Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 200 Deadly Crisis

Chapter 200 Fatal Crisis
Five years ago, when Ye Luo was on a mission in the Middle East, he rescued a veteran of the Huaxia Dragon Team. In order to thank Ye Luo, the veteran passed on a secret technique to stimulate potential to Ye Luo.

And entrusted, unless it is absolutely necessary, do not use this kind of secret technique to stimulate potential.

Because, once this secret technique is used, although it can completely stimulate a person's potential within 10 minutes, doubling the strength and strength of all aspects of the body, but this way of stimulating potential has equally terrible sequelae. After the 10-minute potential stimulation period, the body will also fall into a very weak state in the next month, so it is not easy to use it unless it is necessary or life or death.

At this moment, Ye Luo directly operated the secret technique, causing the blood to reverse in a retrograde way, directly stimulating the potential.

Ye Luo's eyes are dark red!

Ye Luo's right hand vibrated violently, and the strength of his one hand doubled again, to an incomparably terrifying level.


Ye Luo broke out and broke free from the shackles of spiritual energy!

Ye Luo's eyes were blood red, and the killing intent in his body surged crazily like substance.

Huo Qianchou couldn't help being horrified when he saw that Ye Luo broke free from the shackles of spiritual energy, his power surged abnormally again, and the killing intent on his body was condensed like a boundless sea of ​​blood.

"Ants? I'll show you the power of real ants today!" Ye Luo growled.


Ye Luo punched again, hitting Huo Qianchou's aura armor.


The strength has doubled, and this punch is as terrifyingly heavy as two thousand catties.

The aura armor on Huo Qianchou's body finally made a sound of being overwhelmed, and there was a cracking sound.

Huo Qianchou was horrified, and his eyes became even crazier. At this moment, he formed a seal again, and shouted: "The taboo technique, stabbing blood and killing spirits!"


When Huo Qianchou was horrified, Ye Luo kept talking, and then punched Huo Qianchou with two punches, shaking Huo Qianchou's aura armor.

Huo Qianchou calmed down strangely, looked at Ye Luo and said: "You are not a practitioner, you can't exert the real power of piercing blood and killing spirits at all, you can only double your combat power at most, and the sequelae will be more serious, as long as I can After a few punches, you will be the one who will die."

While speaking, Huo Qianchou tapped his body a few times, and a more ferocious aura surged out. The aura armor on his body was miraculously thick, and he also used the secret technique to stimulate potential, obviously intending to follow Su Ran wasted it.


When Ye Luo and Huo Qianchou were desperate
On the other side of the cemetery, Su Mu, Su Ying, Long Qingshu, Gao Qingyun, Gao Yingjie and the others hurried on their way. After arriving at a safe place, Long Qingshu and the others let out a sigh of relief. Only then did the stretched nerves ease a little.

However, they didn't dare to stop, and continued to flee to the distance, apparently afraid that Huo Qianchou would catch up after killing Ye Luo and kill them too.

Just as everyone was busy running away, Su Ying suddenly stopped in her tracks.

Noticing Su Ying's movements, Su Mu also stopped, and asked anxiously, "Sister, what's the matter with you, can you not move anymore?"

Su Ying shook her head and said, "Ye Luo hasn't followed up yet, I want to wait for him here."

As she spoke, she glanced at Ye Luo's position, although his figure had long since disappeared.

The two sisters stopped at the same time, Long Qingshu naturally would not fail to notice, seeing that he had already escaped for a while, the danger was greatly reduced, and coupled with the poor performance before, now is a good time to restore his image, he hesitated and stopped Coming down, he went to the two of them and said: "He was being targeted by Huo Qianchou, he must be dead now, let's do it quickly, otherwise we will not escape death when Huo Qianchou comes after us."

When Long Qingshu stopped, Gao Qingyun and the other two also stopped, not to say that they also cared about the two sisters Su Ying and Su Mu, but because of a series of changes, the two of them were scared out of their wits and did not dare to be alone. run away.

"Su Ying, let's run away, Huo Qianchou is too powerful, even bombs won't kill him, once he chases us, all of us will die." Gao Qingyun persuaded.

"I do not go!"

Su Ying shook her head stubbornly, and said, "Ye Luo stayed here to save us, so I can't just walk away like this."

Su Mu took a deep look at Su Ying, and said, "Sister, you are right. Although Ye Luo is shameless, she stayed here to save us. We really can't just walk away."

The determination flashed in his eyes, Su Mu gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go back and find him."

When Su Mu said that he wanted to go back, Long Qingshu was stunned for a moment, with worries, jealousy and other emotions flashing across his face, he scolded: "You are crazy, you are seriously injured now, you are not Huo Qianchou's opponent at all, go back It is tantamount to throwing yourself into a trap, and I forbid you to do so."

"I don't need you to tell me what I want to do." Su Mu snorted and said to Su Ying, "Sister, you guys leave here first, I'll go back and have a look."

"You..." Su Ying looked at her sister guiltily, not knowing what to say for a while.

Su Mu saw her thoughts and persuaded: "Sister, don't feel guilty, I am a practitioner, and I am also a policeman, even if it is not for you, I will still go back."



Ye Luo punched a few more times explosively, and the aura armor on Huo Qianchou's body fluctuated violently, but miraculously stabilized.

Judging from the current situation, at least ten or twenty punches are needed to completely break through. However, Ye Luo felt that his aura was beginning to decline, and he could not sustain so many attacks at all, even ten punches were difficult. support.

This blood-piercing and spirit-killing is too tricky. It is said that it can stimulate the potential for 10 minutes, but it is difficult to even 3 minutes.

"How to do?"

Ye Luo was very anxious. If he couldn't figure out a way to break through Huo Qianchou's defense as soon as possible, he must explain here.

Boom boom boom!
Ye Luo was thinking in his heart, but his subordinates kept punching four or five times in a flash. The fists collided with the aura armor, making a series of roars.

The aura armor trembled and swayed, but it never broke, like a flat boat in the raging waves. Although it might be swallowed by the raging waves at any time, it persisted time and time again.

Unlike Huo Qianchou's insistence, after throwing so many punches in a row, Ye Luo already felt powerless. Such a powerful attack could not last long, and he would explain here if it took only a few punches.

"This guy's defense is like a tortoise shell. You can't go head-to-head, or I will definitely die."

Ye Luo's thoughts turned, and he went through all the things around or on his body that could be used in his mind.

There are indeed a lot of things on him, the mysterious beads and the black wood Buddha statue are not ordinary things, and the only thing that can be used as a weapon is Cui Yan's blood-red sword.

(End of this chapter)

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