Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 183 I'm Going Against the Heavens

Chapter 183 It's Going Against the Heavens

Of course, even if Ye Luo didn't practice this book, the violent young man still thought viciously that as long as he got out of today's dangerous situation, he would definitely retaliate wildly and make Ye Luo's life worse than death.

What he didn't know was that after Ye Luo opened the scripture, his eyes lit up slightly after reading two pages, because Ye Luo found that some of the whimsical ideas in this scripture coincided with some ideas of astral cultivation.

For example, there is a sentence that says: If there are more than dozens of condensed spiritual power seeds, you need to choose one of the same attributes to grow, and then devour the spiritual seeds of the same attribute, and between spiritual power seeds of different attributes, then The method of yin and yang and five elements can be used to form a complementary trend of yin and yang.

In the eyes of monks who can only form one spiritual power seed, this sentence is simply treasonous and deceiving. Almost everyone knows that the vast majority of talented monks are pure single spiritual power seeds. Those with two spiritual power seeds will practice very slowly.

And monks with more than three spiritual power seeds are basically called waste.

This book mentions the formation of dozens of spiritual power seeds, isn't it deceiving and harming others?Among other things, what terrifying resources are needed to cultivate dozens of spiritual power seeds?

However, for ordinary monks, it is a fantasy, but for Ye Luo, it is a word that awakens the dreamer. The cultivation method of this "Taoist Code" is vaguely designed for special physiques!

Seeing the surprised look on Ye Luo's face, the vicious young man once again had a sinister look in his eyes. This devil-like waste really doesn't understand anything, and he holds a book that deceives and hurts others, and treats it like a treasure!

"I've already given you the exercises. You said that you won't kill me again!" The violent young man looked at Ye Luo, and then at the leech that was about to move around him, but he was still a little scared after all.

Ye Luo put away the book, nodded earnestly, then, glanced left and right, lifted a huge boulder with both hands from the side of the stream, and walked towards the violent youth.

"You, what else do you want to do? I told you everything, and you said you wouldn't kill me." The violent young man was terrified!
"Do you really think that I can't even tell the difference between normal exercises and cheating exercises?" Ye Luo said sarcastically, and then chuckled: "Oh! But maybe you won't even think of it when you die. To you, it is a trick to deceive people, but to me it is the real Bible."

The violent young man's eyes widened, and his fear reached the extreme in an instant. Even his crotch was wet in an instant. He was so scared that he peed. How could this ants, trash, know this, and what did he mean by that sentence?
The violent young man wanted to yell and explain, but he never had the chance.


Ye Luo dropped the stone directly, and the violent young man's head turned into a puddle of flesh.

People died, but Ye Luo was calm.

Ye Luo's eyes fell on the young man again, and he said in a low voice: "Search and see if there is anything else on him."

Afterwards, Ye Luo squatted down and quickly rummaged through the young man of the Huo family.

After a few breaths, Ye Luo's eyes lit up suddenly, because besides six spirit stones and a scattered pill, there was actually a book on the young man of the Huo family.

The name of this book is "Anecdotal Records of the Ancients". At first glance, it looks like an encyclopedia that records various legendary events. In addition to the "Tao Canon" handed over by the violent young man, it can just make up for his love for practitioners. I don't understand the blank.

Ye Luo directly put away the two books, one elixir and six spirit stones, looked at the young man's body lightly, turned and left.

The whole process of fighting and interrogation seems to be very long, but it is actually very short.

The people above waited for a while, but Ye Luo came up for a long time. Ah Er just walked down the cliff and walked to the stream, when he happened to see Ye Luo walking back.

Ah Er saw Ye Luo who had suffered some minor injuries, but his clothes were shattered in the battle, so he couldn't help being startled, "What's wrong with you? How did you become like this?"

"It's okay, I just killed someone." Ye Luo smiled.

"Killed a person?" Ah Er stared, and couldn't help but glance behind Ye Luo, his eyes fell on a corpse, and then ran all the way to the body of the Huo family youth.

"Huo Qiandu! Huo, Huo Qiandu is dead?" A look of extreme shock flashed across Ah Er's face. Even though the violent young man's head had been smashed, he could still be killed with his clothes and a special piece hanging around his waist. Ah Er recognized the young man's identity at a glance.

This is a well-known figure in the Huo family, known for being vicious and vicious, and taking pleasure in torturing and killing ordinary people. His qi training has reached the peak of the third level of qi training.

No one knows better than Ah Er how terrifying this realm is, because Ah Er is at the peak of the third level of Qi training at this time, and Ah Er feels that even if he fights against Huo Qiandu, he may not be able to win for sure.

How did Ye Luo do it?
Ah Er turned his head and glanced at Ye Luo, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he stammered and asked aloud, "Yes, you killed him?"

"Hmm." Ye Luo nodded and admitted.

He was the only one here, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"how can that be?"

Although I had already guessed, when Ye Luo admitted, Ah Er still opened his eyes wide in shock, his eyeballs almost popped out, and shook his head in disbelief, "Impossible, this is impossible, how can you be an ordinary person?" What about killing the peak powerhouse at the third level of Qi training?"

Seeing that Ah Er didn't believe it, Ye Luo didn't explain, shrugged and said, "Actually, I lied to you. I didn't kill him at all. He fell into the river and died by himself."

"Impossible!" Ah Er shook his head like a rattle drum, "Huo Qiandu is the peak powerhouse of the third level of Qi training, and a person at this level, even if he falls from a height of [-] meters, it is impossible to fall to his death, unless it is Fell out of a helicopter."

Looking at Huo Qiandu again, Ah Er said affirmatively: "I see that the injuries on his body are not from a fall at all, but from being punched out by force. You can't lie to me, it must be you."

Ye Luo shrugged helplessly, and said, "I told you that I killed you. You didn't believe me. I followed your words, but you said I was lying to you. What do you want from me?"


Ah Er swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Ye Luo with a faint gaze, and said in a trembling voice, "How did you do it?"

"It was stoned to death." Ye Luo replied calmly, with a calm tone, as if killing a terrifying ancient martial arts practitioner was no different from killing a chicken.

"What? He was stoned to death?" Ah Er couldn't believe his ears.

Ye Luo didn't continue to answer, but turned back, climbed up the cliff, and got into the car.

Ah Er stood in front of Huo Qiandu, his heart was turbulent, full of shock and doubts, Ye Luo's performance completely subverted his cognition, this is a rhythm that is against the sky.

At this time, a crazy idea flooded into my mind: Since Ye Luo has this kind of strength, at the wedding of the Huo family and the Ning family one year later, maybe he can really go against the sky.

PS: The third chapter asks for tickets and rewards, Ye Luo broke out, and the fire exploded, and the follow-up will be even more exciting, please continue to support, friends who have a shortage of books, you can read my old book, which is more funny than this book Pretentious and good-looking, the title of the book is "Super Soldier King", and the pen name is the best villain.

(End of this chapter)

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