Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 164 The Sad Fat Man

Chapter 164 The Sad Fat Man

Ye Luo swayed, as if dodging indiscriminately, and unexpectedly escaped Ah Er's palm-sized hand.

Ah Er was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Huh! Didn't you catch it?"

At this moment, a strong man suddenly stepped down from the caravan.

The strong man looked exactly like the strong man who came down earlier. They looked like twins. The only difference was the clothes they wore, one was blue and the other was black.

These two people should be Ah Da and Ah Er that the girl mentioned earlier.

The one who got down first was Ah Er, and the one who got down later was Ah Da.

Ah Da came to the girl's side, and said in a low voice: "It has been tested, that fat man has a talent for cultivation, and it is very likely that he is the best spiritual root that is rare in a hundred years."

When the indifferent girl heard this sentence, her body shook, her expression froze for a moment, a little surprised, then she frowned slightly, and the anger on her face disappeared a lot, and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Basically, I'm sure." Ah Daweng said again in a low voice.

"Does Xiaozhu know?" The girl asked again.

"Understood, what Miss Xiaozhu means is that she won't be able to get married anyway, and that fat man can make do with it, and that fat man has the highest spiritual root. You also know Miss Xiaozhu's character..." Ah Da looked a little awkward, It seems that there is something hidden in it.

The indifferent girl's body froze for a moment, her brows furrowed deeper, and she said, "First, report the situation here to the family, and also investigate the identity of the fat man. Xiao Zhu is not sensible, this fat man... must be severely punished, and Xiao Zhu will return." She was in high school and was the baby of the family, but she was ruined by the fat man, this matter can't just end like this!"

When Ah Da heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, with a weird expression on his face, and then he said: "The time agreed by the ancient mine at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is coming soon. The old man told me that this batch of goods is of great importance. Make sure you go there in person, should you let the matter here go first and then deal with it?"

The indifferent girl thought for a while, turned her head to look at Ye Luo and Wu Banxian, and said calmly, "Take the two of them into the car first, don't hurt them."

Ye Luo frowned slightly when he heard the conversation between Ah Da and the indifferent girl. These people belonged to the Guwu family, and judging from the current situation, the maliciousness of these people seemed not as great as imagined.

The fat man was found to have some top-grade spiritual root. This thing seems to be very valuable, and it is related to the cultivation of ancient martial arts. It seems that these members of the ancient martial arts family will not harm them for the time being.

Ye Luo thought about it, and finally met someone from the real Gu Wu family. Can you ask some real methods of Gu Wu's cultivation from these people?

Ye Luo glanced at the indifferent girl again, and immediately said to Ah Er in front of him, "What, you don't need to catch me, I'll get in the car by myself."

Then, without waiting for Ah Er to make a move, Ye Luo walked directly towards the RV.

Seeing this, Ah Er scratched his head, then looked at the indifferent girl, and walked towards the RV with Wu Banxian in his hand.

"Hey! Take it easy, let me down, and I can walk by myself!" Wu Banxian yelled, but Ah Er didn't pay attention at all.

Ada, sophomore, Wu Banxian and Ye Luo all got into the RV, while the indifferent girl got into the car. After a while, the two cars started and drove along the mountain road towards the middle of the mountain.

in the RV.

The fat man was tied to the seat, and a towel was stuffed over his mouth.

After Ye Luo got into the car, he reached out and took off the towel from the fat man's mouth, and asked, "What's going on?"

Ah Da and Ah Er watched, but they didn't stop them. Except for the driver, there were only five of them in the car. Ah Da and Ah Er didn't pay attention to these three powerless mortals at all.

"Malle Gobi, I was tricked!" The fat man was angry and angry, and then he said a little bit coyly: "Last night, after we turned around, the proprietress said that there is a special service in the store, and she is a girl from the mountains. Just ordered one."

Wu Banxian was furious, and said: "You just ordered it, why did you put Miss Renda to sleep? We were also implicated, and the most important thing is, what the hell, you call special service, why do you only think about yourself? , why didn't you consider the two of us?"

The fat man's face twisted slightly, and he said, "Can your old body withstand those hungry mountain girls? I'm not doing this for your body..."

"What's wrong with my health? I look down on the elderly? Let me tell you, I, Wu Banxian, was also a master of Wanjiro Yiye back then, so you have the nerve to say that?" Wu Banxian became even more angry!

Ye Luo coughed dryly, and said: "Fatty, I'm not talking about you, what you're doing is really dishonest, although I never touch women indiscriminately, and I'm an upright gentleman, but this kind of thing must be done by everyone. Let's discuss it, let's put this aside for the time being, and you first talk about what happened last night."

"I just ordered a woman. Who knows, after the girl entered the room, she turned off the light. I didn't even see what the girl looked like, and then it was the woman who took the initiative. By the way, the girl did have alcohol on her body. Wei'er, but I don't know who she is at all, and I was caught in this car before I woke up in the morning, and I didn't fully understand what was going on?" The fat man said with a depressed face.

"What you said is true?" Wu Banxian didn't believe it.

"If there is even half a lie, it will be thundered from the sky! If you find a woman, you will be impotent!" The fat man swore a poisonous oath.

Ye Luo was still puzzled when he heard the words. Seeing that the fat man did not seem to be lying, he turned his head and looked at Ah Da and Ah Er in the car. These two strong men looked very powerful, but their faces were somewhat Simple and honest.

"Two big brothers, smoke." Ye Luo took out a cigarette and handed it to Ah Da and Ah Er.

Ah Da directly shook his head and said, "No smoking."

Ah Er hesitated for a moment, took one, and said, "Then I won't smoke either."

Ye Luo didn't force it, and asked: "Fatty is really sorry for your family, but is there any misunderstanding?"

Ah Er replied: "No misunderstanding, no misunderstanding, Miss Xiaozhu is not at a disadvantage, well, I think, maybe this fat man is at a disadvantage, anyway, it doesn't matter anyway, Miss Xiaozhu can finally get married."

Ah Da patted Ah Er on the head and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Ah Er touched his head and closed his mouth.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes, and immediately recognized that among the two strong twins, Ah Da should be the leader. If you want to communicate with these two people, you must start with Ah Da.

Ye Luo looked at Ah Da, rolled his eyes, and said flatteringly: "Brother Ah Da, you are really strong, those bodybuilders are far worse than you, if you go to the gym, there will definitely be many women screaming. "

"Really?" Ada asked with some doubts as the criss-cross muscles on his face trembled.

"That's necessary. Has no woman confessed to you?" Ye Luo pretended to be shocked.

"No." Ah Da shook his head.

"They really don't know what to do." Ye Luo shook his head and asked tentatively, "Brother Ah, how did you practice this?"

"The ancient martial arts we cultivated." Ah Er said.

Really good.

Ye Luo glanced at Ah Er approvingly, and said, "What is Gu Wu, it seems to be very powerful."

(End of this chapter)

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