Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 205 Beauty Urgency 2

Chapter 205 Beauty Urgency 2
Ye Luo chattered on and on, Killer Card had endured it very hard, and now hearing him making noise, she couldn't help but yelled: "Shut up, if you talk again, I'll throw you down."

"Okay, I won't talk."

Ye Luo raised his hands in surrender, shut up while talking, but kept talking, sighing: "I think you are very beautiful, but I didn't expect you to have road rage, and you are so irritable when you are stuck in traffic."

Glancing at the card, Ye Luo deliberately said: "I advise you not to get excited. I know this place very well. Every time there is a traffic jam, I can't get through for an hour. If I don't learn how to adjust, I might make myself sick."

Can't pass an hour?
The killer card collapsed in an instant, a top killer who is No. 12 in the international killer ranking, is he going to be suffocated to death in this car?

Killer Card Card already regretted it. If he just wanted to urinate, he would find a place with no one in the cemetery for convenience, then that would be fine.

It's just that, at the time, I felt that I could bear it, and it was convenient to go back to the hotel, but no one thought that there would be a traffic jam on the viaduct at the entrance of the city.

There are no toilets in this place for a radius of one kilometer. If you get off the car and pee on the bridge, there will be countless pairs of eyes staring at it. If this is the case, Kaka would rather suffocate to death.

Seeing that Kaka's face was ugly, Ye Luo looked at her worriedly, and said again: "Hey! Your face is even paler, and you are sweating a little. You must be sick."

"You don't need to worry about it!" Killer Ka Card gritted her teeth and said four words. She really wanted to kill the man in front of her now!

"Why don't I care, you are my girlfriend, so I have an obligation to take care of you, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I am a doctor, a very good one, the attending physician of the No.1 civilian hospital in Nanjiang City , I can take care of common illnesses, come here, let me take a look for you." Ye Luo moved towards the killer card while talking.

"Don't come here!" Killer Card Card's eyes burst out with murderous intent.

Ye Luo stopped, pretended to look at the card very carefully, and said in surprise: "The yin energy is strong, and the yang energy is scarce. You are seriously ill. According to the dialectics of Chinese medicine, you are a symptom of imbalance between yin and yang." , I lived alone for many years, resulting in too strong yin qi, which needs yang qi to reconcile, otherwise, life will be in danger! You must believe me, in the No.1 civilian hospital in Nanjiang City, who doesn't know that I Ye Luo has the title of a generation of famous doctors!"

A generation of famous doctors?
Killer card really wants to kill, are you blind?Can't you see that this is being suffocated by urine, and you say that the yin qi is too strong and needs to be reconciled with yang qi, quack doctors are simply a generation of damn quack doctors!

"Why don't you talk anymore? Could it be that you were overwhelmed by my medical skills? Hey, I knew that I have no advantages, but I have a strong personality and excellent medical skills. Since you believe it, how about I treat you now treat?

Actually, this kind of disease is very curable. Since there is a lack of Yang Qi, Yang Qi can be replenished. One of the most direct methods is to find a man, especially a virgin, like me, what, I can sacrifice myself I'm a virgin, please save me.It's just that it's not convenient to be in the car, but it's okay, or we...

Ye Luo didn't finish his sentence and was finally interrupted.

"Shut up, if you say another word, I'll pull out your teeth one by one." The killer card felt that his limit of killing was being challenged again and again by Ye Luo.

This man has brushed shoulders with death countless times!

"It's still so fierce, but she has personality. As expected of my girlfriend, I like it." Ye Luo smiled and sat back on his seat again, and then said: "Oh, there are so many cars in front. I heard that there was a traffic jam on the viaduct last time, and it was stuck in the middle of the night."

Killer Card Card felt that he couldn't bear it anymore. If he wanted to bear it any longer, he might be suffocated to death by urination. What should he do? The powerful and terrifying desire to urinate made Killer Card Card's mind go blank for a while.

"Your face is paler, and you are sweating more. You can't delay, or you may have a big problem." Ye Luo said again.

Nor did she want to delay.

But on this viaduct, what can she do if there is no way to go to the village or back to the shop?
However, after all, I just came to Nanjiang City not long ago, so I am not familiar enough with Nanjiang City, and the weak chicken man in front of me is a native of Nanjiang City, and he is also familiar with this place, maybe he knows how to go to the toilet on the viaduct.

"I, I want to go to the bathroom, is there anything you can do?" Killer Card endured a burst of intense and inexplicable shame, and finally asked.

"Oh, you were holding back your urine urgently, I thought you were sick." Ye Luo pretended to be stunned.

With a black line on his forehead, Kaka scolded shamefully and angrily, "I asked if you have a toilet."

"No, this is on the viaduct, there is no toilet, otherwise, how can you bear it?" Ye Luo looked out the car window, scratched his head and said
Killer Card Card's pale face flushed strangely, and his legs clamped even harder.

Seeing this, Ye Luo said, "There is no way for you to do this. Holding it in for a long time is not good for your health, and may even damage your bladder. It must be resolved as soon as possible."

Card gave him a blank look. She didn't know that she had to solve it as soon as possible. Isn't there no toilet?
"There is no toilet, how to solve it?" Kaka asked.

"I thought of a way." Ye Luo's eyes lit up.

"What way?" Killer Card asked immediately.

Ye Luo pointed to the rubber band on Killer Card's head and said, "Take off one of the rubber bands on your head first."

The killer card has reached its limit. At this moment, Ye Luo is like a life-saving straw. After hearing this, he immediately took off the rubber band and said, "Then what?"

Ye Luo made a binding motion with both hands, and said, "You just need to tie up your thing with a rubber band, so that you won't be able to urinate, and you can last for a long time."

Killer Card Card's body froze suddenly, and the murderous intent burst out on his pale face. He said furiously, "Prick it? How can you prick it? Do you think that women can be stabbed just like you men? You..."

Ye Luo scratched his head and said in amazement: "Why can't you do it? We men can do it. Why can't you? Is there something different? Tell me about it?"

"Say one more word, and I'll kill you!" The killer card really wanted to kill someone.

Seeing that the cards were about to explode, Ye Luo quickly said, "Actually, I have another method, and this method will definitely work!"

"Say!" Killer Card popped out a word from between his teeth.

Ye Luo grabbed a mineral water bottle in the car, opened the car window, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured out all the water in the bottle, then closed the car window again, and handed the empty bottle to Killer Card, said: "Well, our car windows are anti-peeping, people outside can't see the scene in our car, you can pee in the bottle."

(End of this chapter)

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