Oh! I have become a humble person!" Ye Luo laughed at himself.

However, Ye Luo's eyes suddenly fell on the mysterious bead, because Cui Yan mentioned this bead in his notes!
When fighting for this bead back then, members of the Huo family also participated, and even more than half of the direct line members were mobilized. This bead is very likely to involve something more mysterious.

Even, it was the Huo family who beat the killer leader to death!
However, after all, the members of the Huo Family were not as experienced as the killer leader Chu Tian, ​​and they were finally escaped by Chu Tian. They have never been seen since then, and no one thought that Chu Tian would give the beads to Ye Luo when he was dying. , also entrusted the daughter to Ye slightly.

It can be said that the person who killed Chutian was a member of the Huo family!

Huo family, heh!

Ye Luo took a deep breath and calmed down.

In the end, his eyes fell on the mysterious bead again. What secret was hidden in this bead, and even the members of the Huo family wanted to snatch it desperately?
Ye Luo picked up the two shamrocks on the table and slowly approached the mysterious bead.

(End of this chapter)

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