Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 165 Fatty is a Genius

Chapter 165 Fatty is a Genius

"Ancient martial arts are naturally powerful. There is no one in a million who can practice ancient martial arts. Once you start to practice qi, even an ancient martial arts monk with two or three levels of qi training can kill the top mortal soldier kings, killers, etc. " Ah Er said proudly, at this point, there was a coercion exuding from his body, as if he was showing off.

Ah Da glanced at him, but didn't stop him.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched again, and finally got to the point, and immediately asked, "What is Gu Wu?"

"Ancient martial arts is cultivation. Introduce the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth into the body, understand the laws of the heavens and the earth, and obtain the power against the sky. It is the ancient ancestors who are powerful and understand the principles of the heavens and the earth. They have been passed down bit by bit. Forget it. I understand, ordinary people don't understand at all." Ah Er shook his head.

Ye Luo leaned over and said, "You just said that the aura of heaven and earth is so powerful, what is the aura of heaven and earth?"

"It's the aura of heaven and earth, what else can it be, but now the aura of heaven and earth in the outside world is basically exhausted, only the major hidden ancient martial arts families and places in the hidden world have spiritual veins and aura, but they are also very rare.

Now they all rely on spirit herbs, spirit pills, spirit stones, and spirit energy from ancient things dug out of some mysterious mines to practice. Ordinary people can't practice at all.

Besides, cultivation also requires talent, and there is no one in a million people with cultivation talent, it is extremely rare, and there may not be many in the entire land. "Ada replied.

Ye Luo thought about it, and asked, "Cultivating talent, is it spiritual root?"

Ada nodded and said: "Spiritual roots are divided into five grades. Normal people generally do not have spiritual roots. Spiritual roots are the threshold for cultivation. The better the spiritual root, the faster the cultivation speed, but the spiritual root is not omnipotent. Listen It is said that those who had a broken spirit root in the past have also cultivated to the realm of nine heavens by virtue of their strong perseverance."

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then what did you mean when you said that Fatty is the best spiritual root?"

Ah Da turned his head and looked at Fatty, with a hint of envy in his eyes, and said: "Ah Er and I are third-grade spiritual roots. It is rare to meet such a top-grade spiritual root like Fatty in a hundred years. The ultimate genius."

The ultimate genius who practiced ancient martial arts?
This time, both Ye Luo and Wu Banxian were surprised, and turned to look at the fat man.

The fat man also looked blank, genius?

Has he had more than half a dime relationship with a genius in his life?

Ye Luo suddenly asked again: "How to test the spiritual root? Can you test it for me?"

Ah Da shook his head immediately, and said: "To test the spiritual root, you need to test the spiritual tablet. I have returned the spiritual tablet to the eldest lady. If you want to test, you can only find the eldest lady."

Ye Luo nodded, thought for a while, and asked again: "Is there some so-called aura among the top-quality jade?"

"There are indeed some top-grade jade wares. The better the jade, the more spiritual energy is stored. However, compared with the spiritual stone, the spiritual energy in the spiritual pill, the content of jade is much less.

The most important thing is that the spiritual energy in the jade is very messy, and it is combined with the jade quality, and it is almost impossible for people to absorb and use it. Therefore, the spiritual energy in the jade is generally not used for cultivation. "Ada explained.

After Ye Luo heard it, he immediately thought of it. In the Kanda space of the beads, the field decomposes and absorbs the top jade, is it to absorb the spiritual energy in it?And then use spiritual energy to nourish and give birth to the mysterious little tree?
Ye Luo then asked: "How to divide the realm of ancient martial arts?"

Ah Da shook his head this time, and said: "I don't know the details. The first three realms can be roughly divided into Qi training, foundation building, and golden core. I don't know the latter."

Ye Luo immediately asked: "The first level, how do you practice Qi training?"

"The period of qi training is to introduce the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth into the body, and use the spiritual energy to nourish the flesh, bones, and internal organs, so that the body can exceed the limit of ordinary people. It can be divided into nine layers." Ah Er said.

Ye Luo felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart, and finally had a vague understanding of ancient martial arts, and immediately asked, "Does ancient martial arts need to practice exercises?"

"That's natural! Cultivating exercises are as important as spiritual roots. Spiritual roots only limit the speed of cultivation, but exercises limit the power of cultivation!"

Speaking of this, Ah Da suddenly shook his head, and interjected: "Don't ask, according to my intuition, your spiritual roots are not good, and you basically can't cultivate."

"Why?" Ye Luo wondered.

"It's just my intuition. My intuition is very accurate. However, this fat man may be a cow in the future. If nothing happens, the fat man will become the uncle of the Zhu family. The Zhu family only has Zhu Xiaozhu as his only granddaughter. If the fat man marries Miss Zhu, it will be another The ultimate spiritual root, I'm afraid it will soar to the sky in the future!" Ada looked at the fat man, and seemed to be a little emotional.

Ye Luo also looked at the fat man, with a complicated expression on his face. He worked so hard, but he didn't even find a practice method, and he didn't even know what cultivation is. This fat man is about to counterattack and fly into the sky. ?

But the fat man's face was still dazed, first he felt like he had fallen into the 5000th floor of hell, and then he seemed to have won a [-] million grand prize. Raid?

Wu Banxian felt that something was wrong, and suddenly asked: "You said earlier that Miss Zhu Xiaozhu couldn't get married, what did you mean?"

Ah Da and Ah Er glanced at each other, and immediately shut up. They were unwilling to say a word about this matter.

Ye Luo also felt that something was wrong, there was such a good thing in the world, then turned to look at the fat man, and asked: "You have slept with him, how do you feel?"

The fat man also felt that something was wrong, and said: "As soon as she came in, she turned off the light, it was dark, she drank alcohol again, and the bed was very violent, I didn't realize it, and she left again before I woke up in the morning, Then she was arrested, and I didn't even see what she looked like."

Ye Luo patted the fat man on the shoulder and said, "After all, she is the eldest lady of the Guwu family, so she can't be any worse."

The fat man also nodded, and said, "Have I changed my luck recently? I'm paralyzed. It seems that I'm about to counterattack."

After Ah Da and Ah Er heard Fatty's words, the corners of their mouths twitched almost at the same time, and what appeared in their eyes was not envy, but a trace of sympathy and pity.

Ye Luo turned to look at Ah Da again, and asked, "Can your ancient martial arts be passed on to the outside world? Or, is there any place where you can buy ancient martial arts?"

Ada shook his head directly, and said: "Gu Wu's cultivation method is the foundation of a family, no matter what family, it will not show the cultivation method to outsiders, so don't think about it."

Ye Luo was a little unwilling, and asked, "Is there really no other way?"

(End of this chapter)

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