Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 201 Killing the Fire Enemy

Chapter 201 Killing Huo Qianchou


Making a decision in an instant, Ye Luo threw a punch at the same time, the palm of his hand suddenly reached into his arms, took out a fiery red sword, and stabbed directly at Huo Qianchou's heart.

This three-inch long fiery red flying sword was obtained from Cui Yan after killing Cui Yan from the Huo family.

Since you can't break the defense with your fists, try using this little flaming sword that belongs to a cultivator, maybe there will be unexpected effects?

Ye Luo is betting, with the fiery red sword, give the final blow with all his strength!

The aura armor, which was originally as thick as a turtle shell, was pierced through like paper in front of this seemingly small fiery red sword, and the aura armor suddenly collapsed!


The three-inch long sword pierced Huo Qianchou's heart, and then, under Ye Luo's control, the little sword frantically twisted around his heart!
All this happens in an instant!
Huo Qianchou's body froze suddenly, he lowered his head, and slowly looked at his heart.


Surprised, shocked, Huo Qianchou finally flashed horror and disbelief on his face.

Huo Qianchou roared in shock and anger, and suddenly retreated, covering his heart with his hands, looking at Ye Luo, his body couldn't help shaking, trembling violently.

Ye Luo's sword was not just as simple as piercing in, but after accurately piercing the heart, he twisted it back and forth. In less than a second, Ye Luo directly twisted Huo Qianchou's heart. into pieces.

"Why do you have this little sword, Cui Yan, you killed Cui Yan!" Huo Qianchou's body trembled more violently, his face quickly turned pale, and his body shook.

Ye Luo didn't relax his vigilance, holding the blood-dripping sword, his body tensed.

"You actually killed Cui Yan, you actually killed Cui Yan, our Huo family will not let you go, you..." Huo Qianchou finally couldn't help it, spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked down. Looking at his blood-red chest, he let out a final roar: "I don't want to! An ant, nothing more than trash!"

Huo Qianchou fell down, his heart was shattered, even a practitioner of ancient martial arts would have to die!
The blood stained the withered grass in the cemetery red, and the night breeze was slightly cool.

Ye Luo looked at Huo Qianchou's body and fell silent for a while.

After a while, Ye Luo took a deep breath, turned over Huo Qianchou's body, found nine pieces of spiritual stones, and a book on the secrets of Qi training. Other than that, there were only some odds and ends, Su But he didn't look at it carefully, he put it away, turned around and left here.

Ye Luo strode away, and in the cemetery in the dark night, his sonorous words were like swords coming out of their sheaths, "Huo family, Ning family, huh, this is just an interest, after one year, I will repay the humiliation once more! "


Under the night, in the cemetery.

When Su Mu came back, the surroundings had returned to tranquility. Looking for traces of the battle, she saw a corpse lying on the ground.

Su Mu's heart suddenly turned cold, someone died?

Is it Ye Luo?

It should be, how could Ye Luo be Huo Qianchou's opponent.

I don't know why, but in the cold Su Mu's heart, there was an extremely sad pain. Su Mu didn't have time to think about why his heart hurt, so he walked over quickly.

However, when Su Mu walked in front of the corpse, his body froze suddenly, and his eyes were filled with shock.

This corpse does not belong to Ye Luo, it belongs to Huo Qianchou!

Huo Qianchou is dead!
How did Huo Qianchou die?

He is dead, where is Ye Luo, did Ye Luo kill him?
As the genius of the dragon group, the icy Su Mu felt such great doubts and puzzlement for the first time. What happened here? Su Mu suddenly felt a strong curiosity about Ye Luo. This seemingly hooligan Man, what is his identity?
The night breeze was cool, and the cemetery was stained with blood. Su Mu stood in front of Huo Qianchou's corpse for a long time.


When Su Mu was shocked.

Ye Luo had already left the battlefield, but not far away, he felt a surge of exhaustion, and he didn't need to think about it, it was the sequelae of stimulating his potential.

The sequelae, far faster and more serious than he imagined, made him feel weaker than ever before, his face became extremely pale, and his brows were slightly frowned. Ye Luo panted and came to a hidden place, and directly entered the inside of the mysterious bead. , ready to use spirit stones to spawn a few leaves and swallow them, to see if they can restore some energy.

Although he had already killed Huo Qianchou, he did not relax his vigilance. God knows if Huo Qianchou still has any companions. Taking a step back, even if Huo Qianchou had no companions, bumping into Long Qingshu on the road would be enough for him to drink a pot of.

Fortunately, the bead space is magical enough. After using the bead to produce leaves and swallowing them, the feeling of fatigue has eased a lot. Although there is still a big gap from the heyday, it is enough to deal with ordinary people, and there is no need to think about normal actions.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Ye Luo continued to walk forward.

In the darkness, he glanced left and right, and suddenly found a light coming from a place not very far southeast of the cemetery.

Looking at the light, Ye Luo's eyes couldn't help but light up. Isn't that place the pig slaughterhouse where he bought pigs last time?It would be much more convenient to go to the pig slaughterhouse and borrow a car to go back to the city.

Thinking of this, Ye Luo staggered towards the slaughterhouse.

After a while.

"It's past ten o'clock in the evening, and the factory is still brightly lit. The boss is really dark, and he's still working overtime at such a late hour." Standing at the entrance of the slaughterhouse, Ye Luo couldn't help but say something.

Ye Luo walked towards the factory, but after taking a few steps, he couldn't help but pause, because there seemed to be a familiar figure in the slaughterhouse.

"Chu Xiaohuan, Yang Ying?" Ye Luo was shocked.

Ye Luo was a little curious, it was late at night, these two little girls were not staying at home, why did they come to the slaughterhouse?

Ye Luo was puzzled, but he didn't show up right away. Instead, he stood in a corner outside the factory for a while, carefully watching the situation inside.

Ye Luo saw that the two little lolita were talking with the manager of the slaughterhouse, and while talking, they also gestured. The manager of the pig slaughterhouse kept nodding his head when he heard this, with a happy expression on his face.

After that, Chu Xiaohuan took out 500 yuan from his pocket and handed it to the person in charge. After the person in charge took it, he swore something.

After hearing this, the two little lolis nodded in satisfaction and said a few more words, then turned around and got into a taxi parked in the factory. It seemed that the two little lolis should be taking this taxi Taxi came.

The taxi started and left in a blink of an eye.

"Why did little Lolita give 500 yuan to the head of the slaughterhouse?" Ye Luo was even more puzzled, but an ominous premonition arose in her heart.

After the two little girls walked away, Ye Luo strutted into the slaughterhouse.

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse hasn't left yet, and is holding money.

"Why are you happy, getting rich?" Ye Luo approached and said carelessly.

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse was taken aback and was about to get angry, but when he saw Ye Luo, the anger on his face immediately disappeared, replaced by a flattering smile. Last time he handled pigs, he made money from Ye Luo A lot of money.

This is a big customer!

"Brother Ye, why are you here? It's so late at night, you should call before you come, so I can get ready." The person in charge of the slaughterhouse shivered a few times, grinning silly, trying to make himself look Amiable.

"It's nothing, just passing by." Ye Luo replied, "By the way, what did those two beautiful little girls do here just now? I think they gave you 500 yuan, and I warn you to blackmail Underage girls are breaking the law."

(End of this chapter)

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