Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 202 Killer Card

Chapter 202 Killer Card

"See what you said, am I that bad?"

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse rubbed his nose, smiled openly and said, "Hey, it's strange to say that these two beautiful little girls just came here and asked me if there was anyone who bought live pigs in large quantities at our place, and I told them They didn't, and then they said, if someone buys live pigs in large quantities in the past week, they will call them and tell them, and they will be paid 500 yuan, and they will give me another [-] yuan after they are done."

Ye Luo was taken aback for a moment, and then figured out what was going on.

With Chu Xiaohuan's temper, how could he endure the killer card all the time, keep using her reputation, kill people and set fires everywhere, and blatantly frame her?
Chu Xiaohuan is about to break out, she must be fighting against the cards!

I left the [-] elixir that enhances physique and strength that I made from the leaves of the mysterious tree to Chu Xiaohuan. Now counting the time, these elixirs should be completely consumed in a week. .

It is estimated that Chu Xiaohuan wants to take advantage of the increased strength and physique brought by the elixir to fight the cards, and the time of the decisive battle is very likely to be a week later.

As for the matter of consulting about buying pigs, it is easier to speculate.

The last time she let go of the pigs, she caused tragic harm to all the people who participated in the war, and left a deep psychological shadow on Chu Xiaohuan. The purpose of her coming here is to prevent the last catastrophic event from happening again.

Ye Luo's head got dizzy for a while, and this little lolita was going to do something big again.

This time it is a killer card, No. 12 in the world's killer rankings. A master of this level is no joke. Without terrifying strength, it is impossible to rank such a high ranking in the killer rankings. .

Ye Luo carefully recalled the information about the killer card, and found that he didn't know much about this killer. It seemed that this killer was a new generation of killers that emerged only after three years of her seclusion in Nanjiang City.

Ye Luo thought for a few seconds, then looked up at the person in charge of the slaughterhouse, and was about to speak again, but was interrupted by the roar of a car.

I saw, outside the slaughterhouse, there was a faint roar of luxury cars, and then, a blue Maserati drove into the slaughterhouse like lightning, and a beautiful drift car came beside the two of them. brake.

Then, a girl wearing a mask and sunglasses, dressed in pitch black, with a delicate and perfect body, unable to see her true face, got out of the car, looked around, made a simple judgment, and finally set her sights on On the person in charge of the slaughterhouse.

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse and Ye Luo couldn't help being stunned. How could such a luxurious car come to the slaughterhouse in the middle of the night?
"Are you the boss here?" The girl said softly with a light voice.

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse looked at the luxury car worth several million, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, strode over quickly, and said in a more flattering voice: "I am, I am, what's the matter with you?"

"Has anyone bought live pigs in large quantities recently? Or, has anyone ordered live pigs for the next week?" The girl asked softly.

Is it the same problem as Chu Xiaohuan?

Ye Luo stared at the girl, and at the same time, his eyes fell on a ring on the girl's left hand, and the shape of the ring was the imprint of a card.

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse rolled his eyes, the flesh on his face twitched, and he said seriously: "Beauty, the question you asked is a high-level commercial secret of our slaughterhouse. We cannot casually disclose the confidentiality of our customers, sorry."

The girl glanced at the person in charge of the slaughterhouse, and quietly took out a stack of hundred yuan bills from the bag she was carrying with her. It seemed that there were more than a dozen bills in the stack, and she threw it out directly.

A flash of greed flashed in the eyes of the person in charge of the slaughterhouse. It seemed that he had guessed right. She was indeed a rich and beautiful woman. After receiving the money, the seriousness on her face turned into a compliment in an instant, and she said, "I can do it very quickly." I will tell you responsibly, no! In addition, if someone orders a large number of pigs in the past week, I will definitely call you."

At this moment, Ye Luo interjected and asked, "Didn't you just say that this is a highly commercial secret?"

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse smiled and said, "That's right, it's a highly commercial secret, so we have to sell it at a special price."

When the girl saw Ye Luo speak, she couldn't help but glanced at Ye Luo. Seeing that Ye Luo didn't have any dangerous aura, but was just an ordinary person, she ignored it. Then she asked again: "I heard that before this, someone You have ordered a lot of pigs to be released, who is this person?"

Ye Luo couldn't help shrinking his eyes when he heard this.

Although the girl didn't sense any danger from Ye Luo, Ye Luo keenly detected a trace of killing intent from the girl that she hadn't completely concealed.

In the world of killers, Ye Luo is the only one who can completely retract and release his killing intent without showing a trace when hiding it. This girl has already hidden a lot, and ordinary killers may not be able to feel it, but what she faces is Ye Luo. lo.

The girl asked the same questions as Chu Xiaohuan as soon as she came, and she even asked about the last time she let the pigs go. Coupled with the card-shaped imprint on her ring, the identity of this girl is ready to be revealed!
She is most likely the killer card!
It is very likely that the two will make an official appointment today, and the time of the decisive battle can basically be determined to be a week later.

As for what Chu Xiaohuan is guarding against, Killer Card will definitely guard against it, and Killer Card is also afraid of being cheated. They came here to inquire and take precautions immediately after the appointment.

"The guy who bought pigs and released them..."

The person in charge of the slaughterhouse rubbed his fingers, and after the beauty gave another stack of money, he said cheerfully: "Hey! It's really a coincidence that you asked, it was Brother Ye who bought it. Let me tell you, Brother Ye is a rare gift." A very particular person, after buying a lottery ticket and winning a prize, the first thing he does is buy a pig to worship his ancestors!"

The killer card also looked at Ye Luo quietly, and asked, "Is that the pig you bought?"

One of the missions of Killer Card's visit this time was to investigate the mystery of the killer's broken eyebrow being trampled on by a group of pigs. She spent several days following multiple clues before finally finding the slaughterhouse.

Ye Luo's body was slightly stiff, and he couldn't help being vigilant in secret. He had just used the taboo secret technique. Although he had the spirit leaf to replenish his vitality, he hadn't fully recovered. Now if he forcibly fights with this killer card, he might have to pay a heavy price.

"That's right, you can't forget your roots. If you win the lottery, you have to pay respects to your ancestors. They are all blessed by your ancestors!" Ye Luo's heart moved, and he had an idea. He grinned, and then said: "What, beauty , I think you came by car, are you going back to the city later, can you give me a ride, I'm going back to the city too, it's getting dark, it's not easy to stop the car here."

Killer Card frowned.

The pig in the cemetery last time was released by this man?Is it accidental, or was someone instructed?This man's aura is very weak, he should be an ordinary person, if it is ordered, the person behind him must be the killer Linglong!
But, how to determine whether it was accidental or inspired?
Killer Card Card's heart also moved. Thinking that there are too many people here, it is difficult to do anything. If you directly pull this person into the car and directly threaten and lure him, you will not be afraid that this weak man will not tell the truth.

Thinking of this, Killer Card replied indifferently: "Alright, it's just a matter of lifting you back to the city, just get in the car with me."

(End of this chapter)

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