Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 203 Teasing the Beautiful Assassin

Chapter 203 Teasing the Beauty Killer

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched slightly. Before he proposed to get in the car, Ye Luo had already guessed that the killer card would let him get in the car, and he could basically guess the reason.

No.12 in the killer list?
Maybe the strength is not bad, but after all, it is still a little tender.

Killer Card and Ye Luo got into the car and drove out of the slaughterhouse.

The slaughterhouse is not far from the cemetery, in a suburban location. When you leave the slaughterhouse, there is a lonely wilderness on both sides of the road at night.

The moon is dark, the wind is high, and there are few people.

Killer Card took a look at the surrounding environment, moved his foot towards the brake, and prepared to make a move.

However, long before the killer card was about to strike, Ye Luo's left hand had quietly concealed the fiery red sword. This sword was obtained from Cui Yan and killed Huo Qianchou again. .

Ye Luo was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and the distance from Killer Card was only [-] to [-] centimeters. Killer Card had always thought that Ye Luo was just a weak ordinary person, and he didn't have much defense at all.

Even in a weak state, if Ye Luo wanted to make a move in this situation, he was [-]% sure to subdue the killer card directly.

Ye Luo did not make a move for a long time.

Because, Ye Luo found that in the groove of the small armrest storage box between the two of them, there was a map folded into a square, and only an area about the size of a mobile phone screen was exposed above the map.

As a person who has lived in Nanjiang City for three years, Ye Luo could almost tell that it was a map of Nanjiang City at a glance.

What surprised Ye Luo was not the map, but the lines with many red key symbols drawn on the map, and next to one of the key symbols, there were four words written impressively: Ghost Valley Secret Treasure!

Ye Luo suddenly remembered the conversation between Huo Qianchou and the Huo family killer when he first entered the unfinished building, and according to what they said, Cui Yan came to Nanjiang City to find this mysterious ghost valley treasure, but he just had a clue , was killed by himself.

And Huo Qianchou brought many killers here, not only to avenge Huo Qianchou, but more importantly, to find the secret treasure of Guigu.

Now, besides finding out the killer who killed Broken Eyebrow, this killer card also needs to find the ghost valley secret treasure?
What exactly is Ghost Valley Secret Treasure?
Judging from the lines and symbols on the small area exposed on the map, the Killer Card just made a lot of guesses, and did not determine the location of Ghost Valley's secret treasure.

Ye Luo thought about it for a while, and kept observing the movements of Killer Card. Ye Luo changed his mind when he saw Killer Card's foot move towards the brake, and suddenly said: "Hey! Beauty! do you have a boyfriend?"

Killer Card didn't expect Ye Luo to speak at this time, he couldn't help shaking his foot, put it back, and replied flatly: "What does it have to do with you?"

"Hey, if you don't have one, would you mind having one? If you have, would you mind changing it; if you don't want to change it, then would you mind getting another one?" Ye Luo said wretchedly, while looking at the killer card. cards over

Killer Card's face was slightly cold, and he didn't answer Ye Luo's words, and his foot fell towards the brake again.

However, Ye Luo suddenly said again at this time: "Let me tell you, don't think I'm poor. Last time I won a lottery ticket, I made a lot of money. The most important thing is that I'm going to ask for money again soon." Made a fortune! With this money, I could become a billionaire."

Killer Card Card paused, slightly curious, but didn't ask, and continued to step on the brake.

"Don't you want to know? This is a big secret. Hey, I really don't believe it from the way you look. Let me tell you, this is related to the secret treasure of Ghost Valley!" Ye Luo looked mysterious and proud.

The killer's feet paused again, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Ghost Valley Secret Treasure?" Killer Card finally spoke.

"Yeah, let me tell you, I have an uncle who is very awesome. He is a tomb robber, oh no, he is an expert in the archaeological field. He said that he has basically determined the location of a super treasure. In just a few days, My uncle said to come to me and take me to get this treasure together." Ye Luo's voice was mysterious, and then he said: "Don't tell outsiders, it's all top secret."

Killer Card's eyes flickered, and he finally moved his foot off the brake and asked, "Who is your uncle?"

Ye Luo has been observing the killer's subtle movements. Seeing this, the corners of his mouth curled up again, and he smiled, and said, "My uncle's identity cannot be revealed, unless..."

"Unless what?" Killer Card asked.

"Unless you can take off the mask on your face, let me see your real face. Looking at your figure, you are young, perfect, with bulge and back. You should definitely be a beauty. You always wear a mask. Okay." Ye Luo said carelessly.

A cold look flashed across Killer Card's eyes, and he was thinking quickly.

If this scumbag who wants to pick up girls is directly captured and interrogated by torture, although he can ask all the information he knows, it may also startle the snake and the person behind Ye Luo, that is, his uncle.

The secret of Ghost Valley is of great importance, it is related to the high level of secrecy of ancient martial arts practitioners, there may be hidden things in it, and even she just got some secrets of Ghost Valley's secret by chance, As for the exact location of Ghost Valley's secret treasure, she couldn't be sure.

The key symbols delineated on the map are all her speculations.

And this scumbag, his uncle, not only knew the news, but also basically confirmed the location of Ghost Valley's secret treasure. This is undoubtedly a shocking pie on the head for Killer Card.

The killer card made a decision in a very short period of time, that is, not to disturb Ye Luo for the time being, and find a way to get as much information about his uncle from Ye Luo as possible. After that, maybe he can follow him He and his uncle found the legendary ghost valley secret treasure.

"How about it, open the mask, and I'll tell you who my uncle is." Ye Luo continued.

Killer Card Card held back the killing intent in his eyes, hesitated for a while, and finally took off the mask on his face.

The mask was taken off, revealing a beautiful and exquisite face with delicate skin and an orchid-like air, suddenly exposed, and his eyes were like a pool of autumn water.

Can a female killer be so beautiful?

Ye Luo couldn't help staring. After so many years in the battlefield, the killers she met, the king of soldiers, even the secret agents, most of them are men with big and three rough. Occasionally, there is a woman who is also muscular. Compared with this refined girl in front of her, she couldn't bear to look directly at a sturdy woman of the same level.

Ye Luo even had some doubts, is this really the No.12 killer card in the killer list?
Ye Luo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said seriously: "Well, my uncle's identity is highly confidential. If I tell you, if my uncle finds out, he will definitely beat me violently. The consequences are too serious. If you let me kiss you , I will risk being beaten and tell you the identity of my uncle, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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