Chapter 204

Killer Card Card's eyes turned cold, this scumbag was so aggressive that he even wanted to kiss her!

"Don't go too far." Killer Ka card stepped on the gas pedal and dropped hard, the speed of the car soared with her emotions.

"It's nothing too much. People in the city, men and women who eat sex, don't lose anything by kissing. Let me tell you about my uncle's identity. I take a big risk. If I make such a deal with you, I will be the one who suffers." ?” Ye Luo argued hard.

"You..." The killing intent of the killer card reappeared, but, remembering the importance of Guigu's secret treasure, he could only endure it forcefully, and said: "This condition is absolutely not acceptable, change it."

Ye Luo stroked his chin and said, "It's okay to change to another one. Where do you live?"

"Di Hao Hotel." Killer Card replied.

Ye Luo's eyes lit up, and he said, "I'm familiar with this place, it's one of the best hotels in Nanjiang City. In this way, I don't think you will have a boyfriend, and you haven't even been in a relationship yet. If I let you kiss me, Maybe it’s hard for you, how about this, let’s take it slowly, I happen to have never been in a relationship before, and I’m still a virgin, how about you as my girlfriend, we are both first love, perfect match!”

Boyfriend, first love?

In the eyes of Killer Card Card, murderous intent appeared again, but when she couldn't bear it, she thought about it, if she really pretended to be Ye Luo's girlfriend these days, wouldn't it be logical to monitor Ye Luo, see Uncle Ye Luo can even be found in this capacity.

As long as he finds Uncle Ye Luo and arrests him and tortures him for interrogation, with his own interrogation methods, are he afraid that he won't be able to find out the location of Ghost Valley's secret treasure?Even if Ye Luo has a conspiracy in herding pigs, they can also be interrogated together!

Moreover, since it is the first love, there will definitely not be any behavior beyond the rules in the first few days, and she will not be taken advantage of. In this case, it is acceptable.

Killer Card once again hid the killing intent in his eyes, and said, "It's not that simple to chase me."

"I like challenges the most. Hehe, if you say that, are you planning to be my girlfriend?" Ye Luo's eyes lit up.

Killer Card said indifferently: "We've only met for a few minutes, and we don't even know each other's names, so we just become boyfriend and girlfriend, don't you think it's too abrupt?"

"Not obtrusive, absolutely not obtrusive, this is love at first sight, from the first time I saw you, I fell in love with you deeply, the world of mortals, the vast sea of ​​people, the two of us can still meet, don't you feel, Is this a predestined fate?" Ye Luo pretended to confess affectionately.

Killer Card Card had goosebumps all over his body, but he could only endure it, and Wei Wei cooperated a little, asking, "What's your name?"

"Ye Luo!" Ye Luo replied, and then Ye Luo asked, "What's your name?"

"Yan Ran." Killer Card Hesitantly said.

"Good name." Ye Luo sighed in admiration, and said: "Well, we have known each other now, from now on, you are my girlfriend, you see, we are all in love, can you let me kiss? "

"Ah? You...well, I'm driving, so don't talk, it disturbs my mind, and there will be a car accident." The killer card was a little confused by Ye Luo's incomprehensible thinking, and even gave birth to a Ye Luo killed the impulse.

If it's murder, as No.12 in the world's killer rankings, she can say that she dares to assassinate anyone, even if this person is the president, but she has never talked about love, let alone, she met Ye Luo!
Seeing this, Ye Luo narrowed his eyes and said, "Well, I won't talk anymore."

However, after a short period of silence, Ye Luo took a look at the killer card and noticed that her legs were pinched, and the muscles of her lower limbs sometimes tensed and sometimes relaxed. When she came over, she didn't want to do anything, but seemed to be in a hurry to urinate.

Ye Luo's eyes turned, the corner of his mouth tilted, and suddenly he began to blow a whistle. The whistle was very familiar when he heard it: "Hushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

If an old man who has brought up a child hears someone blowing this whistle in front of a beautiful woman, he will definitely call him a hooligan, because most people, when they hear this whistle when they are young, will want to pee. A conditioned reflex.

Killer Card Card was already in a hurry to urinate, but when he heard Ye Luo whistle, the urge to urinate became stronger, and his legs pinched again.

Ye Luo's eyes were poisonous, and he suddenly determined his own judgment, and he burst into whistle even more hard: "Hushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The action of the killer card's leg clamping immediately became more frequent. She glanced at Ye Luo in embarrassment and said angrily, "Shut up!"

Ye Luo looked blank, and said, "What's the matter? You didn't let me speak, and I didn't speak either. I just whistled."

"Don't whistle!" Killer Card shouted angrily.

"Why?" Ye Luo pretended to be puzzled.

"It's not allowed, it's not allowed, there are so many reasons." Killer Ka card put his legs between his legs, and couldn't help stepping on the accelerator a little more.

But Ye Luo secretly laughed, once the urge to urinate comes, it will stop as soon as it is said to stop. I am afraid that even ancient martial arts practitioners cannot hold back this urge to urinate.

I can't help it!

It is far from the urban area, even if you speed up, it will take more than 10 minutes.

Ye Luo secretly observed Killer Kaka's legs that were getting tighter and tighter, but he didn't speak any more, sitting in the passenger seat, surprisingly quiet.

Killer Card's palms were slightly sweaty, his face was slightly red, he almost stepped on the accelerator, the speed of the car soared, and the whole car turned into an afterimage.

After 10 minutes, a look of astonishment appeared on Ye Luo's face.

This female killer card is really holding back, and she endured it for 10 minutes. With super high speed, she drove into the urban area and boarded the viaduct into the urban area.

I saw that at this time, Ka Card's small face was already a little pale, cold sweat was streaming from his forehead, and his legs were tightly clamped. It seemed that he had endured a lot of hard work.

However, after the car got on the viaduct in the urban area, something happened.

In front of the viaduct, there seemed to be some traffic accident, and there was a traffic jam on the bridge.

And now, they are in the middle of the viaduct, they can't drive, they can't retreat, and on the viaduct, there is no toilet within a radius of one kilometer, and they can't get off.

Seeing this scene, Killer Card was stunned.

Seeing this, Ye Luo put on a face and said, "I don't think you look well, are you feeling unwell?"

"No." Killer Card muffled.

"You can't lie to me. You are a doctor who knows how to look at people's blood. I think your complexion is not normal. There must be something wrong with your body. If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell it. It's not good to avoid medical treatment."

(End of this chapter)

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