Chapter 184 Dao Canon
In the car.

Seeing Ye Luo's ragged clothes and slight injuries, Wu Banxian was also taken aback, and asked, "What did you do? Are you really going to hurt yourself?"

"Killed someone." Ye Luo said while dealing with the injuries on his body.

"Murder?" Wu Banxian stared, but he wasn't as surprised as he imagined. He just asked, "Who?"

"Huo Thousand Poisons from the Huo Family!"

Ah Er also climbed up the cliff, got into the car, and answered for Ye Luo, his tone still a little shocked, then Ah Er looked at Ye Luo, and said again: "How did you kill him? The monks at the third level of energy have already condensed the aura gauze, which is impossible for ordinary people to break through, how did you do it?"

"What? Three levels of Qi training?" Wu Banxian also had something strange in his eyes.

Ah Er didn't notice Wu Banxian's strangeness, but continued to look at Ye Luo in shock, wanting to get an answer from Ye Luo.

Ye Luo didn't speak, just stretched out his hand, and held it next to the car seat, on a steel armrest as thick as a forearm, and then twisted hard, the steel armrest as thick as a forearm was twisted like a twist generally.

When Ah Er and Wu Banxian saw this scene, their eyeballs almost popped out. This huge force is more than terrifying!
Ah Er swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and wanted to ask again, but didn't say it.

Everyone has their own secrets, which are sometimes life-saving trump cards. No matter who they are, they will not reveal them easily, nor should they reveal them.

Wu Banxian didn't ask either. Looking at Ye Luo, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he said in a whisper that only he could hear: "Stars, are they really trash? It seems that everyone has forgotten the legend that stars are great." Invincible"


There was nothing to say along the way, Ah Er drove and sent Wu Banxian and Ye Luo to the train station.

Three hours later, the train station.

"Well, it's not easy to come to the Northeast once. The goods I set up on the street are basically sold out. I'm going to buy some goods and then go back to Nanjiang City. Ye Luo, why don't you come with me and stay in the Northeast for another two days. ?” Wu Banxian seemed to suddenly think of something and said something.

"You want to buy? Then I'll go back by myself. I still have something to do at home, so I have to go back quickly." Ye Luo was slightly stunned at first, then shook his head.

Chu Xiaohuan has already pierced the sky, and he is on the highest level of red notice. No matter what, he must go home and have a look.

Wu Banxian scratched his head and said, "That's fine, you go back first, I'll go back in two days."

Ah Er didn't say anything. The order Mo Shanshan gave him was to send the two of them to the train station, and he would not take care of the rest. He had to go back to Mo's house. However, he was still shocked and agitated. puzzled.

Ye Luo's terrifying physical strength almost overturned his cognition. How could a person who has never practiced have such powerful physical strength?
Ah Er wanted to ask very much, but in the end he still didn't ask.

The three separated at the train station.

Ye Luo got on the train, and Ah Er left.

Wu Banxian walked around the train station, stopped a taxi, and said to the taxi driver: "My fellow, I heard that there is a valley in Canglong Mountain, and a fog of death rises. Anyone who enters it will instantly become old." , turned into a pile of skeletons, do you know this place? Take me there."


On the train.

Ye Luo found a seat by the window, sat down, leaned his head against the window, and fell asleep for a while. After all, he was also a little tired during the past three days. When Ye Luo woke up again, it was already late at night.

It is not the Spring Festival travel season, and there are not many people on the train. In the middle of the night, except for the occasional snoring, the carriage is quiet.

Ye Luo saw that there was no one around, so he took out two books from his pocket, one "Tao Canon" and one "Ancient Secret Records".

Ye Luo didn't immediately open the "Tao Canon" for cultivation, but opened the "Ancient Secret Records". This book records all kinds of strange events, as well as major events that have happened in history.

The reason why Ye Luo wanted to open this book was because he was looking for information about the stars, and Ye Luo wanted to know more about the stars.

The astral body, as a cheating physique that is rare in ten thousand years, is very likely to appear in this book.

Ye Luo quickly searched for a while, and sure enough, on page 130, he found an introduction about stars.

To Ye Luo's surprise, the first line of the book actually read: There is a supreme prophecy that the stars will become invincible in the world!

What does it mean?
Ye Luo was shocked, and immediately began to look down.

"The way of heaven has more damage than enough to serve, and the way of man has more than enough damage to give more. The journey of cultivation is a process of people dissatisfied with the status quo of being weak and weak, practicing against the sky, and going from weak to strong.

All sentient beings want to cultivate against the sky, but their talents are divided into high and low.

Among them, those without spiritual roots cannot cultivate, and those with spiritual roots are divided into five grades, among which the first grade is the best, and the fifth grade is the worst. The speed of cultivation is also completely different.

In addition, there are also rare talents in the world, such as the ultimate spiritual root that surpasses the first-grade spiritual root, the sacred body, the divine body, the heaven-defying body, the earth body and other physiques that are rare in a hundred years. These physiques may be weak or strong. , has its unique characteristics.

The astral body is one of the special constitutions.

The special thing about this physique is that when a spiritual power seed is formed in the dantian, it will not form one like an ordinary monk, but will form 360 five spiritual power seeds.

When the first level of Qi training wants to enter the second level of Qi training, the monk needs to gather a lot of spiritual energy around the spiritual power seeds in the dantian, and then try to form a spiritual vortex before entering the second level of Qi training.

Many experts believe that the cultivation of astral bodies requires the formation of 360 five aura vortexes. To achieve this step, it will inevitably consume countless resources. The later cultivation will require a huge amount of terrifying resources. Conflict, it is easy to explode and die, and practice is extremely difficult and dangerous.

Therefore, the astral body is called the cheating holy body that is rare in ten thousand years.

However, tens of thousands of years ago, there was once a heavenly wizard, a supreme being who shocked the world, after studying the stars, he left a sentence that many people have forgotten.

That sentence is impressive: Star Dacheng is invincible in the world, even he is not an opponent,

It's a pity that apart from this, the Supreme didn't leave anything about the stars, and he will forget these words for the rest of his life. However, the words of the Supreme, the words of the saints, will not be groundless, and the stars must have secrets that are unknown to all living beings. .

Perhaps, even Supreme has not researched and understood it. After all, there has never been a star owner in the world who can cultivate to the level of Dacheng.

Can the astral body be able to fight the Supreme?

Ye Luo's pupils shrank suddenly, his mind was shaken, and he was fascinated leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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