Chapter 138
The moment the two shamrocks approached the mysterious bead, the mutation suddenly rose!

I saw that the three-leaf spirit grass was quickly sucked dry by the mysterious bead, and at this moment, the bead suddenly emitted a green light full of infinite vitality, and that green light enveloped Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was shocked, and instantly felt a huge and terrifying suction force appearing in the green light. Even with Ye Luo's strength, he couldn't resist this huge suction force.

Ye Luo was shocked!

Just at this moment!

Ye Luo actually saw in a blur that he was sucked into the bead by the horrible and strange suction force. After that, Ye Luo's eyes went black and he couldn't see anything.

It wasn't until three seconds later that Ye Luo felt his eyes light up, the darkness dissipated, and he saw the light again.

However, when Ye Luo opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him clearly, he was shocked again.

Because he saw that he was in a barren space.

The edge of this space cannot be seen at a glance. In one corner of this space, there is a fertile field that has been reclaimed. The area of ​​the fertile field is about one-third of an acre. Dilapidated and desolate stele!

Ye Luo's current location is in this one-third of an acre of land, and the stone tablet is right in front of him.

"What is this place?"

Ye Luo's body tensed up, his vigilance was raised to the highest level, and he scanned his surroundings.

It's just that the surrounding area is empty, except for this stone tablet and the one-third of an acre of land in front of him, there is only a barren space where not even a blade of grass grows, other than that, there is nothing else.

"Aren't I in the rental house, why did I appear here?"

After a long time, Ye Luo frowned deeply.

As a generation of super war doctors, Ye Luo has personally built a huge mercenary dynasty. Ye Luo has seen many weird things in the world, but this is the first time Ye Luo has encountered such a situation.

He was clearly in the rental house, why did he appear here in the blink of an eye?
"Could this be the inside of that mysterious bead?"

Ye Luo thought for a moment, then muttered something to himself.

He remembered very clearly that after touching the bead with the last two shamrocks, the bead mutated, and then a strong suction force was generated, sucking him in.

However, that bead is only the size of a bird's egg, how could there be such a huge space inside?

Ye Luo thought for a long time, but still didn't understand.

Ye Luo is a very decisive person, temporarily put this question aside, glanced at the surrounding situation again, and finally fell on the stone tablet.

The stele is dark, three feet high, and there are three terrifying cracks on it. The stele exudes a desolate, dilapidated, ancient atmosphere of time, like a lonely old man, standing on the wasteland.

On the front of the huge stele, there are only two calm and introverted characters engraved: Kanda!

What does it mean?
Ye Luo frowned, thinking about all the information about these two words, but never had the slightest impression, neither in ancient history nor in the modern technological society, these two words have never appeared before.

Ye Luo reached out and touched the stele, the body of the stele was cold.

Ye Luo's brows became more and more wrinkled, and he turned around to look behind him. The one-third of an acre of fertile land seemed to have been reclaimed, with nothing planted, no crops, and no weeds.

Ye Luo squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil from the fertile field, shook it, and found that the soil on this ground seemed to be no different from the soil outside.

However, as a child who has lived in the village, Ye Luo can feel that this three-acre land is very suitable for planting things, and it is a good field.

After inspecting the field, Ye Luo stood up again, and walked towards the barren space outside the three-acre field. However, as soon as he reached the edge of the three-acre field, he immediately felt a chill that pierced his bones. Bitter cold!

One-third of an acre of land is as warm as spring, but it is as cold as severe winter beyond one-third of an acre of land.

Ye Luo endured the bitter cold, and walked a few more steps away from the one-acre three-point land. He was surprised to find that the further he went, the lower the temperature was. Resisting the lingering chill, he could only turn around and retreat.

One-third of an acre of land, a stone tablet, and an endless barren space, Ye Luo stood in it and searched for a long time, but found nothing else.

"Is this really the inside of the bead? If this is really the inside of the bead, then here are all the secrets in the mysterious bead?" Ye Luo murmured.

"It's just, what's the use of this? Do you want to grow crops on this one-third of an acre of land? Back then, countless powerful forces desperately snatched a mysterious pearl, only this one-third of an acre of land?" Ye Luo was stunned.

It shouldn't be that simple, right?

Ye Luo was puzzled.

However, if this is not the case, what is the use of this place other than this three-acre land?

There are two words on the stone tablet, it says Kanda, what does Kanda mean?
Ye Luo had already checked it carefully. Apart from being fertile, this piece of land was no different from the outside land. According to Ye Luo's speculation, the word "Kanda" was probably a deception.

"Hey, if there is only one-third of an acre of land in this bead, Chu Tian, ​​the killer leader, will be wronged. If little Lolita knows that his father died to grab this one-third of an acre of land, what will be her reaction?" Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Ye Luo shook his head, and then said to himself, "How do I get out?"

Ye Luo looked around again, and found that apart from the three-acre fertile land, a stone monument, and the surrounding frigid wilderness, there was nothing else, and there was no way out at all.

Ye Luo couldn't help being surprised!
If you can't get out, won't you be trapped here to death?


Must go out!
At the moment when this thought came up, Ye Luo suddenly felt his eyes go dark again, and when he opened his eyes again, Ye Luo suddenly found that he had come out of the beads, and now he was standing in the rental house.

On the table, mysterious beads, a small red sword, a piece of dark wood, a notebook, and two shamrocks that had been sucked dry were still lying on the table motionless.

"Why did you come out all of a sudden?" Ye Luo was slightly taken aback.

Ye Luo carefully recalled the state just now, and said again uncertainly: "I just came out just thinking about it in my heart, so I can go in and out of this bead as long as I think about it?"

While thinking about it, Ye Luo picked up the beads and wanted to experiment.

However, before the experiment, Ye Luo casually took the black piece of wood bought from the auction in his hand, and said, "Try to see if you can go in with something."

(End of this chapter)

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